std |
RAVL, Recognition And Vision Library |
Globals | Global namespace. This has just about everthing in it. |
std | |
RavlN | Ravl namespace |
RavlConstN | Standard constants |
RavlComposeSingleN | Single pass data operations |
RavlImageN | |
Ravl3DN | |
RavlLogicN | |
RavlCxxDocN | C++ parser's namespace. |
RavlGUIN | |
RavlDFN |
istream | |
ostream | |
ostrstream | |
istrstream | |
BinOStreamC | Machine independant binary output stream. |
BinIStreamC | Machine independant binary input stream. |
PairC | Pair of homogenious objects |
IndexC | Index class for indexing 1D arrays: an integer class with modified rounding and other operations |
StringC | A reference-counted string. |
SubStringC | Sub-string within a larger string. |
RCHandleC | Base class for handles to reference counter objects |
RCBodyC | Base class for all reference counted objects |
SmartPtrC | Smart pointer. |
ExceptionC | RAVL Exception. |
ExceptionErrorCastC | Casting exception class. |
ExceptionOperationFailedC | Exception: Operation Failed |
ExceptionOutOfRangeC | Exception: Out of Range |
ExceptionAssertionFailedC | Exception: Assertion Failed |
ExceptionNumericalC | Exception: Numerical exception. |
ExceptionEndOfStreamC | Exception thrown when end of stream found. |
TriggerC | Signal Event handle |
CallFunc0C | Signal Event handle |
CallFunc1C | Signal Event handle |
CallFunc2C | Signal Event handle |
CallFunc3C | Signal Event handle |
CallFunc4C | Signal Event handle |
CallFunc5C | Signal Event handle |
HandleRefCounterC | Handle based reference counter. |
HandleRefCounterBodyC | Handle based reference counter. |
MTReadLockC | Lock system for reading. |
MTWriteLockC | Lock system for writing. |
OStreamC | Standard output streams with reference counting. |
IStreamC | Standard input streams with reference counting. |
StrOStreamC | Output stream to memory. |
StrIStreamC | Input stream from memory. |
BitIStreamC | Input bit stream |
BitOStreamC | Output bit stream. |
IndexRangeC | 1D index range of array |
Index3dC | Index of a 3-D array |
IndexRange2dC | An index range of a 2D array |
RCWrapAbstractC | Abstract wrapped object handle. |
RCWrapC | RCWrapper handle. |
IndexRectangleC | |
Index2dC | 2 Dimensional index |
IntC | Integer with a default constructor that assigns it a value of 0 |
UIntC | unsigned integer with a default constructor that assigns it a value of 0. |
TFVectorC | Fixed size vector. |
TFMatrixC | Fixed size NxM matrix. |
EmptyC | Empty data class. |
RCAbstractC | Abstract handle class for any object derived from RCBodyVC. |
CallMethod0C | Signal Event handle |
CallMethod1C | Signal Event handle |
CallMethod2C | Signal Event handle |
CallMethod3C | Signal Event handle |
CallMethod4C | Signal Event handle |
CallMethod5C | Signal Event handle |
CallMethodRef0C | Signal Event handle |
CallMethodRef1C | Signal Event handle |
CallMethodRef2C | Signal Event handle |
CallMethodRef3C | Signal Event handle |
CallMethodRef4C | Signal Event handle |
CallMethodRef5C | Signal Event handle |
FIndexC | Fixed sized Index |
IndexRange3dC | An index range of a 3D array |
RealC | Real value with a default constructor that assigns it a value of 0. |
SubIndexRange2dIterC | Slide a rectangular window over a larger rectangle. |
RealRangeC | 1D Range of real values. |
SubIndexRange3dIterC | Slide a rectangular window over a larger rectangle. |
RealRange2dC | An index range of a 2D array |
RCHandleVC | Handle from objects derived from RCBodyVC. |
RCBodyVC | Base class for all reference counted objects, where derivation is expected. |
TimeCodeC | Time code. |
RealRange3dC | Range of real values in 3D |
IndexRange2dIterC | Iterate through a 2d range. |
IndexRange3dIterC | Iterate through a 3d range. |
basic_fdbuf | |
basic_ifdstream | Basic input from a fd stream. |
basic_ofdstream | Derivation of general output streams, specific to unix file handles. |
basic_fdstream | Basic fdstream. |
CompositeBufferC | Composite buffer. |
BufferAccessC | Basic unsized buffer. |
BufferAccessIterC | Iterator for access buffer. |
BufferAccessIter2C | Iterate 2 buffers at the same time. |
BufferAccessIter3C | Iterator for 3 buffers. |
BufferAccessIter4C | Iterator for 3 buffers. |
BufferAccess2dIterC | 2d buffer iterator. |
BufferAccess2dIter2C | Iterate through a 2d buffer. |
