User Documentation
RAVL, Recognition And Vision Library

namespace Ravl3DN
User Level:Default
Library: Ravl3D


This file is part of RAVL, Recognition And Vision Library Copyright (C) 2002, University of Surrey This code may be redistributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL). See the lgpl.licence file for details or see file-header-ends-here ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Child Classes:

#include "Ravl/3D/Vertex.hh"

VertexC Vertex in a mesh.
#include "Ravl/3D/Tri.hh"

TriC Triangle in TriMesh.
#include "Ravl/3D/TriMesh.hh"

TriMeshC Triangular 3d mesh.
#include "Ravl/3D/HEMeshVertex.hh"

HEMeshVertexC Vertex.
#include "Ravl/3D/HEMeshEdge.hh"

HEMeshEdgeC Half edge in mesh.
#include "Ravl/3D/HEMeshFace.hh"

HEMeshFaceC Face in mesh.
#include "Ravl/3D/HEMesh.hh"

HEMeshC Half Edge Mesh
#include "Ravl/3D/HEMeshFace.hh"

HEMeshFaceEdgeIterC Iterate through edges around a face.
#include "Ravl/3D/HEMeshVertexIter.hh"

HEMeshVertexIterC Mesh vertex iterator.
#include "Ravl/3D/HEMeshFace.hh"

HEMeshFaceBodyC Face in mesh.
#include "Ravl/3D/HEMeshEdge.hh"

HEMeshVertexEdgeIterC Iterate through edges around a vertex.
#include "Ravl/3D/HEMeshFaceIter.hh"

HEMeshFaceIterC Mesh face iterator.
#include "Ravl/3D/TriFileIO.hh"

DPITriFileC Tri file IO.
DPOTriFileC Tri file IO.
#include "Ravl/3D/FormatTriFile.hh"

FileFormatTriC Create an instance of a Tri File Format.
#include "Ravl/3D/MeshIOObj.hh"

DPIMeshObjC Tri file IO.
DPOMeshObjC Tri file IO.
#include "Ravl/3D/FormatMeshObj.hh"

FileFormatObjC Create an instance of a Obj File Format.
#include "Ravl/3D/PinholeCamera0.hh"

PinholeCamera0C Simple pinhole camera model
#include "Ravl/3D/VoxelSet.hh"

VoxelSetC A cuboid of volume cells (voxels) in 3D space
#include "Ravl/3D/PointSet.hh"
PointSetC Array of 3D vertices and attributes

#include "Ravl/3D/Vertex.hh"
ostream & operator <<(ostream & s,const VertexC & v)

istream & operator >>(istream & s,VertexC & v)

BinOStreamC & operator <<(BinOStreamC & s,const VertexC & v)

BinIStreamC & operator >>(BinIStreamC & s,VertexC & v)

#include "Ravl/3D/TriMesh.hh"
ostream & operator <<(ostream & s,const TriMeshC & ts)

istream & operator >>(istream & s,TriMeshC & ts)

BinIStreamC & operator >>(BinIStreamC & s,TriMeshC & ts)

BinOStreamC & operator <<(BinOStreamC & s,const TriMeshC & ts)

#include "Ravl/3D/MeshIO.hh"
void InitTriMeshIO()

void InitObjFormat()

void InitTriFormat()

#include "Ravl/3D/PinholeCamera0.hh"
istream & operator >>(istream & s,PinholeCamera0C & camera)
Read camera parameters from a text stream.

ostream & operator <<(ostream & s,const PinholeCamera0C & camera)
Write camera parameters to a text stream.

BinIStreamC & operator >>(BinIStreamC & s,PinholeCamera0C & camera)
Read camera parameters from a binary stream.

BinOStreamC & operator <<(BinOStreamC & s,const PinholeCamera0C & camera)
Write camera parameters to a binary stream.

#include "Ravl/3D/VoxelSet.hh"
BinOStreamC & operator <<(BinOStreamC & is,const VoxelSetC & oVoxelSet)
Prints the voxel set into the stream

BinIStreamC & operator >>(BinIStreamC & os,VoxelSetC & oVoxelSet)
Assigns the values into the voxel set

#include "Ravl/3D/PointSet.hh"
BinOStreamC & operator <<(BinOStreamC & is,const PointSetC & oPointSet)
Prints the point set into the stream

BinIStreamC & operator >>(BinIStreamC & os,PointSetC & oPointSet)
Assigns the values into the point set

Documentation by CxxDoc: Tue Aug 13 09:59:28 2002