User Documentation
RAVL, Recognition And Vision Library
Ravl - Core - Trees - AVLTreeC<class KeyT,class DataT>

BinaryTreeC::Copy(void) const
BinaryTreeC::Size(void) const
BinaryTreeC::IsEmpty(void) const
BinaryTreeC::Find(const KeyT &,DataT &)
BinaryTreeC::Remove(const KeyT &)
BinaryTreeC::Insert(const KeyT &,const DataT &,bool)
BinaryTreeC::MinKey(void) const
BinaryTreeC::MaxKey(void) const
BinaryTreeC::Dump(ostream &)
RCHandleC::operator =(const RCHandleC &)
RCHandleC::DeepCopy(UIntT) const
RCHandleC::operator ==(const RCHandleC &) const
RCHandleC::operator !=(const RCHandleC &) const
RCHandleC::Hash(void) const
RCHandleC::IsValid(void) const
RCHandleC::IsHandleType(const DT &) const
RCHandleC::CheckHandleType(const DT &) const
RCHandleC::References(void) const
RCHandleC::operator <<(ostream &,const RCHandleC &)
RCHandleC::operator >>(istream &,RCHandleC &)

   AVLTreeC<class KeyT,class DataT>   
AVL Tree.
include "Ravl/AVLTree.hh"
User Level:Normal
In Scope:RavlN

AVL (Adelson-Velskii and Landis) binary trees gives approximantly O(log N) for all operations.

Deletion is partly lazy, it will only remove nodes that are easy, the rest it flags for removal later.

Parent Classes: Methods:
Default constructor.
Creates an invalid handle.

Default constructor.
Creates an invalid handle.

#include "Ravl/BinaryTree.hh"
BinaryTreeC Copy() const
Make a copy of this tree.

void Empty()
Empty the tree of all contents.

SizeT Size() const
Number of elements in tree.

bool IsEmpty() const
Is tree empty ?

bool Find(const KeyT & key,DataT & result)
Find a data item with 'key' in the tree.
return true if found, false otherwise.

bool Remove(const KeyT & key)
Remove item from tree.

bool Insert(const KeyT & key,const DataT & dat,bool overwrite = true)
Insert a node into the tree.
If 'overwrite' is true, and a node with the given key is already in the tree then it will be overwritten otherwise 'false' will be returned.

DataT & MinData()
Get the data with smallest key in the tree.
Note, the tree must NOT be empty, this can be checked with IsEmpty().

DataT & MaxData()
Get the data at the largest key in the tree.
Note, the tree must NOT be empty, this can be checked with IsEmpty().

const KeyT & MinKey() const
Get the smallest key in the tree.
Note, the tree must NOT be empty, this can be checked with IsEmpty().

const KeyT & MaxKey() const
Get the largest key in the tree.
Note, the tree must NOT be empty, this can be checked with IsEmpty().

void Dump(ostream & out)
Dump the stream in a human readable fomat.
Usefull for debuging.

#include "Ravl/RefCounter.hh"
const RCHandleC<BinaryTreeBodyC<KeyT,DataT>> & operator =(const RCHandleC<BinaryTreeBodyC<KeyT,DataT>> & oth)
Assign handle.

RCHandleC<BinaryTreeBodyC<KeyT,DataT>> DeepCopy(UIntT levels = ((UIntT))) const
Do a deep copy of the object.

bool operator ==(const RCHandleC<BinaryTreeBodyC<KeyT,DataT>> & oth) const
Are handles to the same object ?

bool operator !=(const RCHandleC<BinaryTreeBodyC<KeyT,DataT>> & oth) const
Are handles to different objects ?

UIntT Hash() const
Default hash function.
This hashes on the address of the body.

bool IsValid() const
Test if this is a valid handle.

void Invalidate()
Invalidate this handle.
Unattaches the body from the handle.

bool IsHandleType(const DT &) const
Is handle of given type ?

void CheckHandleType(const DT & dummy) const
Check handle type. Throw an expception if not.

UIntT References() const
Find the number of references to the body of this object.

ostream & operator <<(ostream & strm,const RCHandleC<BinaryTreeBodyC<KeyT,DataT>> & obj)

istream & operator >>(istream & strm,RCHandleC<BinaryTreeBodyC<KeyT,DataT>> & obj)

Maintainer:Charles Galambos, Documentation by CxxDoc: Tue Aug 13 09:59:02 2002