Developer Documentation |
RAVL, Recognition And Vision Library |
namespace RavlImageN |
Created: | 24/01/2001 |
User Level: | Normal |
Library: | RavlImage |
This file is part of RAVL, Recognition And Vision Library Copyright (C) 2001, University of Surrey This code may be redistributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL). See the lgpl.licence file for details or see file-header-ends-here //////////////////////////////////////////////////
Child Classes:#include "Ravl/Image/ImageRectangle.hh" |
ImageRectangleC | Image Rectangle. |
#include "Ravl/Image/Image.hh" |
ImageC | Basic Image |
#include "Ravl/Image/RGBAValue.hh" |
RGBAValueC | RGBA Pixel. |
#include "Ravl/Image/YUVValue.hh" |
YUVValueC | YUV Pixel base class. |
#include "Ravl/Image/ByteRGBValue.hh" |
ByteRGBValueC | Byte RGB value class. |
#include "Ravl/Image/RGBValue.hh" |
RGBValueC | RGB Pixel base class. |
#include "Ravl/Image/ByteRGBAValue.hh" |
ByteRGBAValueC | Byte RGBA value class. |
#include "Ravl/Image/IAValue.hh" |
IAValueC | Image & Alpha Pixel. |
#include "Ravl/Image/ByteYUVValue.hh" |
ByteYUVValueC | Byte YUV value class. |
#include "Ravl/Image/ByteIAValue.hh" |
ByteIAValueC | Byte Intensity and Alpha value class. |
#include "Ravl/Image/RealYUVValue.hh" |
RealYUVValueC | Real YUV value class. |
#include "Ravl/Image/RealRGBValue.hh" |
RealRGBValueC | Real RGB value class. |
#include "Ravl/Image/UInt16RGBValue.hh" |
UInt16RGBValueC | UInt16 RGB value class. |
#include "Ravl/Image/ByteYUVAValue.hh" |
ByteYUVAValueC | Byte YUVA value class. |
#include "Ravl/Image/BGRAValue.hh" |
BGRAValueC | BGRA Pixel. |
#include "Ravl/Image/ByteBGRAValue.hh" |
ByteBGRAValueC | Byte BGRA value class. |
#include "Ravl/Image/YUVAValue.hh" |
YUVAValueC | YUVA Pixel base class. |
#include "Ravl/Image/YUV422Value.hh" |
YUV422ValueC | YUV422 Pixel base class. |
#include "Ravl/Image/ByteYUV422Value.hh" |
ByteYUV422ValueC | Byte YUV 422 value class. |
#include "Ravl/Image/VYUValue.hh" |
VYUValueC | VYU Pixel base class. |
#include "Ravl/Image/ByteVYUValue.hh" |
ByteVYUValueC | Byte VYU value class. |
#include "Ravl/Image/Font.hh" |
FontC | Font for rendering text. |
#include "Ravl/Image/ImgIOPNMB.hh" |
DPImageIOPNMBaseC | PNM Utilities |
DPIImagePNMByteRGBBodyC | Load a PPM image. |
DPOImagePNMByteRGBBodyC | Save a ByteRGB image. |
DPIImagePNMByteGreyBodyC | Load a pgm image. |
DPOImagePNMByteGreyBodyC | Save a pgm image. |
#include "Ravl/Image/ImgIOPNM.hh" |
DPIImagePNMByteRGBC | Load a RGB image in PPM format. |
DPOImagePNMByteRGBC | Save a RGB image in PPM format. |
DPIImagePNMByteGreyC | Load a byte image in PGM format. |
DPOImagePNMByteGreyC | Save a byte image in PGM format. |
#include "Ravl/Image/PNMFormat.hh" |
FileFormatPGMBodyC | PGM File format information. |
FileFormatPPMBodyC | PPM File format information. |
FileFormatPBMBodyC | PGM File format information. |
FileFormatPPMC | Create an instance of a PPM File Format. |
FileFormatPGMC | Create an instance of a PGM File Format. |
FileFormatPBMC | Create an instance of a PGM File Format. |
#include "Ravl/Image/ImgIOCif.hh" |
DPImageCifBaseBodyC | Basic information about a cif file |
DPIImageCifBodyC | Load a YUV image in Cif format. |
DPOImageCifBodyC | Save a YUV image in Cif format. |
DPIImageCifC | Load a YUV image in Cif format. |
DPOImageCifC | Save a YUV image in Cif format. |
