Created: | 23/03/1999 |
User Level: | Default |
Library: | RavlGUI |
Example: | |
This file is part of RAVL, Recognition And Vision Library
Copyright (C) 2001, University of Surrey
This code may be redistributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser
General Public License (LGPL). See the lgpl.licence file for details or
Child Classes:
OneChildC | Base class for all widgets with exactly one child. |
FrameC | Put a frame around some other widgets. |
PanedC | Base class for all widgets with exactly one child. |
CanvasC | Widget in which graphics can be rendered. |
DCube3DC | Handle to basic object in a 3d world. |
Enumerated types:
- typedef DListC<RadioButtonBodyC *> RadioButtonGroupT;
Radio button
- DListC<WidgetC> operator +(DListC<WidgetC> lst,const WidgetC & widge)
Add a widget into a widget list.
- ostream & operator <<(ostream &,const MouseEventC & me)
Print description of mouse event to stream.
///// CListEventC ////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ButtonC Button(const char * label,const char * tooltip = 0)
Create a button with no function attached.
here just for consistancy.
- ButtonC Button(const char * label,bool (*func)(DataT & dat) ,const DataT & dat)
- ButtonC Button(const char * label,bool (*func)(Data1T &,Data2T &) ,const Data1T & dat1,const Data2T & dat2)
- ButtonC Button(const char * label,const ObjT & obj,bool (*func)(DataT & dat) ,const DataT & dat)
- ButtonC ButtonR(const char * label,ObjT & obj,bool (*func)(DataT & dat) ,const DataT & dat)
Create button that calls a function.
This does NOT make a reference to obj.
- ButtonC Button(const char * label,const char * tooltip,const ObjT & obj,bool (*func)(DataT & dat) ,const DataT & dat)
- ButtonC Button(const char * label,const ObjT & obj,bool (*func)() )
Create button that calls a function.
- ButtonC ButtonR(const char * label,ObjT & obj,bool (*func)() )
Create button that calls a function.
This does NOT make a reference to obj.
- ButtonC Button(const char * label,const char * tooltip,const ObjT & obj,bool (*func)() )
- ButtonC ButtonR(const char * label,const char * tooltip,ObjT & obj,bool (*func)() )
- ButtonC Button(const PixmapC & pix,const ObjT & obj,bool (*func)() )
- MenuItemC MenuItem(const StringC & label,bool (*func)(Data1T &,Data2T &) ,const Data1T & dat1,const Data2T & dat2)
Create new menu item, connect to a function.
- MenuItemC MenuItem(const StringC & label,bool (*func)(Data1T &) ,const Data1T & dat1)
Create new menu item, connect to a function.
- MenuItemC MenuItem(const StringC & label,bool (*func)(MenuItemC &,DataT & ref) ,const DataT & dat)
Create new menu item, connect to a function.
- MenuItemC MenuItem(const StringC & label,const DataT & dat,bool (*func)() )
Create new menu item, connect to a function.
- MenuItemC MenuItemR(const StringC & label,DataT & dat,bool (*func)() )
Create new menu item, connect to a function.
This does NOT hold a reference to item 'dat'
- MenuItemC MenuItem(const StringC & label,const ObjT & obj,bool (*func)(DataT &) ,const DataT & dat)
Create new menu item, connect to a function.
- MenuItemC MenuItemR(const StringC & label,ObjT & obj,bool (*func)(DataT &) ,const DataT & dat = DataT ())
Create new menu item, connect to a function.
This does NOT hold a reference to item 'dat'
- MenuItemC MenuItem(const StringC & label,const ObjT & obj,bool (*func)(Data1T &,Data2T &) ,const Data1T & dat1,const Data2T & dat2)
Create new menu item, connect to a function.
- MenuItemC MenuItemR(const StringC & label,ObjT & obj,bool (*func)(Data1T &,Data2T &) ,const Data1T & dat1 = Data1T (),const Data2T & dat2 = Data2T ())
Create new menu item, connect to a function.
- MenuItemC MenuItem(const StringC & label)
Do nothing...