BufferAccess2dIter3C | Iterate through a 2d buffer. |
BufferAccess2dIter4C | Iterate through a 2d buffer. |
Slice1dIterC | Slice iterator. |
Slice1dIter2C | Slice iterator. |
Slice1dIter3C | Slice iterator. |
Slice1dC | Slice through array |
BufferAccess3dIterC | 3D buffer iterator. |
BufferAccess3dIter2C | 3D buffer iterator. |
BufferAccess3dIter3C | 3D buffer iterator. |
RangeBufferAccess3dC | Access to 3d buffer. |
SDArray1dC | 1D Simple Dynamic Array. |
SArray1dIterC | SArray1d iterator. |
Array1dC | 1 Dimensional array |
SArray1dC | A simple 1 dimensional array |
SArray1dIter2C | Duel SArray1d iterator. |
SArray1dIter3C | Triple SArray1d iterator. |
SArray1dIter4C | Quad SArray1d iterator. |
Array2dC | 2 Dimensional array |
SArray2dIterC | SArray2dC iterator. |
SArray2dC | Simple 2 dimentional array. |
SArray2dIter2C | Duel SArray2dC iterator. |
SArray2dIter3C | Triple SArray2dC iterator. |
SArray3dIterC | SArray3dC iterator. |
SArray3dC | Simple 3 dimentional array. |
SArray3dIter2C | Duel SArray3dC iterator. |
SArray3dIter3C | Triple SArray3dC iterator. |
Array1dIterC | Array1dC iterator. |
Array1dIter2C | dual Array1dC iterator. |
Array1dIter3C | triple Array1dC iterator. |
Array1dIter4C | triple Array1dC iterator. |
Array2dIterC | Array1dC iterator. |
Array2dIter2C | dual Array2dC iterator. |
Array2dIter3C | triple Array2dC iterator. |
Array2dIter4C | triple Array2dC iterator. |
Array3dC | 3 Dimensional array |
Array3dIterC | Array1dC iterator. |
Array3dIter2C | dual Array3dC iterator. |
Array3dIter3C | triple Array3dC iterator. |
Array2dSqr2IterC | Iterator which slides a 2x2 window over an array. |
Array2dSqr2Iter2C | Iterator which slides a 2x2 window over two arrays. |
Array2dSqr3IterC | Iterate through an array accessing 3x3 area. |
Array2dSqr31Iter2C | Iterate through an array accessing 3x3 area. |
Array2dSqr311Iter3C | Iterate through an array accessing 3x3 area. |
Array2dSqr3111Iter4C | Iterate through an array accessing 3x3 area. |
Array2dSqr3311Iter4C | Iterate through an array accessing 3x3 area. |
StackC | Templated, dynamicly sized stack. |
StackIterC | StackC iterator. |
Tuple2C | Class containing two other arbitrary classes |
Tuple3C | Class containing 3 other classes. |
BlkStackIterC | BlkStackC iterator. |
BlkStackC | Block stack. |
Tuple4C | Class containing 4 other classes. |
BinIterC | Bin table iterator. |
BinTableC | A table of bins. Hashing for real valued paramiters. |
BinListC | Binned table of lists. |
PriQueueC | Fixed size priority queue. |
PriQueueLC | Pointer based version of Priority Queue. |
BlkQueueC | Basic Queue. |
FixedQueueC | Fixed size circular queue. |
FixedQueueIterC | Iterate through contents of the queue. |
BinaryTreeUpIterC | Iterate up through a binary tree. |
BinaryTreeDownIterC | Iterate down through a binary tree. |
BinaryTreeC | Binary tree. |
AVLTreeOverWriteC | |
AVLTreeC | AVL Tree. |
HashTreeC | Tree of hashtables. |
HashTreeNodeC | Base class for tree's. |
HashTreeIterC | Iterate through a tree. |
DLinkC | Double-link element. |
DLinkDataC | Double-link list element with data. |
DLinkHeadC | Double-link list head. |
DLIterC | Double linked list iterator. |
DListC | Double linked List |
ConstDLIterC | Constant iterator. |
IntrDListC | Double-linked circular list |
IntrDLIterC | Intrinsic list iterator. |
HashIterC | Hash table iterator. |
HashC | General hash table. |
BiHashIterC | Bi-directional hash table iterator |
BiHashC | Bi-directional hash table. |
RCHashC | Reference counted auto-resizing hash table. |
HSetIterC | Set Iterator. |
HSetC | Set of objects. |
GraphC | Templated graphs. |
GraphNodeIterC | Node iterator. |
GraphNodeHC | Node handle. |
GraphEdgeIterC | Edge iterator. |
GraphLinearIterC | Linear graph iterator. |
GraphAdjIterC | Adjacency iterator. |
GraphConnIterC | Connected node iterator. |
BLinkC | Link in list. |
BListIterC | BList iterator. |
BListC | Branching list. |
BHashIterC | |
BStackC | Stack. |
BDAGraphC | Directed acyclic graph. |
BGraphAdjIterC | BGraph Adjacency iterator. |
BGraphNodeHC | BGraph node handle |
BGraphLinearIterC | Graph linear iterator. |
BGraphC | Branching graph. |
BGraphNodeIterC | Interate through nodes in a BGraph. |
BGraphEdgeHC | BGraph edge handle. |
RandomGaussC | Generate random number with a gaussian distribution. |
