Developer Documentation
RAVL, Recognition And Vision Library

namespace RavlLogicN
User Level:Normal
Library: RavlLogic


This file is part of RAVL, Recognition And Vision Library Copyright (C) 2001, University of Surrey This code may be redistributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL). See the lgpl.licence file for details or see file-header-ends-here /////////////////////////////////////////////////

Child Classes:

#include "Ravl/Logic/State.hh"

StateC Abstract state description.
#include "Ravl/Logic/Var.hh"

VarC Variable
VarBodyC Variable body.
#include "Ravl/Logic/BindSet.hh"

BindSetC Set of bindings.
#include "Ravl/Logic/Literal.hh"

LiteralC Literalol
#include "Ravl/Logic/LiteralIter.hh"

LiteralIterC Abstract iterator through a set of literals.
#include "Ravl/Logic/Literal.hh"

LiteralBodyC Literal body
#include "Ravl/Logic/BindSet.hh"

BindC Information about a single binding.
BindSetBodyC Set of bindings.
#include "Ravl/Logic/Tuple.hh"

TupleBodyC Tuple of literals.
TupleC Tuple of literals.
#include "Ravl/Logic/LList.hh"

LListBodyC Logical List.
LListC Logical List.
#include "Ravl/Logic/Condition.hh"

ConditionC Abstract condition
ConditionBodyC Abstract condition
#include "Ravl/Logic/MinTerm.hh"

MinTermC Logical Minterm.
MinTermBodyC Logical Minterm.
#include "Ravl/Logic/Or.hh"

OrBodyC Coniditional Or.
OrC Or a set of conditions.
#include "Ravl/Logic/And.hh"

AndC And a set of conditions.
#include "Ravl/Logic/Not.hh"

NotBodyC Not operator body
NotC Not a condition.
#include "Ravl/Logic/And.hh"

AndBodyC And a set of conditions.
#include "Ravl/Logic/LiteralIterWrap.hh"

LiteralIterWrapBodyC Abstract iterator through a set of literals.
LiteralIterWrapC Wrap a simple iterator with one derived from LiteralIterC.
#include "Ravl/Logic/LiteralIter.hh"

LiteralIterBodyC Abstract iterator through a set of literals.
#include "Ravl/Logic/LiteralMapListIter.hh"

LiteralMapListIterBodyC Literal map list iterator.
LiteralMapListIterC Literal map list iterator.
#include "Ravl/Logic/State.hh"

StateBodyC Abstract state description.
#include "Ravl/Logic/LiteralMapIter.hh"

LiteralMapIterBodyC Abstract literal map iterator.
LiteralMapIterC Abstract literal map iterator.
#include "Ravl/Logic/LiteralIter1.hh"

LiteralIter1BodyC Dummy iterator for cases where there are only 1 or zero solutions.
LiteralIter1C Dummy iterator for cases where there are only 1 or zero solutions.
#include "Ravl/Logic/StateOrIter.hh"

StateOrIterBodyC Iterate through possible solutions in a state for a 'or' condition.
StateOrIterC Iterate through possible solutions in a state for a 'or' condition.
#include "Ravl/Logic/StateSet.hh"

StateSetBodyC Set based implementation of a set.
StateSetC Set based implementation of a set.
#include "Ravl/Logic/LiteralFilterIter.hh"

LiteralFilterIterBodyC Filter the results of another iterator.
LiteralFilterIterC Filter the results of another iterator.
#include "Ravl/Logic/StateAndIter.hh"

StateAndBackTrackPointC Backtrack point for StateAndIterC.
StateAndIterBodyC Iterate through possible solutions in a state for a 'or' condition.
StateAndIterC Iterate through possible solutions in a state for a 'or' condition.
#include "Ravl/Logic/NamedLiteral.hh"

NamedLiteralBodyC Named literal body.
NamedLiteralC Named literal.
#include "Ravl/Logic/NamedVar.hh"

NamedVarBodyC Named literal body.
NamedVarC Named literal.
#include "Ravl/Logic/MinTermIter.hh"

MinTermIterC Iterator though terms in a min term.
#include "Ravl/Logic/LiteralIndexLeaf.hh"

LiteralIndexLeafC Index leaf with user data.
#include "Ravl/Logic/LiteralIndexElement.hh"

LiteralIndexElementC Index element.
LiteralIndexElementBodyC Index element.
#include "Ravl/Logic/LiteralIndexFilterBase.hh"

LiteralIndexFilterBaseBodyC Filter contents of an index.
#include "Ravl/Logic/LiteralIndexIter.hh"

LiteralIndexBaseIterC Iterate through the entire contents of LiteralIndexC.
#include "Ravl/Logic/LiteralIndexLeafIter.hh"