- MenuItemC MenuItemSeparator()
Do nothing...
- MenuItemC MenuItem(const StringC & label,bool (*func)() )
Simply call a function.
- MenuItemC MenuItemShow(const StringC & label,const WidgetC & widge)
Send 'Show' request to a widget, from a menu item.
Calls 'show' of another widget when menu item is selected.
- LabelC Label(const char * label,const char * tooltip = 0)
Create a text label.
With an optional tooltip. (Doesn't work at the moment...)
- LBoxC VBox(const DListC<WidgetC> & widges,int boarder = 0,bool nhomogeneous = false,IntT nspacing = 0)
Layout widgets in a vertical box.
Helper function calls: LBoxC(widges,true,boarder,nhomogeneous,nspacing)
- LBoxC VBox(const WidgetC & widge,int boarder = 0,bool nhomogeneous = false,IntT nspacing = 0)
Layout widgets in a vertical box.
Helper function calls: LBoxC(widges,true,boarder,nhomogeneous,nspacing)
- LBoxC HBox(const DListC<WidgetC> & widges,int boarder = 0,bool nhomogeneous = false,IntT nspacing = 0)
Layout horzontal in a vertical box.
Helper function calls: LBoxC(widges,false,boarder,nhomogeneous,nspacing)
- LBoxC HBox(const WidgetC & widge,int boarder = 0,bool nhomogeneous = false,IntT nspacing = 0)
Layout horzontal in a vertical box.
Helper function calls: LBoxC(widges,false,boarder,nhomogeneous,nspacing)
- LBoxC Box(const WidgetC & widge,int boarder = 0,bool nhomogeneous = false,IntT nspacing = 0)
Put a boarder around a widget.
Helper function calls: LBoxC(widge,false,boarder,nhomogeneous,nspacing)
- LBoxC Box(const DListC<WidgetC> & widges,int boarder = 0,bool nhomogeneous = false,IntT nspacing = 0)
Put a boarder around a list of widgets.
Helper function calls: LBoxC(widges,false,boarder,nhomogeneous,nspacing)
- FileSelectorC FileSelector(const StringC & fsname,bool (*func)(StringC & filename,FileSelectorC &) ,const StringC & filename = StringC ())
Call a function.
- FileSelectorC FileSelector(const StringC & fsname,bool (*func)(StringC & filename) ,const StringC & filename = StringC ())
Call a method.
- FileSelectorC FileSelector(const StringC & fsname,const DataT & obj,bool (*func)(StringC & filename) ,const StringC & fn = StringC ())
Call a function.
- FileSelectorC FileSelector(const StringC & fsname,const StringC & filename,bool (*func)(StringC & filename,FileSelectorC &,DataT & ref) ,const DataT & dat)
Call a method.
Hold only a reference to the destination class.
- FileSelectorC FileSelectorR(const StringC & fsname,DataT & obj,bool (*func)(StringC & filename) ,const StringC & fn = StringC ())
- TextEntryC TextEntry(const StringC & def,int maxLen = - 1)
Create a text entry.
- TextEntryC TextEntry(const StringC & def,const DataT & dat,bool (*func)(StringC & ref) ,int maxLen = - 1,bool sigAllChanges = false)
- TextEntryC TextEntryR(const StringC & def,DataT & dat,bool (*func)(StringC & ref) ,int maxLen = - 1,bool sigAllChanges = false)
- TextEntryC TextEntry(const StringC & def,bool (*func)(StringC & ref,DataT & dat) ,const DataT & dat,int maxLen = - 1,bool sigAllChanges = false)
- SliderC SliderV(RealT nvalue,RealT nlower,RealT nupper,RealT nstep_increment,const DataT & obj,bool (*func)(RealT & value) ,RealT defVal = 0)
Vertical slider with call back to class.
- SliderC SliderV(RealT nvalue,RealT nlower,RealT nupper,RealT nstep_increment,bool (*func)(RealT & value,ParmT & par) ,const ParmT & pt = ParmT ())
Vertical slider with call back to function.
