User Documentation
RAVL, Recognition And Vision Library
Ravl - Core - Lists - IntrDListC<class DataT>

IntrDListC::IntrDListC(const IntrDListC &)
IntrDListC::operator =(const IntrDListC &)
IntrDListC::First(void) const
IntrDListC::Last(void) const
IntrDListC::InsFirst(DataT &)
IntrDListC::InsLast(DataT &)
DLinkHeadC::IsEmpty(void) const
DLinkHeadC::Size(void) const
DLinkHeadC::MergeSort(MergeSortInterCmpT,void *)

   IntrDListC<class DataT>   
Double-linked circular list
include "Ravl/InDList.hh"
User Level:Advanced
In Scope:RavlN

The IntrDListC class represents intrusive double-linked list of elements The list contains a head element and a chain of elements. Empty list contains just its head element. Because of efficiency references to elements of a list are not checked if they are proper elements of a list or its head. The class serves as a base class for more complex dynamic structures as graphs.

NB. This is a SMALL object.

Parent Classes: Derived Classes: Variables:
IntrDListC(bool ndeleteEntries = true)
Construct an empty list.

IntrDListC(const IntrDListC<DataT> & oth)
Copy constructor.
This makes a copy of each entry in the list.

NB. This will only work on intrinsic lists which manage the destruction of there own entries. i.e. deleteEntries is true.

const IntrDListC<DataT> & operator =(const IntrDListC<DataT> & oth)
The contents of this list are replaced by a copy of the contents of 'oth'. NB. This will only work on intrinsic lists which manage the destruction of there own entries. i.e. deleteEntries is true.

Destructor, each list element is destroyed.

void Empty()
Empty the list of all contents
---------- Access to the elements -----------------------------

DataT & First()
Get first link in list.

DataT & Last()
Get the last ilink in the list.

const DataT & First() const
Get first link in list.

const DataT & Last() const
Get the last ilink in the list.
---------- Elementary changes in the list -------------

void InsFirst(DataT & dat)
Push element onto the begining of the list.

void InsLast(DataT & dat)
Push element onto the end of the list.

DataT & PopFirst()
Pop item off front of list.
It is up to the user to ensure the object is deleted.

DataT & PopLast()
Pop item off back of list.
It is up to the user to ensure the object is deleted.

void DelFirst()
Pop item off front of list.
It is up to the user to ensure the object is deleted.

void DelLast()
Pop item off back of list.
It is up to the user to ensure the object is deleted.

#include "Ravl/DLink.hh"
bool IsEmpty() const
Is list empty ?

UIntT Size() const
Count the number of elements in the list.
This is of order N, where N is the number of elements in the list.

void Reverse()
Reverse the order of the list.
This is of order N, where N is the number of elements in the list.

void MergeSort(MergeSortInterCmpT ms,void * pass = 0)
Merge sort the list using given comparison function.

DLinkC & Head()
Get head of list.

Maintainer:Radek Marik, Charles Galambos, Documentation by CxxDoc: Tue Aug 13 09:59:02 2002