LiteralIndexLeafBodyIterC Literal Index leaf iterator.
#include "Ravl/Logic/LiteralIndexBase.hh"

LiteralIndexBaseBodyC Base class for index access.
LiteralIndexBaseC Base class for index access.
#include "Ravl/Logic/LiteralIndexLeaf.hh"

LiteralIndexLeafBodyC LiteralIndex leaf
LiteralIndexLeafDataBodyC LiteralIndex data.
LiteralIndexLeafDataC Index leaf with user data.
#include "Ravl/Logic/LiteralIndexNode.hh"

LiteralIndexNodeBodyC Literal index node.
LiteralIndexNodeC Literal index node.
#include "Ravl/Logic/LiteralIndexIter.hh"

LiteralIndexIterC Iterate through the entire contents of LiteralIndexC.
#include "Ravl/Logic/LiteralIndex.hh"

LiteralIndexBodyC Literal index.
LiteralIndexC Literal index.
#include "Ravl/Logic/LiteralIndexFilterBase.hh"

LiteralIndexFilterChoicePointC Filter choice point.
#include "Ravl/Logic/LiteralIndexFilter.hh"

LiteralIndexFilterBodyC Index filter.
LiteralIndexFilterC Index filter
#include "Ravl/Logic/LiteralIndexLeafIter.hh"

LiteralIndexLeafIterC Literal Index leaf iterator.
#include "Ravl/Logic/BMinTermIndexIter.hh"

BMinTermIndexIterC Branching MinTerm Index iterator.
#include "Ravl/Logic/BLiteralIndex.hh"

BLiteralIndexC Branching literal index.
#include "Ravl/Logic/BMinTermIndex.hh"

BMinTermIndexC Branching MinTerm Index.
#include "Ravl/Logic/BMinTermListIndex.hh"

BMinTermListIndexC This is a specialisation of VLNPIndex.
#include "Ravl/Logic/DecisionTreeElement.hh"

DecisionTreeElementC Decision tree.
DecisionTreeElementBodyC Decision tree body.
#include "Ravl/Logic/DecisionTreeLeaf.hh"

DecisionTreeLeafBodyC Leaf in the decision tree.
DecisionTreeLeafC Leaf in the decision tree.
#include "Ravl/Logic/DecisionTreeBase.hh"

DecisionTreeBaseBodyC Decision tree body.
DecisionTreeBaseC Decision tree.
#include "Ravl/Logic/DecisionTree.hh"

DecisionTreeBodyC Decision tree body.
DecisionTreeC Decision tree.
#include "Ravl/Logic/DecisionTreeBranch.hh"

DecisionTreeBranchBodyC Branch in the decision tree.
DecisionTreeBranchC Branch in the decision tree.
#include "Ravl/Logic/DecisionTreeBranchBinary.hh"

DecisionTreeBranchBinaryBodyC Decision tree body.
DecisionTreeBranchBinaryC Decision tree.
#include "Ravl/Logic/DecisionExamples.hh"

DecisionExamplesC Decision Example Set.
DecisionExamplesBodyC Set of examples for a node in the decision tree.
#include "Ravl/Logic/Discriminator.hh"

DiscriminatorBodyC Tool to find an expression which discriminates between sets of states.
DiscriminatorC Tool to find an expression which discriminates between sets of states.
#include "Ravl/Logic/SampleLiteral.hh"

SampleLiteralC Set of example literals.
#include "Ravl/Logic/SampleState.hh"

SampleStateC Set of example states.
#include "Ravl/Logic/NLPCausalLink.hh"

NLPCausalLinkC Information stored in a causal link.
#include "Ravl/Logic/NLPStep.hh"

NLPStepC Step in nonlinear plan.
#include "Ravl/Logic/NLPAgendaItem.hh"

NLPAgendaOpenGoalC Agenda item open goal
NLPAgendaThreatC Agenda item threat.
#include "Ravl/Logic/NLPlanner.hh"

NLPlannerBodyC Planner base clase.
#include "Ravl/Logic/NLPAction.hh"

NLPActionBodyC Actions taken to remedy AgendaItems.
NLPActionC Actions taken to remedy AgendaItems.
#include "Ravl/Logic/NonLinearPlan.hh"

NonLinearPlanC non-linear plan handle
NonLinearPlanBodyC The body of a non-linear plan.
#include "Ravl/Logic/NLPAgendaItem.hh"

NLPAgendaItemBodyC Agent item base body class.
NLPAgendaItemC Agent item base handle class.
NLPAgendaOpenGoalBodyC Agenda item body open goal
NLPAgendaThreatBodyC Agenda item body threat.
#include "Ravl/Logic/NLPlanner.hh"

NLPlannerC Planner class.
#include "Ravl/Logic/NLPAction.hh"

NLPActionOpenGoalBodyC Remedy an open goal.
NLPActionOpenGoalC Remedy an open goal handle.
NLPActionThreatBodyC Remedy an Threat.
NLPActionThreatC Remedy an Threat handle
#include "Ravl/Logic/NLPAgenda.hh"
NLPAgendaC Agenda for non linear plan.