- SliderC SliderH(RealT nvalue,RealT nlower,RealT nupper,RealT nstep_increment,const DataT & obj,bool (*func)(RealT & value) ,RealT defVal = 0)
Horizontal slider with call back to class.
- SliderC SliderH(RealT nvalue,RealT nlower,RealT nupper,RealT nstep_increment,bool (*func)(RealT & value,ParmT & par) ,const ParmT & pt = ParmT ())
Horizontal slider with call back to function.
- SliderC SliderV(RealT nvalue,RealT nlower,RealT nupper,RealT nstep_increment,bool (*func)(RealT & value,DataT & dat) ,const DataT & data = DataT ())
Veritical slider with call back to function.
- SliderC SliderH(RealT nvalue,RealT nlower,RealT nupper,RealT nstep_increment,bool (*func)(RealT & value,DataT & dat) ,const DataT & data = DataT ())
Horizontal slider with call back to function.
- SliderC SliderVR(RealT nvalue,RealT nlower,RealT nupper,RealT nstep_increment,DataT & obj,bool (*func)(RealT & value) ,RealT defVal = 0)
Vertical slider with reference call back to class.
- SliderC SliderHR(RealT nvalue,RealT nlower,RealT nupper,RealT nstep_increment,DataT & obj,bool (*func)(RealT & value) ,RealT defVal = 0)
Horizontal slider with reference call back to class.
- ToggleButtonC ToggleButton(const char * label,bool initState)
Construct a toggle button.
- ToggleButtonC ToggleButton(const char * label,bool initState,const ObjT & obj,bool (*func)(bool) )
- ToggleButtonC CheckButton(const char * label,bool initState)
- ToggleButtonC CheckButton(const char * label,bool initState,const ObjT & obj,bool (*func)(bool &) )
- ToggleButtonC ToggleButton(const char * label,const char * tooltip,bool initState,const ObjT & obj,bool (*func)(bool) )
- ToggleButtonC CheckButton(const char * label,const char * tooltip,bool initState,const ObjT & obj,bool (*func)(bool &) )
/// Reference //////////////////////////
- ToggleButtonC ToggleButtonR(const char * label,bool initState,ObjT & obj,bool (*func)(bool &) )
- ToggleButtonC ToggleButtonR(const char * label,bool initState,ObjT & obj,bool (*func)(bool &,DataT & dat) ,const DataT & dat)
- ToggleButtonC CheckButtonR(const char * label,bool initState,ObjT & obj,bool (*func)(bool &) )
- ToggleButtonC CheckButtonR(const char * label,bool initState,ObjT & obj,bool (*func)(bool &,DataT & dat) ,const DataT & dat)
- ToggleButtonC ToggleButtonR(const char * label,const char * tooltip,bool initState,ObjT & obj,bool (*func)(bool) )
- ToggleButtonC CheckButtonR(const char * label,const char * tooltip,bool initState,ObjT & obj,bool (*func)(bool &) )
- ComboC Combo(const DListC<StringC> & lst,bool (*func)(ComboC &,DataT & ref) ,const DataT & dat = DataT (),bool editable = true)
Contruct a combo box, call back to function.
- ComboC Combo(const DListC<StringC> & lst,const DataT & dat,bool (*func)(StringC & ref) ,bool editable = true)
Contruct a combo box, call back to method in class.
- ComboC Combo(const DListC<StringC> & lst,const char * tooltip,const DataT & dat,bool (*func)(StringC & ref) ,bool editable = true)
Contruct a combo box, call back to method in class.
With tooltip.
- ComboC ComboR(const DListC<StringC> & lst,DataT & dat,bool (*func)(StringC & ref) ,bool editable = true)
Contruct a combo box, call back to method in referenced class.
- ComboC ComboR(const DListC<StringC> & lst,char * tooltip,const DataT & dat,bool (*func)(StringC & ref) ,bool editable = true)
Contruct a combo box, call back to method in referenced class.
With tooltip.
