Developer Documentation
RAVL, Recognition And Vision Library
Ravl - Math - Geometry


General geometry

Normal classes:

 FAffineC General affine transformation.

Normal functions:

 operator <<(ostream &,const FAffineC &)
 operator >>(istream &,FAffineC &)

Advanced classes:

 FMatrixC Real Matrix with templated size.
 FVectorC Real Vector with templated size
 FPointC Real point with templated size

Advanced functions:

 SolveIP(FMatrixC &,FVectorC &) Solve a general linear system A*x = b
 Solve(const FMatrixC &,const FVectorC &) Solve a general linear system A*x = b
 SVD(const FMatrixC &) Singular value decomposition, eg. mat = U * D * V.T().
 SVD_IP(FMatrixC &) Singular value decomposition, eg. mat = U * D * V.T().
 SVD(const FMatrixC &,FMatrixC &,FMatrixC &) Singular value decomposition, eg. mat = U * D * V.T().
 SVD_IP(FMatrixC &,FMatrixC &,FMatrixC &) Singular value decomposition, eg. mat = U * D * V.T().
 EigenValues(FMatrixC &,FVectorC &) Calculate the eigen values of a real symmetric matrix.
 EigenValuesIP(FMatrixC &,FVectorC &) Calculate the eigen values of a real symmetric matrix.
 EigenVectors(FMatrixC &,FMatrixC &,FVectorC &) Calculate the eigen values and vectors of a real symmetric matrix.
 EigenVectorsIP(FMatrixC &,FVectorC &) Calculate the eigen values and vectors of a real symmetric matrix.
 MaxEigenValue(FMatrixC &,FVectorC &) Get the maximum eigen value and its vector.

Default classes:

Documentation by CxxDoc: Tue Aug 13 10:00:48 2002