User Documentation
RAVL, Recognition And Vision Library
Ravl - Logic - Index - BMinTermListIndexC<class DataT>

BMinTermListIndexC::BMinTermListIndexC(const BMinTermIndexC> &)
BMinTermListIndexC::DeepCopy(void) const
BMinTermListIndexC::Insert(const LiteralC &,const DataT &)
BMinTermListIndexC::Insert(const MinTermC &,const DataT &)
BMinTermIndexC::DeepCopy(void) const
BMinTermIndexC::Insert(bool,const LiteralC &,const DataT &)
BMinTermIndexC::Insert(const MinTermC &,const DataT &)
BMinTermIndexC::Access(bool,const LiteralC &)
BMinTermIndexC::Lookup(bool,const LiteralC &,DataT &)
BMinTermIndexC::Insert(bool,const LiteralC &,DataT &)
BMinTermIndexC::IsEmpty(void) const
BMinTermIndexC::IdIndex(void) const

   BMinTermListIndexC<class DataT>   
This is a specialisation of VLNPIndex.
include "Ravl/Logic/BMinTermListIndex.hh"
User Level:Normal
In Scope:RavlLogicN

Used in the Non-linear planner, but put here in case it's usefull elsewhere.

Parent Classes: Methods:
Default constructor.
Creates an empty index.

BMinTermListIndexC(const BMinTermIndexC<BListC<DataT>> & oth)
Base class constructor.

VLBNPIndexC<BListC<DataT>> DeepCopy() const
Make a deep copy of this class.

bool Insert(const LiteralC & symb,const DataT & dat)
Insert data into all appropriate lists.

bool Insert(const MinTermC & symb,const DataT & dat)
Insert data into all appropriate lists.

#include "Ravl/Logic/BMinTermIndex.hh"
BMinTermIndexC<BListC<DataT>> DeepCopy() const
Make a deep copy of this class.

void Insert(bool negate,const LiteralC & lit,const BListC<DataT> & data)
Add data indexed on a single literal.

bool Insert(const MinTermC & mt,const BListC<DataT> & data)
Add data indexed on a minterm.
Returns true if 'mt' is a new key.

const BListC<DataT> & Access(bool negate,const LiteralC & lit)
Access data.
Lookup associated with 'lit'. If 'lit' does not exist within the index it is added. The returned value is created with the default constructor.

bool Lookup(bool negate,const LiteralC & lit,BListC<DataT> & data)
Access data.
Lookup associated with 'lit'. If 'lit' does not exist it returns false.

void Insert(bool negate,const LiteralC & lit,BListC<DataT> & data)
Lookup data associated with key.

bool IsEmpty() const
Is table empty ?

const LiteralIndexC<IntC> & IdIndex() const
Get ID index.

Maintainer:Charles Galambos, Created: 14/05/1998, Documentation by CxxDoc: Tue Aug 13 09:59:02 2002