User Documentation
RAVL, Recognition And Vision Library
Ravl - Core - Graphs - GraphAdjIterBaseC

GraphAdjIterBaseC::GraphAdjIterBaseC(const GraphAdjIterBaseC &)
GraphAdjIterBaseC::EdgeRep(void) const
GraphAdjIterBaseC::SourceRep(void) const
GraphAdjIterBaseC::TargetRep(void) const
GraphAdjIterBaseC::Node1Rep(void) const
GraphAdjIterBaseC::Node2Rep(void) const
IntrDLIterC::IsValid(void) const
IntrDLIterC::operator bool(void) const
IntrDLIterC::IsElm(void) const
IntrDLIterC::IsFirst(void) const
IntrDLIterC::IsLast(void) const
IntrDLIterC::operator ++(void)
IntrDLIterC::operator ++(int)
IntrDLIterC::operator --(int)
IntrDLIterC::operator *(void)
IntrDLIterC::operator *(void) const
IntrDLIterC::operator ->(void)
IntrDLIterC::operator ->(void) const
IntrDLIterC::Data(void) const
IntrDLIterC::InsertBef(DataT &)
IntrDLIterC::InsertAft(DataT &)
IntrDLIterC::List(void) const

The class GraphAdjIterBaseC is the iterator of the list of graph adjacencies of a graph node.
include "Ravl/GraphBase.hh"
User Level:Develop
In Scope:RavlN

Futhermore, the class provides access to the graph elements which are in the neighbourhood of the edge.

Parent Classes: Derived Classes: Variables:
GraphAdjIterBaseC(const GraphAdjIterBaseC & adj)
Copy constructor.

const GraphEdgeBaseBodyC & EdgeRep() const
Returns the edge which is connected to this graph adjacency.

GraphEdgeBaseBodyC & EdgeRep()
Returns the edge which is connected to this graph adjacency.

const GraphNodeBaseBodyC & SourceRep() const
Returns the source node of the edge which is connected to this graph adjacency.

GraphNodeBaseBodyC & SourceRep()
Returns the source node of the edge which is connected to this graph adjacency.

const GraphNodeBaseBodyC & TargetRep() const
Returns the target node of the edge which is connected to this graph adjacency.

GraphNodeBaseBodyC & TargetRep()
Returns the target node of the edge which is connected to this graph adjacency.

const GraphNodeBaseBodyC & Node1Rep() const
Returns the first node of the edge which is connected to this graph adjacency.

GraphNodeBaseBodyC & Node1Rep()
Returns the first node of the edge which is connected to this graph adjacency.

const GraphNodeBaseBodyC & Node2Rep() const
Returns the second node of the edge which is connected to this graph adjacency.

GraphNodeBaseBodyC & Node2Rep()
Returns the second node of the edge which is connected to this graph adjacency.

GraphNodeBaseC Node1()
Returns the first node of the edge which is connected to this graph adjacency.

GraphNodeBaseC Node2()
Returns the second node of the edge which is connected to this graph adjacency.

GraphEdgeBaseC Edge()
Returns the edge which is connected to this graph adjacency.

GraphNodeBaseC Node()
Returns the node which is the owner of the list to which this graph adjacency belongs to.

GraphNodeBaseC OtherNode()
Returns the node which is not the owner of the list to which this graph adjacency belongs to.

GraphAdjIterBaseC & OtherAdj()
Moves to the graph adjacency of the other node.

The default constructor used by constructors of arrays.

#include "Ravl/InDLIter.hh"
bool IsValid() const
Is iterator valid ?
true is returned for a valid iterator.

void First()
Goto first element in the list.

void Last()
Goto the last element in the list.

operator bool() const
At a valid node ?

bool IsElm() const
At a valid element in the list ?
AMMA compatibilty function, use operator bool() instread.

bool IsFirst() const
At the first element in the list ?
AMMA compatibilty function.

bool IsLast() const
At the last element in the list ?
AMMA compatibilty function.

void operator ++()
Goto next element in list.

void operator ++(int)
Goto next element in list.

void operator --(int)
Goto previous element in list.

void Next()
Goto next element in list.
AMMA compatibilty function, use operator++() instread.

void Prev()
Goto previous element in list.
AMMA compatibilty function, use operator--() instread.

void NextCrc()
Goto next element in list, skip the head element.
AMMA compatibilty function.

void PrevCrc()
Goto previous element in list, skip the head element.
AMMA compatibilty function.

GraphAdjRepC & operator *()
Access data.
NB. The iterator MUST be valid. check with 'operator bool()'.

const GraphAdjRepC & operator *() const
Constant access to data.
NB. The iterator MUST be valid. check with 'operator bool()'.

GraphAdjRepC * operator ->()
Access data.
NB. The iterator MUST be valid. check with 'operator bool()'.

const GraphAdjRepC * operator ->() const
Constant access to data.
NB. The iterator MUST be valid. check with 'operator bool()'.

GraphAdjRepC & Data()
Access data.
NB. The iterator MUST be valid. check with 'operator bool()'.

const GraphAdjRepC & Data() const
Constant access to data.
NB. The iterator MUST be valid. check with 'operator bool()'.

GraphAdjRepC & Extract()
Extract the current element from the list.
Do not delete it, the user is responsible for ensuring this happens at an approprate time. The iteration is left pointing at the element before the one extracted. The iterator must be valid.

void Del()
Delete the current element from the list.
actuall delete the element where appropriate. The iterator must be valid.

void InsertBef(GraphAdjRepC & dat)
Insert data before current element.
if at the head of the list (i.e. operator bool() failes.) then add at end.

void InsertAft(GraphAdjRepC & dat)
Insert data after current element.
if at the head of the list (i.e. operator bool() failes.) then add at begining.

IntrDListC<GraphAdjRepC> & List()
Access the list we're iterating.

const IntrDListC<GraphAdjRepC> & List() const
Access the list we're iterating.

bool Invalidate()
Point interator at an invalid element.

Maintainer:Radek Marik, Created: 22/8/1994, Documentation by CxxDoc: Tue Aug 13 09:59:02 2002