- ListC List(const DListC<Tuple2C<IntT,StringC>> & lst,void (*func)(ListC &,DataT & ref) ,const DataT & dat = DataT ())
- ListC List(const DListC<Tuple2C<IntT,StringC>> & lst,const DataT & dat,void (*func)(StringC & ref) )
- MenuCheckItemC MenuCheckItem(const StringC & label,bool (*func)(bool &,Data1T &) ,const Data1T & dat1 = Data1T ())
- MenuCheckItemC MenuCheckItem(const StringC & label,const DataT & obj,bool (*func)(bool &) )
- MenuCheckItemC MenuCheckItemR(const StringC & label,DataT & obj,bool (*func)(bool &) )
Menu check item, call referenced class's method.
- MenuCheckItemC MenuCheckItem(const StringC & label,bool initActive,const DataT & obj,bool (*func)(bool &) )
- MenuCheckItemC MenuCheckItemR(const StringC & label,bool initActive,DataT & obj,bool (*func)(bool &) )
- SeparatorC Separator(bool vert)
Create a separator.
- SeparatorC VSeparator()
Create a vertical separator.
- SeparatorC HSeparator()
Create a horizontal separator.
- VLabelC VLabel(const char * label,const char * tooltip = 0)
Create a text label.
With an optional tooltip. (Doesn't work at the moment...)
- SpinButtonC SpinButton(RealT nvalue,RealT nlower,RealT nupper,RealT nstep_increment,const DataT & obj,void (*func)(RealT & value) ,RealT defVal = 0)
Construct spin button with callback to class method.
- SpinButtonC SpinButtonR(RealT nvalue,RealT nlower,RealT nupper,RealT nstep_increment,DataT & obj,void (*func)(RealT & value) ,RealT defVal = 0)
Construct spin button with callback to referenced class method.
- RadioButtonC RadioButton(const char * label,const RadioButtonGroupT & group)
Create a radio button in 'group'
- RadioButtonC RadioButton(const char * label,const RadioButtonGroupT & group,const ObjT & obj,bool (*func)(bool &) )
Create a radio button in 'group'
- RadioButtonC RadioButton(const char * label,const RadioButtonGroupT & group,bool (*func)(bool &) )
Create a radio button in 'group'
- RadioButtonC RadioButton(const char * label,const RadioButtonGroupT & group,bool (*func)(bool &,DataT &) ,const DataT & v)
Create a radio button in 'group'
- RadioButtonC RadioButton(const char * label,const char * tooltip,const RadioButtonGroupT & group,const ObjT & obj,bool (*func)(bool) )
Create a radio button in 'group'
- RadioButtonC RadioButtonR(const char * label,const RadioButtonGroupT & group,ObjT & obj,bool (*func)(bool &) )
Create a radio button in 'group'
- RadioButtonC RadioButtonR(const char * label,const RadioButtonGroupT & group,ObjT & obj,bool (*func)(bool &,DataT & dat) ,const DataT & dat)
Create a radio button in 'group'
- RadioButtonC RadioButtonR(const char * label,const char * tooltip,const RadioButtonGroupT & group,bool initState,ObjT & obj,bool (*func)(bool) )
Create a radio button in 'group'
- ProgressBarC ProgressBar(ProgBarTypeT ntype = GUIPROGBAR_CONTINUOUS,ProgBarOrientationT orient = GUIPROGBAR_LEFT_TO_RIGHT,int nblocks = 10)
Create a separator.
- ostream & operator <<(ostream & strm,const DObject3DC &)
- ostream & operator <<(ostream & strm,const DOpenGLC &)
Write an DOpenGLC to a stream.
- ostream & operator <<(ostream & strm,const DObjectSet3DC &)
Write an object set to a stream.
- istream & operator >>(istream & strm,DObjectSet3DC &)
Read an object set to a stream.
- ostream & operator <<(ostream & strm,const DTriMesh3DC &)
- istream & operator >>(istream & strm,DTriMesh3DC &)
DPDisplayObj to handle images.
DPDisplayObj to handle images.
Documentation by CxxDoc: Tue Aug 13 09:59:28 2002