#include "Ravl/Image/CifFormat.hh" |
FileFormatCifBodyC | Cif File format information. |
FileFormatCifC | Create an instance of a Cif File Format. |
#include "Ravl/Image/yuvFormat.hh" |
FileFormatYUVBodyC | YUV File format information. |
FileFormatYUVC | Create an instance of a YUV File Format. |
#include "Ravl/Image/syuvFormat.hh" |
FileFormatSYUVBodyC | YUV File format information. |
FileFormatSYUVC | Create an instance of a YUV File Format. |
#include "Ravl/Image/ImgIOyuv.hh" |
DPImageYUVBaseBodyC | Basic information about a cif file |
DPIImageYUVBodyC | Load a YUV image in YUV format. |
DPOImageYUVBodyC | Save a YUV image in YUV format. |
DPIImageYUVC | Load a YUV image in YUV format. |
DPOImageYUVC | Save a YUV image in YUV format. |
#include "Ravl/Image/rgbFormat.hh" |
FileFormatRGBBodyC | RGB File format information. |
FileFormatRGBC | Create an instance of a RGB File Format. |
#include "Ravl/Image/rawFormat.hh" |
FileFormatRawBodyC | raw File format information. |
FileFormatRawC | Create an instance of a RGB File Format. |
#include "Ravl/Image/jsFormat.hh" |
FileFormatJSBodyC | Jaleo js file format information. |
FileFormatJSC | Create an instance of a Jaleo js File Format. |
#include "Ravl/Image/ImgIOjs.hh" |
DPImageJSBaseBodyC | Basic information about a Jaleo js file |
DPIImageJSBodyC | Load a Jaleo js file in YUV 422 format. |
DPOImageJSBodyC | Save a Jaleo js file in YUV 422 format. |
DPIImageJSC | Load a Jaleo js file in YUV 422 format. |
DPOImageJSC | Save a js file in YUV 422 format. |
#include "Ravl/Image/ImgIOrgb.hh" |
DPImageRGBBaseBodyC | Basic information about a raw rgb file |
DPIImageRGBBodyC | Load a RGB image in raw RGB format. |
DPOImageRGBBodyC | Save a RGB image in raw RGB format. |
DPIImageRGBC | Load a RGB image in RGB format. |
DPOImageRGBC | Save a RGB image in raw RGB format. |
#include "Ravl/Image/MultiVidIO.hh" |
DPIMultiVidBodyC | Multi-view video sequence input body class |
DPIMultiVidC | Multi-view video sequence input port |
DPOMultiVidBodyC | Multi-view video sequence output body class |
DPOMultiVidC | Multi-view video sequence output port |
FileFormatMultiVidBodyC | Multi-view video sequence format body |
FileFormatMultiVidC | Multi-view video sequence format definition class |
#include "Ravl/Image/ImgIOJPeg.hh" |
DPIImageJPegByteRGBC | Load a RGB image in JPEG format. |
DPOImageJPegByteRGBC | Save a RGB image in JPEG format. |
DPIImageJPegByteYUVC | Load a YUV image in JPEG format. |
DPOImageJPegByteYUVC | Save a YUV image in JPEG format. |
DPIImageJPegByteGreyC | Load a Grey image in JPEG format. |
DPOImageJPegByteGreyC | Save a Grey image in JPEG format. |
#include "Ravl/Image/ImgIOJPegB.hh" |
my_error_mgr | Destructor. |
DPImageIOJPegBaseC | JPeg Utilities |
DPImageIOJPegIBaseC | |
DPImageIOJPegOBaseC | |
DPIImageJPegBodyC | Load a JPEG image. |
DPOImageJPegBodyC | Save a JPEG image. |
#include "Ravl/Image/JPEGFormat.hh" |
FileFormatJPEGBodyC | JPEG File format information. |
FileFormatJPEGC | Create an instance of a JPEG File Format. |
#include "Ravl/Image/ImgIOPNG.hh" |
DPIImagePNGByteRGBC | Load a RGB image in PPM format. |
DPOImagePNGByteRGBC | Save a RGB image in PPM format. |
DPIImagePNGByteGreyC | Load a RGB image in PPM format. |
DPOImagePNGByteGreyC | Save a RGB image in PPM format. |
#include "Ravl/Image/ImgIOPNGB.hh" |
DPImageIOPNGBaseC | PNG Utilities |
