Developer Documentation
RAVL, Recognition And Vision Library
Ravl - Pattern Recognition - Distance - DistanceBodyC

DistanceBodyC::DistanceBodyC(istream &)
DistanceBodyC::DistanceBodyC(BinIStreamC &)
DistanceBodyC::Save(ostream &) const
DistanceBodyC::Save(BinOStreamC &) const
DistanceBodyC::Measure(const VectorC &,const VectorC &) const
DistanceBodyC::Magnitude(const VectorC &) const
DistanceBodyC::Apply1(const VectorC &) const
Function1BodyC::Save(ostream &) const
Function1BodyC::Save(BinOStreamC &) const
Function1BodyC::Apply(const VectorC &) const
Function1BodyC::Apply1(const VectorC &) const
FunctionBodyC::Save(ostream &) const
FunctionBodyC::Save(BinOStreamC &) const
FunctionBodyC::Apply(const VectorC &) const
FunctionBodyC::Apply(const SampleC &)
FunctionBodyC::Jacobian(const VectorC &) const
FunctionBodyC::Evaluate(const VectorC &)
FunctionBodyC::InputSize(void) const
FunctionBodyC::OutputSize(void) const
RCBodyVC::Save(ostream &) const
RCBodyVC::Save(BinOStreamC &) const
RCBodyVC::Copy(void) const
RCBodyVC::DeepCopy(UIntT) const
RCBodyC::References(void) const
RCBodyC::Copy(void) const
RCBodyC::DeepCopy(UIntT) const

Distance body.
include "Ravl/PatternRec/Distance.hh"
Source file:Ravl/PatternRec/Distance/Distance.hh
User Level:Develop
In Scope:RavlN

Parent Classes: Derived Classes: Methods:
Default constructor.

DistanceBodyC(istream & strm)
Load from stream.

DistanceBodyC(BinIStreamC & strm)
Load from binary stream.

bool Save(ostream & out) const
Writes object to stream, can be loaded using constructor

bool Save(BinOStreamC & out) const
Writes object to stream, can be loaded using constructor

RealT Measure(const VectorC & d1,const VectorC & d2) const
Measure the distance from d1 to d2.

RealT Magnitude(const VectorC & d1) const
Measure the magnitude of d1.

RealT Apply1(const VectorC & data) const
Apply function to 'data'

#include "Ravl/PatternRec/Function1.hh"
bool Save(ostream & out) const
Writes object to stream, can be loaded using constructor

bool Save(BinOStreamC & out) const
Writes object to stream, can be loaded using constructor

VectorC Apply(const VectorC & data) const
Apply function to 'data'

RealT Apply1(const VectorC & data) const
Apply function to 'data'

#include "Ravl/PatternRec/Function.hh"
bool Save(ostream & out) const
Writes object to stream, can be loaded using constructor

bool Save(BinOStreamC & out) const
Writes object to stream, can be loaded using constructor

VectorC Apply(const VectorC & data) const
Apply function to 'data'

SampleC<VectorC> Apply(const SampleC<VectorC> & data)
Apply transform to whole dataset.

MatrixC Jacobian(const VectorC & X) const
Calculate Jacobian matrix at X
Performs numerical estimation of the Jacobian using differences. This function has and should be overloaded for all cases where the Jacobian can be calculated analytically.

VectorMatrixC Evaluate(const VectorC & X)
Evalate the function and its jacobian at the same time.
This method defaults to calling 'Apply' and 'Jacobian' sperately.

UIntT InputSize() const
Size of input vectors

UIntT OutputSize() const
Size of output vectors

UIntT InputSize(UIntT inSize)
Set the input size.
This is for use of designer classes, changing the input size of an existing function has undefined effects.

UIntT OutputSize(UIntT outSize)
Set the output size.
This is for use of designer classes, changing the output size of an existing function has undefined effects.

#include "Ravl/RCHandleV.hh"
bool Save(ostream & out) const
Save to stream 'out'.

bool Save(BinOStreamC & out) const
Save to binary stream 'out'.

RCBodyVC & Copy() const
Make copy of body.
This should be provided in derived classes. this funtion will issue an assertion failure if called.

RCBodyC & DeepCopy(UIntT levels = ((UIntT))) const
Make a deep copy of body.
This should be provided in derived classes. this funtion will issue an assertion failure if called.

#include "Ravl/RefCounter.hh"
UIntT References() const
Access count of handles open to this object.

RCBodyC & Copy() const
Make copy of body.
This should be provided in derived classes. this funtion will issue an assertion failure if called.

RCBodyC & DeepCopy(UIntT levels = ((UIntT))) const
Make a deep copy of body.
This should be provided in derived classes. this funtion will issue an assertion failure if called.

void IncRefCounter()
Increment reference counter.

bool DecRefCounter()
Decrement reference counter.

Documentation by CxxDoc: Tue Aug 13 09:59:30 2002