User Documentation
RAVL, Recognition And Vision Library
Ravl - Core - Misc

Miscellaneous useful classes.

Basic classes:

 OptionC The class OptionC is a simple parser of a command line.

Normal classes:

 IntC Integer with a default constructor that assigns it a value of 0
 UIntC unsigned integer with a default constructor that assigns it a value of 0.
 RealC Real value with a default constructor that assigns it a value of 0.
 TimeCodeC Time code.
 BinIterC Bin table iterator.
 BinTableC A table of bins. Hashing for real valued paramiters.
 BinListC Binned table of lists.
 CollectionIterC Collection iterator.
 CollectionConstIterC Collection iterator.
 CollectionC Collection of data
 DArray1dIterC Dynamic array iterator.
 DArray1dIter2C Dynamic array iterator.
 DArray1dIter3C Dynamic array iterator.
 VirtualConstructorC Virtual constructor base class.
 VirtualConstructorInstC Virtual constructor instance.

Normal functions:

 Swap(DataT &,DataT &) Swap the values of two variables.
 SetZero(ByteT &) Set byte value to zero.
 SetZero(IntT &) Set integer value to zero.
 SetZero(UIntT &) Set unsigned integer value to zero.
 SetZero(RealT &) Set real value to zero.
 SetZero(SByteT &) Set signed byte value to zero.
 SetZero(FloatT &) Set float value to zero.
 SetZero(Int64T &) Set integer value to zero.
 SetZero(UInt64T &) Set unsigned integer value to zero.
 StdCopy(const K &) Copy.
 StdCopy(const char *) Copy constant 'C' style string.
 StdCopy(long double) Copy long double.
 StdCopy(double) Copy double.
 StdCopy(float) Copy float.
 StdCopy(bool) Copy bool.
 StdCopy(short) Copy short.
 StdCopy(unsigned short) Copy short.
 StdCopy(int) Copy int.
 StdCopy(unsigned int) Copy unsigned int.
 StdCopy(long) Copy long
 StdCopy(unsigned long) Copy unsigned long.
 StdCopy(char) Copy char.
 StdCopy(unsigned char) Copy unsigned char.
 StdCopy(Int64T) Copy 64 bit int.
 StdCopy(UInt64T) Copy unsigned 64 bit int.
 UsingRavlMain(void) Are we using RAVL_ENTRY_POINT.
 RavlMain(int,char *,int (*func)(int argc,char * argv[]) ) Call through function.
 operator <<(ostream &,const IntC &)
 operator >>(istream &,IntC &)
 operator <<(BinOStreamC &,const IntC &)
 operator >>(BinIStreamC &,IntC &) unsigned integer with a default constructor that assigns it a value of 0.
 operator -(int,UIntC) Subtraction.
 operator <<(ostream &,const UIntC &)
 operator >>(istream &,UIntC &)
 operator <<(BinOStreamC &,const UIntC &)
 operator >>(BinIStreamC &,UIntC &)
 StdDeepCopy(const IntT &,UIntT) Deep copy for built in type.
 StdDeepCopy(const UIntT &,UIntT) Deep copy for built in type.
 StdDeepCopy(const RealT &,UIntT) Deep copy for built in type.
 StdDeepCopy(const FloatT &,UIntT) Deep copy for built in type.
 StdDeepCopy(const ByteT &,UIntT) Deep copy for built in type.
 StdDeepCopy(const UInt16T &,UIntT) Deep copy for built in type.
 StdDeepCopy(const DataT &,UIntT) Call deep copy on a class.
 operator <<(ostream &,const RealC &)
 operator >>(istream &,RealC &)
 operator <<(BinOStreamC &,const RealC &)
 operator >>(BinIStreamC &,RealC &)
 operator <<(ostream &,const TimeCodeC &) Write time code out to stream.
 operator >>(istream &,TimeCodeC &) Read time code in from stream.
 operator <<(ostream &,const BinTableC &)
 operator >>(istream &,BinTableC &) A table of bins. Hashing for real valued paramiters.
 operator <<(ostream &,const BinIterC &)
 operator <<(ostream &,const BinListC &)
 operator >>(istream &,BinListC &) Binned table of lists.
 operator <<(ostream &,const CollectionC &)
 operator >>(istream &,CollectionC &)

Advanced classes:

 EmptyC Empty data class.

Advanced functions:

 operator <<(ostream &,const EmptyC &)
 operator >>(istream &,EmptyC &)
 operator <<(BinOStreamC &,const EmptyC &)
 operator >>(BinIStreamC &,EmptyC &)
Maintainer:Charles Galambos, Documentation by CxxDoc: Tue Aug 13 10:00:52 2002