DPIImageIOPNGBaseC | |
DPOImageIOPNGBaseC | |
DPIImagePNGBodyC | Load a PPM image. |
DPOImagePNGBodyC | Save a image. |
DPIImagePNGC | Load an image |
DPOImagePNGC | Save an image |
#include "Ravl/Image/PNGFormat.hh" |
FileFormatPNGBodyC | PNG File format information. |
FileFormatPNGC | Create an instance of a PNG File Format. |
#include "Ravl/Image/ImgIOTiff.hh" |
DPIImageTIFFByteRGBAC | Load a RGB image in PPM format. |
DPOImageTIFFByteRGBAC | Save a RGB image in PPM format. |
#include "Ravl/Image/ImgIOTiffB.hh" |
DPImageIOTIFFBaseC | TIFF Utilities |
DPIImageTIFFByteRGBABodyC | Load a RGBA image. |
DPOImageTIFFByteRGBABodyC | Save a ByteRGBA image. |
#include "Ravl/Image/TiffFormat.hh" |
FileFormatTIFFBodyC | TIFF File format information. |
FileFormatTIFFC | Create an instance of a TIFF File Format. |
#include "Ravl/Image/Rectangle2dIter.hh" |
Rectangle2dIterC | Slide a rectangular window over a larger rectangle. |
#include "Ravl/Image/SummedAreaTable.hh" |
SummedAreaTableC | Summed Area Table. |
#include "Ravl/Image/PyramidScan.hh" |
PyramidScanC | Scan an image from course to fine resolution. |
#include "Ravl/Image/ConvolveSeparable2d.hh" |
ConvolveSeparable2dC | Separable 2D Convolution |
#include "Ravl/Image/Convolve2d.hh" |
Convolve2dC | 2D Convolution |
#include "Ravl/Image/ConvolveHorz2d.hh" |
ConvolveHorz2dC | Horzontal 2D Convolution with a 1D filter. |
#include "Ravl/Image/ConvolveVert2d.hh" |
ConvolveVert2dC | Vertontal 2D Convolution with a 1D filter. |
#include "Ravl/Image/BilinearInterpolation.hh" |
BilinearInterpolationC | Scale an image using bi-Linear Interpolation. |
#include "Ravl/Image/HomomorphicFilter.hh" |
HomomorphicFilterBodyC | Homomorphic filter |
HomomorphicFilterC | Homomorphic filter |
#include "Ravl/Image/HistogramEqualise.hh" |
HistogramEqualiseC | Histogram Equalisation. |
#include "Ravl/Image/Correlate2d.hh" |
Correlate2dC | 2D Convolution |
#include "Ravl/Image/EdgeSobel.hh" |
EdgeSobelC | Sobel edge detection engine. |
#include "Ravl/Image/EdgeDeriche.hh" |
EdgeDericheC | Deriche edge filter. |
EdgeDericheBodyC | Deriche edge filter. |
#include "Ravl/Image/EdgeNonMaxSuppression.hh" |
EdgeNonMaxSuppressionC | Linear non-maximal suppression. |
EdgeNonMaxSuppressionBodyC | Linear non-maximal suppression. |
#include "Ravl/Image/Edgel.hh" |
EdgelC | Edge Location, Direction and Magniture information. |
#include "Ravl/Image/SqrComposition.hh" |
SqrCompositionC | Square Composition. |
#include "Ravl/Image/EdgeLink.hh" |
EdgeLinkC |
#include "Ravl/Image/EdgeDetector.hh" |
EdgeDetectorBodyC | Edge detector body |
EdgeDetectorC | Edge detector. |
#include "Ravl/Image/ChromaThreshold.hh" |
ChromaThresholdRGBC | Chroma threholding |
#include "Ravl/Image/Segmentation.hh" |
SegmentationBodyC | Segmentation map. |
SegmentationC | Segmentation map. |
#include "Ravl/Image/ConnectedComponents.hh" |
ConnectedComponentsBaseBodyC | Connected component labelling base class |
ConnectedComponentsCompairC | Default compariston operator for connected components |
ConnectedComponentsBodyC | Connected component labelling. |
ConnectedComponentsC | Connected component labelling. |
#include "Ravl/Image/BlueScreen.hh" |
BlueScreenC | Simple and fast blue screen mask generation. |
#include "Ravl/Image/PixelMap.hh" |
PixelMapC | Binned hash table of pixels in an image. |
#include "Ravl/Image/PixelMapSearch.hh" |
