Developer Documentation
RAVL, Recognition And Vision Library
Ravl - Pattern Recognition - Classify - DesignDiscriminantFunctionBodyC

DesignDiscriminantFunctionBodyC::DesignDiscriminantFunctionBodyC(const DesignFunctionSupervisedC &)
DesignDiscriminantFunctionBodyC::Apply(const SampleC &,const SampleC &)
DesignDiscriminantFunctionBodyC::Apply(const SampleC &,const SampleC &,const SampleC &)
DesignDiscriminantFunctionBodyC::FunctionDesigner(void) const
DesignClassifyVectorBodyC::Apply(const SampleC &,const SampleC &)
DesignClassifyVectorBodyC::Apply(const SampleC &,const SampleC &,const SampleC &)
RCBodyVC::Save(ostream &) const
RCBodyVC::Save(BinOStreamC &) const
RCBodyVC::Copy(void) const
RCBodyVC::DeepCopy(UIntT) const
RCBodyC::References(void) const
RCBodyC::Copy(void) const
RCBodyC::DeepCopy(UIntT) const

Design a discriminat function classifier.
include "Ravl/PatternRec/DesignDiscriminantFunction.hh"
Source file:Ravl/PatternRec/Classify/DesignDiscriminantFunction.hh
User Level:Develop
In Scope:RavlN

Parent Classes: Variables:
DesignFunctionSupervisedC designFunc;

DesignDiscriminantFunctionBodyC(const DesignFunctionSupervisedC & func)
Default constructor.

ClassifyVectorC Apply(const SampleC<VectorC> & in,const SampleC<UIntT> & out)
Create a clasifier.

ClassifyVectorC Apply(const SampleC<VectorC> & in,const SampleC<UIntT> & out,const SampleC<RealT> & weight)
Create a clasifier with weights for the samples.

const DesignFunctionSupervisedC & FunctionDesigner() const
Access the current function designer being used.

#include "Ravl/PatternRec/DesignClassifyVector.hh"
ClassifyVectorC Apply(const SampleC<VectorC> & in,const SampleC<UIntT> & out)
Create a clasifier.

ClassifyVectorC Apply(const SampleC<VectorC> & in,const SampleC<UIntT> & out,const SampleC<RealT> & weight)
Create a clasifier with weights for the samples.

#include "Ravl/RCHandleV.hh"
bool Save(ostream & out) const
Save to stream 'out'.

bool Save(BinOStreamC & out) const
Save to binary stream 'out'.

RCBodyVC & Copy() const
Make copy of body.
This should be provided in derived classes. this funtion will issue an assertion failure if called.

RCBodyC & DeepCopy(UIntT levels = ((UIntT))) const
Make a deep copy of body.
This should be provided in derived classes. this funtion will issue an assertion failure if called.

#include "Ravl/RefCounter.hh"
UIntT References() const
Access count of handles open to this object.

RCBodyC & Copy() const
Make copy of body.
This should be provided in derived classes. this funtion will issue an assertion failure if called.

RCBodyC & DeepCopy(UIntT levels = ((UIntT))) const
Make a deep copy of body.
This should be provided in derived classes. this funtion will issue an assertion failure if called.

void IncRefCounter()
Increment reference counter.

bool DecRefCounter()
Decrement reference counter.

Documentation by CxxDoc: Tue Aug 13 09:59:30 2002