Developer Documentation
RAVL, Recognition And Vision Library
Ravl - Core - Indexing - RealRangeC

RealRangeC::RealRangeC(istream &)
RealRangeC::Size(void) const
RealRangeC::Range(void) const
RealRangeC::Min(void) const
RealRangeC::Max(void) const
RealRangeC::Center(void) const
RealRangeC::CenterD(void) const
RealRangeC::Percentage(RealT) const
RealRangeC::IsEmpty(void) const
RealRangeC::IsValid(void) const
RealRangeC::Contains(RealT) const
RealRangeC::Contains(const RealRangeC &) const
RealRangeC::operator ==(const RealRangeC &) const
RealRangeC::operator !=(const RealRangeC &) const
RealRangeC::In(const RealRangeC &) const
RealRangeC::IsOverlapping(const RealRangeC &) const
RealRangeC::operator ++(void)
RealRangeC::operator --(void)
RealRangeC::operator +=(RealT)
RealRangeC::operator -=(RealT)
RealRangeC::operator +(RealT) const
RealRangeC::operator -(RealT) const
RealRangeC::ClipBy(const RealRangeC &)
RealRangeC::FirstHalf(void) const
RealRangeC::FirstHalfD(void) const
RealRangeC::Enlarge(RealT) const
RealRangeC::Expand(RealT) const
RealRangeC::Shrink(RealT) const
RealRangeC::Swap(RealRangeC &)
RealRangeC::Involve(const RealRangeC &)

1D Range of real values.
include "Ravl/RealRange1d.hh"
Source file:Ravl/Core/Base/RealRange1d.hh
User Level:Normal
In Scope:RavlN

RealT min;
Minimum index.

RealT max;
Maximum index. friend istream & operator>>(istream & s, RealRangeC & range);


Constructors, copy, assigment, and destructor.
RealRangeC(RealT size = 0)
Creates the index range <0, dim-1>.

RealRangeC(RealT minReal,RealT maxReal)
Creates the index range .

RealRangeC(istream & s)
Creates the index range from the input stream.

Access to the object information.

RealT Size() const
Returns the number of elements in the range.

const RealRangeC & Range() const
Returns this object.

const RealT & Min() const
Returns the minimum index of the range.

const RealT & Max() const
Returns the maximum index of the range.

RealT & Min()
Returns the minimum index of the range.

RealT & Max()
Returns the maximum index of the range.

RealT Center() const
Returns the index in the middle of the range, eg. (Max()+Min()+1)/2.

RealT CenterD() const
Returns the index previous the middle of the range, eg. (Max()+Min())/2.

RealT Percentage(RealT p) const
Returns the index which is in the 'p' % of the whole range.

Logical operations.

bool IsEmpty() const
Returns true if the minimum limit is bigger than the maximum limit.

bool IsValid() const
Returns true if the minimum limit is bigger than the maximum limit.

bool Contains(RealT i) const
Returns true if this range contains the index 'i'.

bool Contains(const RealRangeC & range) const
Returns true if this range contains the subrange 'range'.

bool operator ==(const RealRangeC & range) const
Returns true if both index ranges have the same limits.

bool operator !=(const RealRangeC & range) const
Returns true if both the ranges have different limits.

bool In(const RealRangeC & range) const
Returns true if this range is inside of the 'range'.

bool IsOverlapping(const RealRangeC & r) const
Returns true if this range contains at least one common index with the range 'r'.

Special operations.

const RealRangeC & SetOrigin(RealT position)
Set the origin of the range to 'position'.
Returns a reference to this range.

RealRangeC & operator ++()
Move both the max and min of the range along 1.
Returns a reference to this range.

RealRangeC & operator --()
Move both the max and min of the range back 1.
Returns a reference to this range.

const RealRangeC & operator +=(RealT i)
Both minimum and maximum limits are shifted by adding the offset 'i'.
Returns a reference to this range.

const RealRangeC & operator -=(RealT i)
Both minimum and maximum limits are shifted by subtracting the offset 'i'.
Returns a reference to this range.

RealRangeC operator +(RealT i) const
Create a new RealRangeC with minimum and maximum limits shifted by adding the offset 'i'.

RealRangeC operator -(RealT i) const
Create a new RealRangeC with minimum and maximum limits shifted by subtracting the offset 'i'.

RealRangeC & ClipBy(const RealRangeC & r)
This index range is clipped to contain at most the index range 'r'.

RealRangeC FirstHalf() const
Returns the index range < Min(), (Max()+Min()+1)/2 >.

RealRangeC FirstHalfD() const
Returns the index range < Min(), (Max()+Min())/2 >.

RealRangeC Enlarge(RealT f) const
Returns the index range whose number of elements is enlarged by the factor 'f'. The upper limits is changed.

RealRangeC Expand(RealT n) const
Returns the range extended by adding 'n' items on both limits of this range.

RealRangeC Shrink(RealT n) const
Returns the range extended by adding 'n' items on both limits of this range.

RealRangeC & ShrinkHigh(RealT n)
Returns the range shrinked by removing of the last 'n' items on both limits of this range.

RealRangeC & Swap(RealRangeC & r)
Exchanges the contents of this range and range 'r'. The function returns this range.

const RealRangeC & Involve(RealT i)
Modify this range to ensure index i is contained within it.

const RealRangeC & Involve(const RealRangeC & subRange)
Modify this range to ensure subRange is contained within it.

Maintainer:Charles Galambos, Documentation by CxxDoc: Tue Aug 13 09:59:30 2002