PixelMapSearchBaseC | Pixel map search base class. |
PixelMapSearchC | Pixel map search base class. |
#include "Ravl/Image/PCPixel.hh" |
PCIndex2dC | Pixel near parametric curve. |
#include "Ravl/Image/PCPixelList.hh" |
PCPixelListC | List of PCPixels. |
#include "Ravl/Image/PCMapping.hh" |
PCPixMapC | Simple mapping between a curve and some pixels. |
PCPixMappingC | Mappings from a curve to a set of pixels. |
#include "Ravl/Image/PPHT.hh" |
PPHoughTransformBodyC | Line segment extraction engine. |
PPHoughTransformC | Progressive Probablistic Hough Transform. |
#include "Ravl/Image/Corner.hh" |
CornerC | Corner descriptor. |
#include "Ravl/Image/CornerDetector.hh" |
CornerDetectorBodyC | Abstract corner detector. |
CornerDetectorC | Abstract corner detector. |
#include "Ravl/Image/CornerDetectorHarris.hh" |
CornerDetectorHarrisBodyC | Harris corner detector. |
CornerDetectorHarrisC | Harris corner detector. |
#include "Ravl/Image/PointTrack.hh" |
PointTrackC | Information on a single point track. |
#include "Ravl/Image/PointTrackModel.hh" |
PointTrackModelC | Tracking information on a single point. |
#include "Ravl/Image/PointTracker.hh" |
PointTrackerC | Point tracker. |
#include "Ravl/Image/ImgIOV4L.hh" |
DPIImageBaseV4LBodyC | Base class for Meteor1 frame grabbers. |
DPIImageV4LBodyC | V4L frame grabber. |
DPIImageV4LC | V4L frame grabber. |
#include "Ravl/Image/V4LFormat.hh" |
FileFormatV4LBodyC | V4L File format information. |
FileFormatV4LC | Create an instance of a V4L File Format. |
#include "Ravl/Image/ImgIOMeteor1.hh" |
DPIImageBaseMeteor1BodyC | Base class for Meteor1 frame grabbers. |
DPIImageMeteor1BodyC | Meteor1 frame grabber. |
DPIImageMeteor1C | Meteor1 frame grabber. |
#include "Ravl/Image/Meteor1Format.hh" |
FileFormatMeteor1BodyC | Meteor1 File format information. |
FileFormatMeteor1C | Create an instance of a Meteor1 File Format. |
#include "Ravl/Image/EdgeLink.hh" |
#include "Ravl/Image/ImgIOJPegB.hh" |
#include "Ravl/Image/YUVValue.hh" |
#include "Ravl/Image/RGBValue.hh" |
#include "Ravl/Image/ByteYUVValue.hh" |
#include "Ravl/Image/YUVAValue.hh" |
#include "Ravl/Image/YUV422Value.hh" |
#include "Ravl/Image/ByteYUV422Value.hh" |
#include "Ravl/Image/Deinterlace.hh" |
#include "Ravl/Image/VYUValue.hh" |
#include "Ravl/Image/ByteVYUValue.hh" |
#include "Ravl/Image/DrawFrame.hh" |
#include "Ravl/Image/Font.hh" |
#include "Ravl/Image/DrawLine.hh" |
#include "Ravl/Image/DrawCross.hh" |
#include "Ravl/Image/DrawCircle.hh" |
#include "Ravl/Image/ImgIO.hh" |
#include "Ravl/Image/ImageConv.hh" |
#include "Ravl/Image/VidIO.hh" |
#include "Ravl/Image/MultiVidIO.hh" |
#include "Ravl/Image/ExtImgIO.hh" |
#include "Ravl/Image/SobolImage.hh" |
#include "Ravl/Image/SubSample.hh" |
#include "Ravl/Image/PeakDetector.hh" |
#include "Ravl/Image/Matching.hh" |
#include "Ravl/Image/Edgel.hh" |
#include "Ravl/Image/EdgeLink.hh" |
#include "Ravl/Image/Gradient.hh" |
#include "Ravl/Image/ChromaThreshold.hh" |
#include "Ravl/Image/Erode.hh" |
#include "Ravl/Image/Dilate.hh" |
#include "Ravl/Image/DilateSubSample2X.hh" |
#include "Ravl/Image/MorphOpen.hh" |
#include "Ravl/Image/MorphClose.hh" |
#include "Ravl/Image/PCMapping.hh" |
#include "Ravl/Image/Corner.hh" |
#include "Ravl/Image/PointTrack.hh" |
#include "Ravl/Image/PointTrackModel.hh" |
Documentation by CxxDoc: Tue Aug 13 09:59:27 2002 |