Developer Documentation
RAVL, Recognition And Vision Library
Ravl - Core - Data Processing - IO - DPOContainerBodyC<class ContainerT>

DPOContainerBodyC::DPOContainerBodyC(ContainerT &)
DPOContainerBodyC::Put(const typename ContainerT::ElementT &)
DPOContainerBodyC::PutArray(const SArray1dC &)
DPOPortBodyC::Put(const DataT &)
DPOPortBodyC::PutArray(const SArray1dC &)
DPOPortBodyC::OutputType(void) const
DPOPortBodyC::Save(ostream &) const
DPOPortBaseBodyC::IsPutReady(void) const
DPOPortBaseBodyC::OutputType(void) const
DPOPortBaseBodyC::Save(ostream &) const
DPPortBodyC::IsAsync(void) const
DPPortBodyC::Save(ostream &) const
DPPortBodyC::ConnectedTo(void) const
DPPortBodyC::GetAttr(const StringC &,StringC &)
DPPortBodyC::SetAttr(const StringC &,const StringC &)
DPEntityBodyC::Save(ostream &) const
DPEntityBodyC::Save(BinOStreamC &) const
DPEntityBodyC::Copy(void) const
RCBodyVC::Save(ostream &) const
RCBodyVC::Save(BinOStreamC &) const
RCBodyVC::Copy(void) const
RCBodyVC::DeepCopy(UIntT) const
RCBodyC::References(void) const
RCBodyC::Copy(void) const
RCBodyC::DeepCopy(UIntT) const

   DPOContainerBodyC<class ContainerT>   
Output list body.
include "Ravl/DP/ContainerIO.hh"
Source file:Ravl/Core/IO/ContainerIO.hh
User Level:Develop
In Scope:RavlN

Append useing the '+=' operator.

Parent Classes: Variables:
ContainerT container;

DPOContainerBodyC(ContainerT & dat)
Default constructor.

bool Put(const typename ContainerT::ElementT &)
Put data.

IntT PutArray(const SArray1dC<typename ContainerT::ElementT> & data)
Put data into container.

ContainerT & Container()
Access list.

#include "Ravl/DP/Port.hh"
bool Put(const typename ContainerT::ElementT &)
Put data.
This function MUST be provided by client class.

IntT PutArray(const SArray1dC<typename ContainerT::ElementT> & data)
Put an array of data to stream.
returns number of elements processed. NB. This need NOT be overridden in client classes unless fast handling of arrays of data elements is required.

const type_info & OutputType() const
Input type.

bool Save(ostream & out) const
Save to ostream.

void PutEOS()
Put End Of Stream marker.

bool IsPutReady() const
Is port ready for data ?

const type_info & OutputType() const
Output type.

bool Save(ostream & out) const
Save to ostream.

bool IsAsync() const
Does port work asynchronously ?

bool Save(ostream & out) const
Save to ostream.

DPPortC ConnectedTo() const
Is this port connected to another ?
If not returns invalid handle.

bool GetAttr(const StringC & attrName,StringC & attrValue)
Get a stream attribute.
Returns false if the attribute name is unknown. This is for handling stream attributes such as frame rate, and compression ratios.

bool SetAttr(const StringC & attrName,const StringC & attrValue)
Set a stream attribute.
Returns false if the attribute name is unknown. This is for handling stream attributes such as frame rate, and compression ratios.

#include "Ravl/DP/Entity.hh"
bool Save(ostream & out) const
Save to ostream.

bool Save(BinOStreamC & out) const
Save to binary stream.

RCBodyVC & Copy() const
Creat a copy of this object.

#include "Ravl/RCHandleV.hh"
bool Save(ostream & out) const
Save to stream 'out'.

bool Save(BinOStreamC & out) const
Save to binary stream 'out'.

RCBodyVC & Copy() const
Make copy of body.
This should be provided in derived classes. this funtion will issue an assertion failure if called.

RCBodyC & DeepCopy(UIntT levels = ((UIntT))) const
Make a deep copy of body.
This should be provided in derived classes. this funtion will issue an assertion failure if called.

#include "Ravl/RefCounter.hh"
UIntT References() const
Access count of handles open to this object.

RCBodyC & Copy() const
Make copy of body.
This should be provided in derived classes. this funtion will issue an assertion failure if called.

RCBodyC & DeepCopy(UIntT levels = ((UIntT))) const
Make a deep copy of body.
This should be provided in derived classes. this funtion will issue an assertion failure if called.

void IncRefCounter()
Increment reference counter.

bool DecRefCounter()
Decrement reference counter.

Maintainer:Charles Galambos, Created: 07/07/1998, Documentation by CxxDoc: Tue Aug 13 09:59:30 2002