User Documentation
RAVL, Recognition And Vision Library
Ravl - Core - IO - Formats - FileFormatRegistryBodyC

FileFormatRegistryBodyC::FileFormatRegistryBodyC(const TypeConverterC &)
FileFormatRegistryBodyC::Insert(FileFormatBaseC &)
FileFormatRegistryBodyC::Remove(FileFormatBaseC &)
FileFormatRegistryBodyC::FindFormat(bool,const StringC &,const type_info &,bool)
FileFormatRegistryBodyC::FindFormatFile(bool,const StringC &,const type_info &,StringC,bool)
FileFormatRegistryBodyC::FindFormat(IStreamC &,const type_info &,StringC,bool)
FileFormatRegistryBodyC::FindInputFormat(FileFormatDescC &,StringC,StringC,const type_info &,bool)
FileFormatRegistryBodyC::FindOutputFormat(FileFormatDescC &,StringC,StringC,const type_info &,bool)
FileFormatRegistryBodyC::CreateInput(StringC,StringC,const type_info &,bool)
FileFormatRegistryBodyC::CreateOutput(StringC,StringC,const type_info &,bool)
FileFormatRegistryBodyC::CreateInput(IStreamC &,StringC,const type_info &,bool)
FileFormatRegistryBodyC::CreateOutput(OStreamC &,StringC,const type_info &,bool)
FileFormatRegistryBodyC::Load(const StringC &,RCWrapAbstractC &,StringC,bool)
FileFormatRegistryBodyC::Save(const StringC &,const RCWrapAbstractC &,StringC,bool)
FileFormatRegistryBodyC::ListFormats(bool,const StringC &,const type_info &)
FileFormatRegistryBodyC::Identify(const StringC &)
FileFormatRegistryBodyC::Identify(IStreamC &)
RCBodyC::References(void) const
RCBodyC::Copy(void) const
RCBodyC::DeepCopy(UIntT) const

Registry of file formats.
include "Ravl/DP/FileFormatRegistry.hh"
User Level:Develop
In Scope:RavlN

Parent Classes: Variables:
Default constructor.

FileFormatRegistryBodyC(const TypeConverterC & aTypeConveter)

bool Insert(FileFormatBaseC & ff)
Add a new format to the registry.

bool Remove(FileFormatBaseC & ff)
Remove an old format from the registry.

DListC<FileFormatBaseC> & Formats()
Access list of available file formats.

HashC<StringC,DListC<FileFormatBaseC>> & FormatByName()
Access list of available file formats by name.

FileFormatBaseC FindFormat(bool forLoad,const StringC & formatName,const type_info & atype = typeid (void),bool useInDirect = true)
Find a format.
This can be input or output.

FileFormatBaseC FindFormatFile(bool forLoad,const StringC & filename,const type_info & atype = typeid (void),StringC formatName = "",bool useInDirect = true)
Find the format of the file.
This can be input or output.

FileFormatBaseC FindFormat(IStreamC & in,const type_info & atype = typeid (void),StringC formatName = "",bool useInDirect = true)
Find the format of the file.
This can only be input.

bool FindInputFormat(FileFormatDescC & fmtInfo,StringC filename,StringC format,const type_info & obj_type,bool verbose = false)
Search for input format.

bool FindOutputFormat(FileFormatDescC & fmtInfo,StringC filename,StringC format,const type_info & obj_type,bool verbose = false)
Search for output format.

DPIPortBaseC CreateInput(StringC filename,StringC format,const type_info & obj_type,bool verbose = false)
Create an input pipe.
if obj_type is typeid(void), then the default load type of the file is used.

DPOPortBaseC CreateOutput(StringC filename,StringC format,const type_info & obj_type,bool verbose = false)
Create an input pipe.

DPIPortBaseC CreateInput(IStreamC & from,StringC format,const type_info & obj_type,bool verbose = false)
Create an input pipe.
if obj_type is typeid(void), then the default load type of the file is used.

DPOPortBaseC CreateOutput(OStreamC & to,StringC format,const type_info & obj_type,bool verbose = false)
Create an input pipe.

bool Load(const StringC & filename,RCWrapAbstractC & obj,StringC fileformat,bool verbose)
Load to an abstract object handle.
NB. an instace of TypeInfoInstC must exists for the contained class if this is to work.

bool Save(const StringC & filename,const RCWrapAbstractC & obj,StringC fileformat,bool verbose)
Save an abstract object handle.
NB. an instace of TypeInfoInstC must exists for the contained class if this is to work.

DListC<FileFormatBaseC> ListFormats(bool forLoad,const StringC & fileFormat = StringC (""),const type_info & typespec = typeid (void))
List all file formats that support the given type.
forLoad == true, then for load. forLoad == false, then for save.

If fileFormat string is empty then all file formats are listed.

If typespec is void then all types are listed.

FileFormatBaseC Identify(const StringC & afile)
Identify a file.
If file format is unrecognised the returned FileFormatBaseC will be an invalid handle.

FileFormatBaseC Identify(IStreamC & is)
Identify a stream.
If file format is unrecognised the returned FileFormatBaseC will be an invalid handle.

#include "Ravl/RefCounter.hh"
UIntT References() const
Access count of handles open to this object.

RCBodyC & Copy() const
Make copy of body.
This should be provided in derived classes. this funtion will issue an assertion failure if called.

RCBodyC & DeepCopy(UIntT levels = ((UIntT))) const
Make a deep copy of body.
This should be provided in derived classes. this funtion will issue an assertion failure if called.

void IncRefCounter()
Increment reference counter.

bool DecRefCounter()
Decrement reference counter.

Maintainer:Charles Galambos, Documentation by CxxDoc: Tue Aug 13 09:59:02 2002