AngleC | This class is designed to deal with angles in radians. |
ComplexC | Complex algebra |
StringListC | List of StringC's |
OptionC | The class OptionC is a simple parser of a command line. |
TypeNameC | Register typename. |
BufOStreamC | Output stream to memory. |
BufIStreamC | Input stream from memory. |
SubStringListC | List of SubStringC's |
ExceptionInvalidStreamC | Exception issued when an parse error occurs. |
XMLAttributeC | Class for handling XML attributes. |
XMLElementC | Information about the current element being processed. |
XMLBaseC | Common XML operations. |
XMLIStreamC | XML Input Stream. |
XMLOStreamC | XML Output Stream. |
XMLTreeC | XML parse tree. |
CollectionIterC | Collection iterator. |
CollectionConstIterC | Collection iterator. |
CollectionC | Collection of data |
DArray1dIterC | Dynamic array iterator. |
DArray1dIter2C | Dynamic array iterator. |
DArray1dIter3C | Dynamic array iterator. |
VirtualConstructorC | Virtual constructor base class. |
VirtualConstructorInstC | Virtual constructor instance. |
RegisterFuncionC | Save function pointer. Register function pointer. |
DPEntityC | Data processing entity. |
DataNotReadyC | Exception, Data Not Ready. |
DPIPortC | Input port. |
DPOPortC | Output port. |
DPProcessBaseC | Process handle base. |
DPProcessC | Templated process handle. |
DPSeekCtrlC | Stream position control handle class. |
DPISPortC | Seekable port input handle. |
DPOSPortC | Seekable port ouput handle. |
DPSeekCtrlAttachC | Seek Control attach. |
DPISPortAttachC | Seek control attach. |
DPOSPortAttachC | Seek control attach. |
DPStreamOpC | Abstract stream operation. |
DPIStreamOpC | Stream operation handle class. |
DPOStreamOpC | Stream operation handle class. |
DPIOPortJoinC | Join an IPort and a OPort |
DPProcOStreamC | Wrapped Proccess handle. |
DPProcIStreamC | Convert process into input stream operator, handle. |
DPOFileC | File output stream. |
DPIFileC | File input stream. |
DPOBinFileC | Binary file output stream. |
DPIBinFileC | Binary file input stream. |
DPFuncP2ProcC | Function ptr to process handle. |
DPComposeProcessC | Mix two processes. |
DPProcInfoC | Process information. |
DPConverterBaseC | Converter base class |
DPConverterC | Type conversion handle. |
DPConverterFuncC | Setup data conversion function. |
DPTypeInfoC | Type information handle. |
DPTypeInfoInstC | Type information instance body. |
DPIPipeBaseC | Pipe base. |
DPOPipeBaseC | Pipe base body. |
FileFormatC | Templated File format |
FileFormatBaseC | File format base handle. |
FileFormatDescC | File Format descriptor. |
FileFormatStreamC | Create an instance of a stream File Format. |
FileFormatBinStreamC | Binary stream file format. |
FileFormatGenericC | Generic format loader. |
TypeConverterC | Type converter. |
FileFormatRegistryC | Registry of file formats. |
DPFuncIStreamC | Wrapped function input stream. |
DPFuncOStreamC | Wrapped function output stream. |
DPIOConnectC | Connect some IOPorts. |
DPIOTapC | Tap handle. |
DPIFailOverC | Fail over input switch. |
DPMultiplexC | Multiplex an operation. |
DPSplitOC | Output port Splitter handle. |
DPEventC | Event body. |
DPEventSetC | Set of events. |
DPMethod2ProcC | Methodtion handle. |
DPOMethodC | Send objects to a class method. |
DPIMethodC | Get objects from a class method. |
DPPlugBaseC | Input plug base. |
DPIPlugBaseC | Input plug base. |
DPOPlugBaseC | Input plug base. |
DPIPlugC | Plug. |
DPOPlugC | Plug. |
DPIContainerC | Input from list. |
DPOContainerC | Output to a container. |
DPOContainerOverwriteC | Output to a container. |
DPTapC | Tap process. |
DPStreamProcessC | Stream Process. |
DPProcess31BodyC | Process body with 2 inputs and one output. |
DPProcess31C | Process body with 2 inputs and one output. |
DPIStreamOp21C | Stream operation handle class. |
DPIStreamOp31C | Stream operation handle class. |
DPProcess21BodyC | Process body with 2 inputs and one output. |
DPProcess21C | Process body with 2 inputs and one output. |
DPOffsetScaleC | OffsetScale a stream of data. |
DPIOPortC | Input/Output port. |
DPRunningAverageC | Running average on a stream of data. |
DPFileSequenceBaseC | File Sequence. |
DPIFileSequenceC | Input File Sequence |
DPOFileSequenceC | Input File Sequence |
DPMTIOConnectC | Connect some IOPorts. |
