User Documentation
RAVL, Recognition And Vision Library
Ravl - Math - Geometry - 3D - PlaneABCD3dC

PlaneABCD3dC::PlaneABCD3dC(const Vector3dC &,RealT)
PlaneABCD3dC::PlaneABCD3dC(const Vector3dC &,const Point3dC &)
PlaneABCD3dC::PlaneABCD3dC(const Point3dC &,const Vector3dC &,const Vector3dC &)
PlaneABCD3dC::PlaneABCD3dC(const Point3dC &,const Point3dC &,const Point3dC &)
PlaneABCD3dC::Normal(void) const
PlaneABCD3dC::A(void) const
PlaneABCD3dC::B(void) const
PlaneABCD3dC::C(void) const
PlaneABCD3dC::D(void) const
PlaneABCD3dC::Value(const Point3dC &) const
PlaneABCD3dC::DirEuclidDistance(const Point3dC &) const
PlaneABCD3dC::EuclidDistance(const Point3dC &) const
PlaneABCD3dC::ParallelPlane(const Point3dC &) const
PlaneABCD3dC::Intersection(const LinePV3dC &) const
PlaneABCD3dC::Intersection(const PlaneABCD3dC &,const PlaneABCD3dC &) const
PlaneABCD3dC::Intersection(const PlaneABCD3dC &) const

Plane in 3D space - equation Ax+By+Cz+D = 0
include "Ravl/PlaneABCD3d.hh"
User Level:Normal
In Scope:RavlN

The non-existing plane (0,0,0,0).

PlaneABCD3dC(RealT aa,RealT bb,RealT cc,RealT dd)
The plane determined by the equation aa*x+bb*y+cc*z+dd = 0.

PlaneABCD3dC(const Vector3dC & n,RealT p)
Creates the plane determined by the vector equation n*x = p.

PlaneABCD3dC(const Vector3dC & n,const Point3dC & p)
Creates the plane with normal 'n' passing through the point 'p'.

PlaneABCD3dC(const Point3dC & p,const Vector3dC & v1,const Vector3dC & v2)
The plane [p; v1; v2].

PlaneABCD3dC(const Point3dC & p1,const Point3dC & p2,const Point3dC & p3)
The plane passing through three points 'p1', 'p2', and 'p3'.

Vector3dC Normal() const
Returns the normal of the plane.

RealT A() const
Returns parameter a.

RealT B() const
Returns parameter b.

RealT C() const
returns parameter c.

RealT D() const
Returns parameter d.

PlaneABCD3dC & UnitNormal()
Normalizes the normal vector to be unit.

RealT Value(const Point3dC & p) const
Returns the value of the expression 'normal.Dot(p) + d'
This is often used in analytical geometry.

RealT DirEuclidDistance(const Point3dC & p) const
Returns the directed Euclidian distance of the point 'p' from this plane.
If returned value is positive the point is in the direction of the plane normal.

RealT EuclidDistance(const Point3dC & p) const
Returns the Euclidan distance of the point 'p' from this plane.

PlaneABCD3dC ParallelPlane(const Point3dC & p) const
Returns the plane parallel to this plane and passing through the point 'p'.

Point3dC Intersection(const LinePV3dC & l) const
Returns the point which is the intersection of this plane with the line 'l'.
If the intersection does not exist the function exits the program.

Point3dC Intersection(const PlaneABCD3dC & planeB,const PlaneABCD3dC & planeC) const
Returns the point which is the intersection of three planes.
If the intersection does not exist the function exits the program.

LinePV3dC Intersection(const PlaneABCD3dC & plane) const
Returns the line which is the intersection of this plane with
the plane 'plane'. If the intersection does not exist the function exits the program.

Maintainer:Radek Marik, Created: 06/08/1995, Documentation by CxxDoc: Tue Aug 13 09:59:02 2002