User Documentation
RAVL, Recognition And Vision Library
Ravl - Math - Geometry - 3D - PlanePVV3dC

PlanePVV3dC::PlanePVV3dC(const PlanePVV3dC &)
PlanePVV3dC::PlanePVV3dC(const Point3dC &,const Point3dC &,const Point3dC &)
PlanePVV3dC::PlanePVV3dC(const Point3dC &,const Vector3dC &,const Vector3dC &)
PlanePVV3dC::Point(void) const
PlanePVV3dC::Vector1(void) const
PlanePVV3dC::Vector2(void) const
PlanePVV3dC::Normal(void) const
PlanePVV3dC::PlaneABCD3d(void) const
PlanePVV3dC::ProjectionOnto(const Point3dC &)
PlanePVV3dC::Intersection(const Line3dPPC &) const
PlanePVV3dC::ParIntersection(const Line3dPPC &) const
PlanePVV3dC::Point(const RealT,const RealT) const

Plane in 3D space
include "Ravl/PlanePVV3d.hh"
User Level:Normal
In Scope:RavlN

The PlanePVV3dC class represents the plane in 3 dimensional Euclidian space. The plane is represented by one point and 2 vectors.

Parent Classes: Variables:
Creates the plane P:(0,0,0),V1:[0,0,0],V2:[0,0,0].

PlanePVV3dC(const PlanePVV3dC & plane)
Copy constructor.

PlanePVV3dC(const Point3dC & p1,const Point3dC & p2,const Point3dC & p3)
Creates the plane determined by three points 'p1', 'p2', and 'p3'. The first vector is equal to p2-p1, the second one to p3-p1.

PlanePVV3dC(const Point3dC & p,const Vector3dC & v1,const Vector3dC & v2)
Creates the plane [p; v1; v2].

Access to the plane elements and conversions.

const Point3dC & Point() const
Access to the point of the constant object.

const Vector3dC & Vector1() const
Access to the first vector of the constant object.

const Vector3dC & Vector2() const
Access to the second vector of the constant object.

Point3dC & Point()
Access to the point.

Vector3dC & Vector1()
Access to the first vector.

Vector3dC & Vector2()
Access to the second vector.

Vector3dC Normal() const
Returns the normal of the plane.

PlaneABCD3dC PlaneABCD3d() const
Converts this plane representation.

PlanePVV3dC & UnitVectors()
Normalizes the vectors to be unit.

Geometrical constructions.

Point2dC ProjectionOnto(const Point3dC & point)
Returns the coordinates (t1,t2) of the point projected onto the plane. The coordinate system is determined by the point of the plane and its two vectors.

Point3dC Intersection(const Line3dPPC & l) const
Returns the point of intersection of this plane with the line 'l'.

Point2dC ParIntersection(const Line3dPPC & l) const
Returns the coordinates (t1,t2) of the point of intersection of this plane with the line 'l'. The coordinate system of the returned point is determined by the point of the plane and its two vectors.

Point3dC Point(const RealT t1,const RealT t2) const
Returns the point of the plane: point + t1 * vector1 + t2 * vector2.

Object representation.

Maintainer:Radek Marik, Created: 26/02/1994, Documentation by CxxDoc: Tue Aug 13 09:59:02 2002