DPMTIOConnectBaseC | Connect some IOPorts. |
DPPlayControlC | Base play control handle class. |
DPIPlayControlC | Stream operation handle class. |
DPThreadPipeC | MT safe queue handle. |
DPBufferC | MT safe queue handle. |
DPFixedBufferC | MT safe queue handle. |
DPGovernorBaseC | Governor base Handle. |
DPGovernorC | Governor Handle. |
DPHoldC | Hold value until replaced by put. |
DateC | Date & Time information. |
DeadLineTimerC | Dead line timer. |
UserInfoC | User information. |
FilePermissionC | Unix style file permisions. |
FilenameC | StringC representing a filename. |
DirectoryC | Directory handling. |
TextFileC | Text File, for use in text processing. |
SerialCtrlC | Class to control unix serial ports. |
OSerialC | Output serial stream. |
ISerialC | Input serial stream. |
IOSerialC | Input/Output serial stream. |
DMABufferC | Buffer suitable for DMA transfers |
OSProcessC | OSProcess handle. |
ChildOSProcessC | Child process handle. |
ExceptionNetC | Networking exception. |
SocketC | Socket connection handle. |
NetOStreamC | Output stream to memory. |
NetIStreamC | Input stream from memory. |
NetMessageC | |
NetPacketC | Packet of stream encoded data. |
NetEndPointC | An end point for a network packet base protocol. |
NetMsgRegisterC | Net message handle. |
NetMsgCall0C | Net message Signal0 |
NetMsgCall1C | Net message Signal1 |
NetMsgCall2C | NetMsgCall2 |
NetMsgCall3C | NetMsgCall3 |
NetISPortC | Input port. |
NetISPortServerBaseC | Input port server base. |
NetISPortServerC | Input port. |
NetPortManagerC | Net port manager. |
NetPortClientC | NetPortClient. |
NetPortFormatC | Data format for NetPort's. |
ThreadC | Thread handle. |
MutexC | Mutual Exclusion lock. |
MutexLockC | Exception safe MutexC locking class. |
ConditionalMutexC | Conditional variable. |
SemaphoreC | Semaphore. |
RWLockC | Read/Write lock. |
RWLockHoldC | Exception safe RWLockC locking class. |
SemaphoreRC | Reference counted semaphore. |
ThreadEventC | Broadcast Event. |
MessageQueueC | Thread safe queue. |
LaunchThreadC | Launch event handle. |
TickerTriggerC | Ticker handle. |
Signal0C | Signal 0 handle. |
SignalConnectorC | Signal connector handle. |
SignalInterConnect0C | class for signal interconnector with 0 args. |
Signal0FuncC | Signal a function |
Signal0MethodC | Signal a method. |
Signal0MethodRefC | Signal a method. |
TimedTriggerQueueC | Timed event queue. |
Signal2C | Signal with 2 arguments |
SignalInterConnect2C | class for signal interconnector with 1 arg. |
Signal2FuncC | Signal a function |
Signal2MethodC | Signal a method. |
Signal2MethodRefC | Signal a method. |
Signal3C | Signal with 3 arguments. |
SignalInterConnect3C | class for signal interconnector with 1 arg. |
Signal3FuncC | Signal a function |
Signal3MethodC | Signal a method. |
Signal3MethodRefC | Signal a method. |
Signal1C | Signal with 1 argument |
SignalInterConnect1C | class for signal interconnector with 1 arg. |
Signal1FuncC | Signal a function |
Signal1MethodC | Signal a method. |
Signal1MethodRefC | Signal a method. |
SignalConnectionSetC | Signal connection set body. |
TextFileLineC | Class for holding a single line of text. |
TextBufferC | Text buffer. |
TextCursorC | Cursor in text buffer. |
TextFileBodyC | Text File, for use in text processing. |
TemplateFileC | Subsitute variables in a template file. |
TextFragmentC | Fragment of text in a buffer. |
ConfigFileC | Config file. |
Regex | |
TemplateComplexC | Complex template body. |
TMatrixC | Templated matrix's. |
TVectorC | Templated vectors. |
VectorC | Vector of real values. |
VectorMatrixC | A vector and a matrix together for n-D space |
MatrixC | Matrix of real values. |
MatrixRUTC | Right Upper Triangular matrix. |
MatrixRSC | Positive Symetric matrix |
FMatrixC | Real Matrix with templated size. |
FVectorC | Real Vector with templated size |
Vector2dC | 2D Vector |
Vector3dC | 3D Vector |
Vector4dC | 4D Vector |
Matrix2dC | 2 by 2 matrix of real values. |
Matrix3dC | 3 by 3 matrix of real values. |
Matrix4dC | 4 by 4 matrix of real values. |
FVectorMatrixC | |
VectorMatrix2dC | 2D Vector matrix. |
VectorMatrix3dC | 3D Vector matrix. |
VectorMatrix4dC | 4D Vector matrix. |
FPointC | Real point with templated size |
Point2dC | 2D Point |
FAffineC | General affine transformation. |
