Developer Documentation
RAVL, Recognition And Vision Library
Ravl - Core - Data Processing - Ports

Data sources and sinks

The interface to DPIPortC<DataT> is fairly simple. There is a function `bool IsGetReady()' to test if any data is immediately available. `bool IsGetEOS()', tests if the end of the stream has been reached. Finally there is `bool Get(DataT &buf)' which retrieves data from the stream. It returns false if for whatever reason it fails. The interface to DPOPortC<DataT> is fairly simple. `bool IsPutReady()' tests if a stream is ready to accept data and `bool Put(const DataT &dat)' to send it.

There are several implementations of input and output in AMMA. These include ones that use the standard C++ istream and ostream. There is a binary version of these operators, BinIStreamC and BinOStreamC, for a more compact (machine independent) representation. In addition there are numerous type-specific formats which will be discussed in section Ravl.Core.IO.Formats.

Typical examples of such routines are DPOFileC<> and DPIFileC<> which use the standard C++ stream class and operators, `operator» (istream &,ClassT &x)' and `operator« (ostream &,const ClassT &x)' to load and save a set of objects to a file. These are described in most C++ text books, so we will not go into any detail here.

Normal classes:

 DataNotReadyC Exception, Data Not Ready.
 DPIPortC Input port.
 DPOPortC Output port.
 DPIOPortC Input/Output port.

Normal functions:

 operator <<(ostream &,const DPIPortC &)
 operator <<(ostream &,const DPOPortC &)
 operator >>(istream &,DPOPortC &)
 operator <<(ostream &,const DPIOPortC &)
 operator >>(istream &,DPIOPortC &) Input ports.

Advanced classes:

 DPIOPortJoinC Join an IPort and a OPort
 DPPlugBaseC Input plug base.
 DPIPlugBaseC Input plug base.
 DPOPlugBaseC Input plug base.
 DPIPlugC Plug.
 DPOPlugC Plug.

Advanced functions:

 DPIOPortJoin(const DPIPortC &,const DPOPortC &,const DPEntityC &)
 operator >>(DPOPortC &,DPOPlugC &)

Develop classes:

 DPPortC Base port handle.
 DPPortBodyC Abstract port body.
 DPIPortBaseBodyC Input port base body.
 DPIPortBodyC Input port body.
 DPOPortBaseBodyC Output port base body.
 DPOPortBodyC Output port body.
 DPIPortBaseC Input port base class.
 DPOPortBaseC Output port base.
 DPIOPortJoinBodyC Join an IPort and a OPort
 DPPlugBaseBodyC Input plug base.
 DPIPlugBaseBodyC Input plug base.
 DPOPlugBaseBodyC Input plug base.
 DPIPlugBodyC Plug.
 DPOPlugBodyC Plug.
 DPIOPortBodyC Input/Output port body.

Develop functions:

 operator >>(istream &,DPIPortC &) Output port base.
 operator >>(DPIPortC &,DPIPlugC &) Plug.
Maintainer:Charles Galambos, Documentation by CxxDoc: Tue Aug 13 10:00:48 2002