Developer Documentation
RAVL, Recognition And Vision Library
Ravl - Core - Indexing - RealRange3dC

RealRange3dC::RealRange3dC(const RealRangeC &,const RealRangeC &,const RealRangeC &)
RealRange3dC::RealRange3dC(const TFVectorC &,const TFVectorC &)
RealRange3dC::Origin(void) const
RealRange3dC::End(void) const
RealRange3dC::Center(void) const
RealRange3dC::MinI(void) const
RealRange3dC::MinJ(void) const
RealRange3dC::MinK(void) const
RealRange3dC::MaxI(void) const
RealRange3dC::MaxJ(void) const
RealRange3dC::MaxK(void) const
RealRange3dC::Is(void) const
RealRange3dC::Js(void) const
RealRange3dC::Ks(void) const
RealRange3dC::Volume(void) const
RealRange3dC::Dilate(void) const
RealRange3dC::Erode(void) const
RealRange3dC::Expand(RealT) const
RealRange3dC::Shrink(RealT) const
RealRange3dC::ClipBy(const RealRange3dC &)
RealRange3dC::Contains(const TFVectorC &) const
RealRange3dC::Contains(const RealRange3dC &) const
RealRange3dC::operator +=(const TFVectorC &)
RealRange3dC::operator -=(const TFVectorC &)
RealRange3dC::operator +(const TFVectorC &) const
RealRange3dC::operator -(const TFVectorC &) const
RealRange3dC::IRange(void) const
RealRange3dC::JRange(void) const
RealRange3dC::KRange(void) const
RealRange3dC::Range1(void) const
RealRange3dC::Range2(void) const
RealRange3dC::Range3(void) const
RealRange3dC::Involve(const TFVectorC &)
RealRange3dC::Involve(const RealRange3dC &)
RealRange3dC::IsValid(void) const
RealRange3dC::operator ==(const RealRange3dC &) const
RealRange3dC::operator !=(const RealRange3dC &) const
RealRange3dC::Range(void) const

Range of real values in 3D
include "Ravl/RealRange3d.hh"
Source file:Ravl/Core/Base/RealRange3d.hh
User Level:Normal
In Scope:RavlN

RealRangeC is;

RealRangeC js;

RealRangeC ks;

Default constructor.

RealRange3dC(RealT iNumber,RealT jNumber,RealT kNumber)

RealRange3dC(const RealRangeC & iRange,const RealRangeC & jRange,const RealRangeC & kRange)

RealRange3dC(const TFVectorC<RealT,3> & org,const TFVectorC<RealT,3> & end)
Create an 3d range from corner points.

RealRange3dC(RealT minI,RealT maxI,RealT minJ,RealT maxJ,RealT minK,RealT maxK)
Create rectangle from individual values.

TFVectorC<RealT,3> Origin() const
Returns the origin index of the rectangle.

TFVectorC<RealT,3> End() const
Returns the end index of the rectangle.

TFVectorC<RealT,3> Center() const
Returns the index which is in the middle of the rectangle

RealT MinI() const
Returns the min value of I.

RealT MinJ() const
Returns the min value of J.

RealT MinK() const
Returns the min value of K.

RealT MaxI() const
Returns the max value of I.

RealT MaxJ() const
Returns the max value of J.

RealT MaxK() const
Returns the max value of K.

RealT & MinI()
Returns the min value of I.

RealT & MinJ()
Returns the min value of J.

RealT & MinK()
Returns the min value of K.

RealT & MaxI()
Returns the max value of I.

RealT & MaxJ()
Returns the max value of J.

RealT & MaxK()
Returns the max value of K.

RealT Is() const
The number of i's in the rectangle.

RealT Js() const
The number of j's in the rectangle.

RealT Ks() const
The number of k's in the rectangle.

RealT Volume() const
Returns the volume of the prism expressed in number of indexs.

RealRange3dC Dilate() const
Returns a new rectangle one index larger on each side.

RealRange3dC Erode() const
Removes one index layer on each side.

RealRange3dC Expand(RealT n) const
Expands the rectangle by adding 'n' indexs on each side.

RealRange3dC Shrink(RealT n) const
Returns a new rectangle which has layer of the width of 'n' indexs removed.

RealRange3dC & ClipBy(const RealRange3dC & r)
This index range is clipped to contain at most the index range 'r'.

bool Contains(const TFVectorC<RealT,3> & oth) const
Returns true if this range contains the subrange 'oth'.

bool Contains(const RealRange3dC & oth) const
Returns true if this range contains the subrange 'oth'.

const RealRange3dC & operator +=(const TFVectorC<RealT,3> & offset)
Shifts the rectangle to the new position.

const RealRange3dC & operator -=(const TFVectorC<RealT,3> & offset)
Shifts the rectangle to the new position.

RealRange3dC operator +(const TFVectorC<RealT,3> & offset) const
Shifts the rectangle to the new position.

RealRange3dC operator -(const TFVectorC<RealT,3> & offset) const
Shifts the rectangle to the new position.

const RealRangeC & IRange() const
Access i range.

const RealRangeC & JRange() const
Access j range.

const RealRangeC & KRange() const
Access k range.

RealRangeC & IRange()
Access i range.

RealRangeC & JRange()
Access j range.

RealRangeC & KRange()
Access k range.

const RealRangeC & Range1() const
Access i range.

const RealRangeC & Range2() const
Access j range.

const RealRangeC & Range3() const
Access k range.

RealRangeC & Range1()
Access i range.

RealRangeC & Range2()
Access j range.

RealRangeC & Range3()
Access k range.

const RealRange3dC & Involve(const TFVectorC<RealT,3> & index)
Checks and changes, if necessary, the 2 dimensional range to contain the 'index'.

const RealRange3dC & Involve(const RealRange3dC & subRange)
Checks and changes, if necessary, the 2 dimensional range to contain the 'subRange'.

bool IsValid() const
Returns true if this rectangle contains at least one index.

bool operator ==(const RealRange3dC & oth) const
Are two ranges equal ?

bool operator !=(const RealRange3dC & oth) const
Are two ranges unequal ?

const RealRange3dC & Range() const

Maintainer:Radek Marik, Created: 06/08/1995, Documentation by CxxDoc: Tue Aug 13 09:59:30 2002