Point4dC | Point in 4D space. |
LineABC2dC | Line in 2D space - equation Ax+By+C = 0 |
Curve2dC | 2d Parametric curve |
Curve2dIC | 2d Parametric Curve Body Template |
Curve2dLineC | Parametric Line. |
Curve2dLineSegmentC | Parametric line segement. |
Line2dIterC | Iterate throught interger grid points along a 2d line. |
Affine2dC | 2-D affine transformation |
Moments2d2C | The first two moments in 2D space |
Line3dPVC | |
LinePP3dC | Line determined by two points in 3D space |
PlaneABCD3dC | Plane in 3D space - equation Ax+By+Cz+D = 0 |
LinePV3dC | Line determined by one point and a vector in 3D space |
MeanCovariance3dC | Mean covariance in 3 dimentions. |
Point3dC | Point in 3d space. |
Line3dPPC | |
PlanePVV3dC | Plane in 3D space |
Quatern3dC | Quaternion |
RigidTransform3dC | Rigid transform in 3 dimentions. |
CrackCodeC | Crackcode or Freeman code |
BVertexC | Boundary vertex |
EdgeC | Elementary boundary edge |
BoundaryC | Crack code boundary |
MeanVarianceC | Mean and variance of a single variable. |
MeanCovarianceC | Mean and covariance together in N-D space |
MeanNdC | Mean in N-D space |
MeanC | Mean a single variable. |
FMeanC | Mean in N-D space |
FMeanCovarianceC | Mean and covariance together in N-D space |
MeanCovariance2dC | Mean covariance in 2 dimentions. |
NormalC | Model a normal (or gauss) multi-dimensional distribution. |
HistogramC | Histogram with discrete bins. |
RealHistogram1dC | Create a histogram of real values. |
RealHistogram2dC | Create a histogram of real values. |
PrimitiveBinaryPolynomialC | Evaluate a binary polynomial in a recurance sequence. |
SobolSequenceC | Generate a sobel sequence. |
CircleIterC | Iterate around a circle. |
PermutationIterC | Iterate permutations. |
CombinationIterC | Combination iterator. |
SquareIterC | Clockwise iterate through a square. |
FFT1dC | Handle to 1d FFT. |
PowerSpectrum1dC | Power Spectrum |
Correlation1dC | |
RealCepstralC | Compute the real cepstral |
FFT2dC | 2d FFT. |
DataSet1IterC | Iterate through a data set. |
DataSet2IterC | Iterate through a data set. |
DataSet3IterC | Iterate through a data set. |
SampleIterC | Iterate through a sample. |
SampleC | Sample of DataT's |
SampleVectorC | Sample of vectors. |
SampleDiscreteC | Sample of discrete objects. |
DataSetBaseC | Data set base class |
SampleLabelC | Sample of labels. |
DataSet1C | Data set |
DataSet2C | Data set |
DataSet3C | Data set |
Function1C | Map a vector to a single real value. |
DesignerC | Designer base class. |
DesignFunctionSupervisedC | Supervised function designer. |
DesignFunctionUnsupervisedC | Unsupervised function designer. |
DistanceC | Distance Metric |
DistanceEuclideanC | Euclidean distance metric |
DistanceMaxC | Distance max Metric |
DistanceCityBlockC | Distance, City block Metric |
DistanceMahalanobisC | Mahalanobis distance metric |
DistanceSqrEuclideanC | SqrEuclidean distance metric |
DistanceRobustC | Robust magnitude metric. |
FuncLinearC | Linear function. |
FuncQuadraticC | Quadratic function. |
FuncOrthPolynomialC | Orthogonal Polynomial function. |
DesignFuncLSQC | Design function with Least Squares Fitting. |
FuncPDFC | Abstract Probablity Distribution Function. |
FuncPDFNormalC | Set of normal distributions. |
ReducePCAC | Dimention reduction by Principle Component Analysis |
ReduceLinearC | Linear dimension reduction. |
ClassifyVectorC | Generic classifier. |
DesignClassifyVectorC | Abstract classifer designer. |
DesignDiscriminantFunctionC | Design a discriminat function classifier. |
DesignKNearestNeighbourC | Design a discriminat function classifier. |
ClassifyKNearestNeighbourC | k nearest neighbours classifier. |
ClassifyAverageNearestNeighbourC | ClassifyAverage k nearest neighbour classifier. |
DefsMkFileC | Interograte a file. |
SourceCodeManagerC | Base class for source tree processing tools. |
RCSFileC | Body class for dealing with RCS files. |
RCSVersionC | Class representing an RCS version number. |
LibInfoC | Information about library. |
ProgInfoC | Information about an executable. |
BuildInfoC | Collects information about library dependancies. |
AutoPortSourceC | Code Porting tool. |
AutoPortGeneratorC | Auto port engine |
ImageRectangleC | Image Rectangle. |
ImageC | Basic Image |
RGBAValueC | RGBA Pixel. |
YUVValueC | YUV Pixel base class. |
