Developer Documentation
RAVL, Recognition And Vision Library

namespace RavlConstN
Standard constants

Created: 27/11/1995
User Level:Basic
Library: RavlCore


The class StdConstC is used for definition of useful constants.

Child Classes:

#include "Ravl/StdConst.hh"
u_nan_t Smallest +ve value a float may have.
const double sqrt2 = 1.41421356237309504880;
The value of the square root of 2.

const double sqrt1_2 = 0.70710678118654752440;
The value of the square root of 1/2.

const double pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028;
The value of PI number.

const double pi_2 = 1.57079632679489661923;
The value of PI/2.

const double pi_4 = 0.78539816339744830962;
The value of PI/4.

const double o1_pi = 0.31830988618379067154;
The value of 1/PI.

const double o2_pi = 0.63661977236758134308;
The value of 2/PI.

const double o2_sqrtPi = 1.12837916709551257390;
The value of 2/sqrt(PI).

const double sqrt2Pi = 2.50662827465;
The value of sqrt(2*PI).

const double deg2rad = pi / 180.0;
Conversion from degrees to radians.

const double rad2deg = 180.0 / pi;
Conversion from radians to degrees.

const double e = 2.7182818284590452354;
The value of e number.

const double log2e = 1.4426950408889634074;
The value of log2(e).

const double log10e = 0.43429448190325182765;
The value of log10(e).

const double ln2 = 0.69314718055994530942;
The value of ln(2).

const double ln10 = 2.30258509299404568402;
The value of ln(10).

const double maxReal = MAXDOUBLE;
Maximum real number.

const double minReal = MINDOUBLE;
Smallest +ve value a real may have.

const double maxReal = DBL_MAX;
Maximum real number.

const double minReal = DBL_MIN;
Smallest +ve value a real may have.

const double maxReal = 1.0e200;
Maximum real number.

const double minReal = 1.0e-200;
Smallest +ve value a real may have.

const int maxInt = MAXINT;
Maximum integer used by Borland compiler.

const int maxInt = INT_MAX;
Maximum integer used by GNU C++ compiler.

const float maxFloat = MAXFLOAT;
Biggest value a float may have.

const float minFloat = MINFLOAT;
Smallest +ve value a float may have.

const float maxFloat = FLT_MAX;
Biggest value a float may have.

const float minFloat = FLT_MIN;
Smallest +ve value a float may have.

const double maxReal = 1.0e30;
Biggest value a float may have.

const double minReal = 1.0e-30;
Smallest +ve value a float may have.

const float nanFloat = (float) (u_nan);
Floating point not a number.

const double nanReal = (double) nanFloat;
Real not a number.

const double sqrt2;
The value of the square root of 2.

const double sqrt1_2;
The value of the square root of 1/2.

const double pi;
The value of PI number.

const double pi_2;
The value of PI/2.

const double pi_4;
The value of PI/4.

const double o1_pi;
The value of 1/PI.

const double o2_pi;
The value of 2/PI.

const double o2_sqrtPi;
The value of 2/sqrt(PI).

const double sqrt2Pi;
The value of sqrt(2*PI).

const double deg2rad;
Conversion from degrees to radians.

const double rad2deg;
Conversion from radians to degrees.

const double e;
The value of e number.

const double log2e;
The value of log2(e).

const double log10e;
The value of log10(e).

const double ln2;
The value of ln(2).

const double ln10;
The value of ln(10).

const double maxReal;
Maximum real number.

const double minReal;
Minimum real number.

const int maxInt;
Maximum integer.

const float maxFloat;
Biggest value a float may have.

const float minFloat;
Snallest value a float may have.

const double nanReal;
Real not a number.

const float nanFloat;
Floating point not a number.

Documentation by CxxDoc: Tue Aug 13 09:59:27 2002