#include "Ravl/Logic/BindSet.hh"
typedef HashElemC<LiteralC,BindC> * BindMarkT;
Information about a single binding.

#include "Ravl/Logic/NLPTypes.hh"
typedef UIntC StepListIDC;

typedef BGraphNodeHC<NLPStepC,NLPCausalLinkC> NLPStepNodeT;

typedef BGraphEdgeHC<NLPStepC,NLPCausalLinkC> NLPCausalLinkT;

typedef BGraphEdgeHC<NLPStepC,NLPCausalLinkC> NLPOrderLinkT;

typedef BGraphAdjIterC<NLPStepC,NLPCausalLinkC> NLPAdjLinkT;

typedef BDAGraphC<NLPStepC,NLPCausalLinkC> NLPPlanT;

typedef IntT PriorityT;


#include "Ravl/Logic/Literal.hh"
StringC Indent(int level)
Helper function for producing debug output.
create a string with 'level' spaces.

LiteralC Literal()
Create an anonymous symbol.

ostream & operator <<(ostream & s,const LiteralC & l)

#include "Ravl/Logic/Var.hh"
VarC Var()
Creat an anonymous variable.

#include "Ravl/Logic/BindSet.hh"
ostream & operator <<(ostream & s,const BindC & bind)
output stream

istream & operator <<(istream & s,BindC & bind)
input stream

ostream & operator <<(ostream & s,const BindSetC & binds)
output stream

istream & operator <<(istream & s,BindSetC & binds)
input stream

#include "Ravl/Logic/Tuple.hh"
TupleC Tuple(const LiteralC & s1)
Create a tuple with 1 paramiter

TupleC Tuple(const LiteralC & s1,const LiteralC & s2)
Create a tuple with 2 paramiters

TupleC Tuple(const LiteralC & s1,const LiteralC & s2,const LiteralC & s3)
Create a tuple with 3 paramiters

#include "Ravl/Logic/Unify.hh"
bool Unify(const LiteralC & s1,const LiteralC & s2,BindSetC & bs)
Unify s1 and s2 with binds bs.
any extra binding needed will be added to bs.

bool Unify(const LiteralC & s1,const LiteralC & s2)
Test if s1 and s2 can be unified.

#include "Ravl/Logic/MinTerm.hh"
MinTermC operator *(const MinTermC & mt1,const MinTermC & mt2)
And two min-terms.

MinTermC operator *(const MinTermC & mt1,const LiteralC & mt2)
And a min term and a literal.

MinTermC operator *(const LiteralC & lit1,const MinTermC & mt2)
And a min term and a literal.

#include "Ravl/Logic/Or.hh"
TupleC operator +(const LiteralC & l1,const LiteralC & l2)
Or two literals.

#include "Ravl/Logic/Not.hh"
LiteralC operator !(const LiteralC & lit)
Not operator.

#include "Ravl/Logic/And.hh"
TupleC operator *(const LiteralC & l1,const LiteralC & l2)
And operator.

#include "Ravl/Logic/State.hh"
ostream & operator <<(ostream & out,const StateC & state)
Write out to stream.

istream & operator >>(istream & out,StateC & stae)
Read in from stream.

#include "Ravl/Logic/NamedLiteral.hh"
NamedLiteralC Literal(const char * name)
Create a named symbol.

#include "Ravl/Logic/LiteralIO.hh"
bool LoadState(IStreamC & is,StateC & state)
Load data into stream.

bool LoadState(const StringC & filename,StateC & state)
Load data from a file into a state.

bool SaveState(OStreamC & os,StateC & state)
Save data into stream.

bool SaveState(const StringC & filename,StateC & state)
Save data to file from state.

#include "Ravl/Logic/LiteralIndexBase.hh"
ostream & operator <<(ostream & strm,const LiteralIndexBaseC & index)
Output to stream.

istream & operator >>(istream & strm,LiteralIndexBaseC & index)
Input from stream.

#include "Ravl/Logic/LiteralIndex.hh"
ostream & operator <<(ostream & strm,const LiteralIndexC<DataT> & index)
Output to stream.

istream & operator >>(istream & strm,LiteralIndexC<DataT> & index)
Input from stream.

#include "Ravl/Logic/NLPStep.hh"
ostream & operator <<(ostream & strm,const NLPStepC & step)
Write out step.

Documentation by CxxDoc: Tue Aug 13 09:59:27 2002