ByteRGBValueC | Byte RGB value class. |
RGBValueC | RGB Pixel base class. |
ByteRGBAValueC | Byte RGBA value class. |
IAValueC | Image & Alpha Pixel. |
ByteYUVValueC | Byte YUV value class. |
ByteIAValueC | Byte Intensity and Alpha value class. |
RealYUVValueC | Real YUV value class. |
RealRGBValueC | Real RGB value class. |
UInt16RGBValueC | UInt16 RGB value class. |
ByteYUVAValueC | Byte YUVA value class. |
BGRAValueC | BGRA Pixel. |
ByteBGRAValueC | Byte BGRA value class. |
YUVAValueC | YUVA Pixel base class. |
YUV422ValueC | YUV422 Pixel base class. |
ByteYUV422ValueC | Byte YUV 422 value class. |
VYUValueC | VYU Pixel base class. |
ByteVYUValueC | Byte VYU value class. |
FontC | Font for rendering text. |
DPIImagePNMByteRGBC | Load a RGB image in PPM format. |
DPOImagePNMByteRGBC | Save a RGB image in PPM format. |
DPIImagePNMByteGreyC | Load a byte image in PGM format. |
DPOImagePNMByteGreyC | Save a byte image in PGM format. |
FileFormatPPMC | Create an instance of a PPM File Format. |
FileFormatPGMC | Create an instance of a PGM File Format. |
FileFormatPBMC | Create an instance of a PGM File Format. |
DPIImageCifC | Load a YUV image in Cif format. |
DPOImageCifC | Save a YUV image in Cif format. |
FileFormatCifC | Create an instance of a Cif File Format. |
FileFormatYUVC | Create an instance of a YUV File Format. |
FileFormatSYUVC | Create an instance of a YUV File Format. |
DPIImageYUVC | Load a YUV image in YUV format. |
DPOImageYUVC | Save a YUV image in YUV format. |
FileFormatRGBC | Create an instance of a RGB File Format. |
FileFormatRawC | Create an instance of a RGB File Format. |
FileFormatJSC | Create an instance of a Jaleo js File Format. |
DPIImageJSC | Load a Jaleo js file in YUV 422 format. |
DPOImageJSC | Save a js file in YUV 422 format. |
DPIImageRGBC | Load a RGB image in RGB format. |
DPOImageRGBC | Save a RGB image in raw RGB format. |
DPOMultiVidC | Multi-view video sequence output port |
FileFormatMultiVidC | Multi-view video sequence format definition class |
DPIImageJPegByteRGBC | Load a RGB image in JPEG format. |
DPOImageJPegByteRGBC | Save a RGB image in JPEG format. |
DPIImageJPegByteYUVC | Load a YUV image in JPEG format. |
DPOImageJPegByteYUVC | Save a YUV image in JPEG format. |
DPIImageJPegByteGreyC | Load a Grey image in JPEG format. |
DPOImageJPegByteGreyC | Save a Grey image in JPEG format. |
FileFormatJPEGC | Create an instance of a JPEG File Format. |
DPIImagePNGByteRGBC | Load a RGB image in PPM format. |
DPOImagePNGByteRGBC | Save a RGB image in PPM format. |
DPIImagePNGByteGreyC | Load a RGB image in PPM format. |
DPOImagePNGByteGreyC | Save a RGB image in PPM format. |
FileFormatPNGC | Create an instance of a PNG File Format. |
DPIImageTIFFByteRGBAC | Load a RGB image in PPM format. |
DPOImageTIFFByteRGBAC | Save a RGB image in PPM format. |
FileFormatTIFFC | Create an instance of a TIFF File Format. |
Rectangle2dIterC | Slide a rectangular window over a larger rectangle. |
SummedAreaTableC | Summed Area Table. |
PyramidScanC | Scan an image from course to fine resolution. |
ConvolveSeparable2dC | Separable 2D Convolution |
Convolve2dC | 2D Convolution |
ConvolveHorz2dC | Horzontal 2D Convolution with a 1D filter. |
ConvolveVert2dC | Vertontal 2D Convolution with a 1D filter. |
BilinearInterpolationC | Scale an image using bi-Linear Interpolation. |
HomomorphicFilterC | Homomorphic filter |
HistogramEqualiseC | Histogram Equalisation. |
Correlate2dC | 2D Convolution |
EdgeSobelC | Sobel edge detection engine. |
EdgeDericheC | Deriche edge filter. |
EdgeNonMaxSuppressionC | Linear non-maximal suppression. |
EdgelC | Edge Location, Direction and Magniture information. |
EdgeLinkC | |
EdgeDetectorC | Edge detector. |
ChromaThresholdRGBC | Chroma threholding |
SegmentationC | Segmentation map. |
ConnectedComponentsCompairC | Default compariston operator for connected components |
ConnectedComponentsC | Connected component labelling. |
BlueScreenC | Simple and fast blue screen mask generation. |
PixelMapC | Binned hash table of pixels in an image. |
PixelMapSearchC | Pixel map search base class. |
PCIndex2dC | Pixel near parametric curve. |
PCPixelListC | List of PCPixels. |
PCPixMapC | Simple mapping between a curve and some pixels. |
PCPixMappingC | Mappings from a curve to a set of pixels. |
PPHoughTransformC | Progressive Probablistic Hough Transform. |
CornerC | Corner descriptor. |
CornerDetectorBodyC | Abstract corner detector. |
CornerDetectorC | Abstract corner detector. |
CornerDetectorHarrisC | Harris corner detector. |
PointTrackC | Information on a single point track. |
PointTrackModelC | Tracking information on a single point. |
PointTrackerC | Point tracker. |
DPIImageV4LC | V4L frame grabber. |
FileFormatV4LC | Create an instance of a V4L File Format. |
DPIImageMeteor1C | Meteor1 frame grabber. |
FileFormatMeteor1C | Create an instance of a Meteor1 File Format. |
psf1_header | |
psf2_header | |
VertexC | Vertex in a mesh. |
TriC | Triangle in TriMesh. |
TriMeshC | Triangular 3d mesh. |
HEMeshVertexC | Vertex. |
HEMeshEdgeC | Half edge in mesh. |
HEMeshFaceC | Face in mesh. |
HEMeshC | Half Edge Mesh |
HEMeshFaceEdgeIterC | Iterate through edges around a face. |
HEMeshVertexIterC | Mesh vertex iterator. |
HEMeshFaceBodyC | Face in mesh. |
HEMeshVertexEdgeIterC | Iterate through edges around a vertex. |
HEMeshFaceIterC | Mesh face iterator. |
DPITriFileC | Tri file IO. |
DPOTriFileC | Tri file IO. |
FileFormatTriC | Create an instance of a Tri File Format. |
DPIMeshObjC | Tri file IO. |
DPOMeshObjC | Tri file IO. |
FileFormatObjC | Create an instance of a Obj File Format. |
PinholeCamera0C | Simple pinhole camera model |
VoxelSetC | A cuboid of volume cells (voxels) in 3D space |
PointSetC | Array of 3D vertices and attributes |
StateC | Abstract state description. |
VarC | Variable |
BindSetC | Set of bindings. |
LiteralC | Literalol |
ExprC | |
LiteralIterC | Abstract iterator through a set of literals. |
XMLIStreamC | |
XMLOStreamC | |
BindC | Information about a single binding. |
BindSetBodyC | Set of bindings. |
TupleC | Tuple of literals. |
LListC | Logical List. |
ConditionC | Abstract condition |
MinTermC | Logical Minterm. |
OrC | Or a set of conditions. |
AndC | And a set of conditions. |
NotC | Not a condition. |
LiteralIterWrapC | Wrap a simple iterator with one derived from LiteralIterC. |
LiteralMapListIterC | Literal map list iterator. |
LiteralMapIterC | Abstract literal map iterator. |
LiteralIter1C | Dummy iterator for cases where there are only 1 or zero solutions. |
StateOrIterC | Iterate through possible solutions in a state for a 'or' condition. |
StateSetC | Set based implementation of a set. |
LiteralFilterIterC | Filter the results of another iterator. |
StateAndIterC | Iterate through possible solutions in a state for a 'or' condition. |
MinTermIterC | Iterator though terms in a min term. |
LiteralIndexLeafC | Index leaf with user data. |
LiteralIndexElementC | Index element. |
LiteralIndexLeafDataC | Index leaf with user data. |
LiteralIndexNodeC | Literal index node. |
LiteralIndexIterC | Iterate through the entire contents of LiteralIndexC. |
LiteralIndexC | Literal index. |
LiteralIndexFilterC | Index filter |
LiteralIndexLeafIterC | Literal Index leaf iterator. |
BMinTermIndexIterC | Branching MinTerm Index iterator. |
BLiteralIndexIterC | |
BLiteralIndexC | Branching literal index. |
BMinTermIndexC | Branching MinTerm Index. |
BMinTermListIndexC | This is a specialisation of VLNPIndex. |
DecisionTreeElementC | Decision tree. |
DecisionTreeLeafC | Leaf in the decision tree. |
DecisionTreeBaseC | Decision tree. |
DecisionTreeC | Decision tree. |
DecisionTreeBranchC | Branch in the decision tree. |
DecisionTreeBranchBinaryC | Decision tree. |
DecisionExamplesC | Decision Example Set. |
DiscriminatorBodyC | Tool to find an expression which discriminates between sets of states. |
DiscriminatorC | Tool to find an expression which discriminates between sets of states. |
SampleLiteralC | Set of example literals. |
SampleStateC | Set of example states. |
NLPCausalLinkC | Information stored in a causal link. |
NLPStepC | Step in nonlinear plan. |
NLPAgendaOpenGoalC | Agenda item open goal |
NLPAgendaThreatC | Agenda item threat. |
NonLinearPlanC | non-linear plan handle |
NLPAgendaItemC | Agent item base handle class. |
NLPAgendaOpenGoalBodyC | Agenda item body open goal |
NLPAgendaThreatBodyC | Agenda item body threat. |
NLPlannerC | Planner class. |
ObjectC | Ya basic object. |
ObjectListC | Object list |
DerivedC | Derivedd object. like a class, struct, or namespace. |
ClassTemplateC | Templated class. |
MethodTemplateC | Templated function. |
DesciptionGeneratorC | Description generator. |
CommentInfoC | Generate a full path name, with template paramiter subs. Class containing comment info. |
DocumentC | Documentor |
ScopeC | Scoped object. like a class, struct, or namespace. |
InheritIterC | Iterator through all objects in the inheritance hirachy. |
DataTypeC | DataTyped object. like a class, struct, or namespace. |
ClassC | Class storage object. |
MethodC | Methodd object. |
TypedefC | Typedefd object. like a class, struct, or namespace. |
VariableC | Variabled object. like a class, struct, or namespace. |
MarkerC | Markerd object. like a class, struct, or namespace. |
InheritC | Inheritd object. like a class, struct, or namespace. |
EnumC | Enumd object. like a class, struct, or namespace. |
ParserC | C++ File Parser |
DocNodeC | Doc node. |
DocTreeC | Documentation tree body. |
WindowC | Window handle. |
ManagerC | GUI Manager class |
WidgetC | Base Widget handle. |
IndexRectangleC | |
MenuC | Pixmap |
GTKSignalInfoC | Signal info |
TargetEntryC | |
WidgetDndInfoC | |
CursorC | Cursor handle |
MouseEventC | Mouse event information. |
CListEventC | Print description of mouse event to stream. |
ButtonC | Button handle. |
PixmapC | Pixmap |
ToolTipsC | Tool tip set handle. |
ContainerWidgetC | Container Widget |
OneChildC | Base class for all widgets with exactly one child. |
PackInfoC | Packing info widget. |
MenuItemC | Menu item |
MenuBarC | Pixmap |
LabelC | Label |
LBoxC | Layout box |
FileSelectorC | FileSelector |
TextEntryC | TextEntry |
SliderC | Slider |
ScrolledAreaC | ScrolledArea handle. |
FixedWidgetC | Fixed layout widget. |
EventBoxC | Event box. |
FrameC | Put a frame around some other widgets. |
ToggleButtonC | Toggle Button handle. |
CheckButtonC | Check Button handle. |
StatusBarC | Status bar. |
ComboC | Combo handle. |
ListC | List handle. |
MenuCheckItemC | Menu item |
RawCanvasC | RawCanvas handle. |
TableC | Table. |
TreeC | Tree |
TreeItemC | Leaf of tree. |
SeparatorC | Vertical or horizontal separator. |
RulerC | Ruler . |
BitmapC | Bitmap. |
NotebookC | Notebook |
CListCellC | Cell info. |
CListC | CList widget. |
VLabelC | Vertical Label. |
SpinButtonC | Spin button body. |
RadioButtonC | Radio button |
ProgressBarC | Vertical or horizontal separator. |
TextBoxC | TextBox |
PositionTimeC | Position and time of an event. |
DNDDataInfoC | Drag and drop info. |
PanedC | Base class for all widgets with exactly one child. |
CanvasC | Widget in which graphics can be rendered. |
Canvas3DC | 3D Canvas Widget. |
DObject3DC | Handle to basic object in a 3d world. |
DOpenGLC | OpenGL code invokation class. |
DObjectSet3DC | Handle to basic object in a 3d world. |
DLight3DC | Draw some lines. |
DViewPoint3DC | Setup a view point in the 3D world. |
DCube3DC | Handle to basic object in a 3d world. |
DTransform3DC | Transform objects |
DTriMesh3DC | Draw a TriMesh |
DPointSet3DBodyC | |
DPointSet3DC | |
DPWindowC | DP Window. |
DPDisplayObjC | Display object. |
DPDisplayImageRGBC | DPDisplayObj to handle images. |
DPDisplayImageRealC | DPDisplayObj to handle images. |
DPDisplayImageByteC | DPDisplayObj to handle images. |
DPWindowOPortC | Window OPort. |
DPWindowFormatBodyC | |
DPWindowFormatC | |
DPDisplayViewC | Widget for displaying DPDisplayObjC's. |
PlayControlC | Play Control GUI interface. |
_GtkGLArea | |
_GtkGLAreaClass | |
DFAttachC | Attachment point descriptor. |
DFObjectC | Abstract handle for data flow object. |
FactoryC | Factory base class. |
DFSystemC | System of DFObjects. |
DFAttachBodyC | Attachment point descriptor. |
ViewElementC | Element in a view. |
ViewElementBodyC | Element in a view. |
ViewLinkC | View of link between objects. |
DFDataC | Data object. |
DFEditorC | Data flow editor. |
DFProcessC | Data object. |
DFStreamOpC | Data object. |
DFPortC | Port base class |
DFIPortC | Port base class |
DFOPortC | Port base class |
DFIPlugC | Plug base class |
DFOPlugC | Plug base class |
FactorySetC | Set of factories. |
GUIViewC | View of data flow system. |
GUIFactoryC | Factory GUI. |
DFPumpC | Data object. |
complex | |
orpol | |
tnode | |
mcof | |
fmod | |
llst | |
tabl | |
xpr |
Documentation by CxxDoc: Tue Aug 13 09:59:56 2002 |