Unattributed classes
These classes do not have the author field set. To fix this add a line '//! author="(your name)"' to
the beginning of the relevant header file or before the comments for a class.
Default classes:
Default functions:
LUDecomposition(MatrixC &,RealT &) | LU Decomposition with partial pivoting. |
LUDecompositionPD(MatrixC &,RealT &) | LUDecomposition for positive definite matrices. |
LoadVectorLabel(const StringC &) | Load a vector label dataset. |
InitTriMeshIO(void) | |
InitObjFormat(void) | |
InitTriFormat(void) | |
gdk_gl_query(void) | |
gdk_gl_get_info(void) | |
gdk_gl_choose_visual(int *) | |
gdk_gl_get_config(GdkVisual *,int) | |
gdk_gl_context_new(GdkVisual *) | |
gdk_gl_context_share_new(GdkVisual *,GdkGLContext *,gint) | |
gdk_gl_context_attrlist_share_new(int *,GdkGLContext *,gint) | |
gdk_gl_context_ref(GdkGLContext *) | |
gdk_gl_context_unref(GdkGLContext *) | |
gdk_gl_make_current(GdkDrawable *,GdkGLContext *) | |
gdk_gl_swap_buffers(GdkDrawable *) | |
gdk_gl_wait_gdk(void) | |
gdk_gl_wait_gl(void) | |
gdk_gl_pixmap_new(GdkVisual *,GdkPixmap *) | |
gdk_gl_pixmap_ref(GdkGLPixmap *) | |
gdk_gl_pixmap_unref(GdkGLPixmap *) | |
gdk_gl_pixmap_make_current(GdkGLPixmap *,GdkGLContext *) | |
gdk_gl_use_gdk_font(GdkFont *,int,int,int) | |
gtk_gl_area_get_type(void) | |
gtk_gl_area_new(int *) | |
gtk_gl_area_share_new(int *,GtkGLArea *) | |
gtk_gl_area_new_vargs(GtkGLArea *,...) | |
gtk_gl_area_make_current(GtkGLArea *) | |
gtk_gl_area_begingl(GtkGLArea *) | |
gtk_gl_area_endgl(GtkGLArea *) | |
gtk_gl_area_swapbuffers(GtkGLArea *) | |
gtk_gl_area_swap_buffers(GtkGLArea *) | |
gtk_gl_area_size(GtkGLArea *,gint,gint) | |
fmatprt(FILE *,double *,int,int,char *) | |
house(double *,double *,double *,int) | |
housev(double *,double *,double *,int) | |
qreval(double *,double *,int) | |
qrevec(double *,double *,double *,int) | |
qrbdi(double *,double *,int) | |
qrbdv(double *,double *,double *,int,double *,int) | |
qrbdu1(double *,double *,double *,int,double *,int) | |
ldumat(double *,double *,int,int) | |
ldvmat(double *,double *,int) | |
atou1(double *,int,int) | |
atovm(double *,int) | |
cminv(Cpx *,int) | |
csolv(Cpx *,Cpx *,int) | |
heigvec(Cpx *,double *,int) | |
heigval(Cpx *,double *,int) | |
hevmax(Cpx *,Cpx *,int) | |
cmmul(Cpx *,Cpx *,Cpx *,int) | |
cmmult(Cpx *,Cpx *,Cpx *,int,int,int) | |
cvmul(Cpx *,Cpx *,Cpx *,int) | |
cvnrm(Cpx *,Cpx *,int) | |
cmprt(Cpx *,int,int,char *) | |
trncm(Cpx *,int) | |
hconj(Cpx *,int) | |
cmattr(Cpx *,Cpx *,int,int) | |
utrncm(Cpx *,Cpx *,Cpx *,int) | |
utrnhm(Cpx *,Cpx *,Cpx *,int) | |
cmcpy(Cpx *,Cpx *,int) | |
unitary(Cpx *,int) | |
hmgen(Cpx *,double *,Cpx *,int) | |
chouse(Cpx *,double *,double *,int) | |
chousv(Cpx *,double *,double *,int) | |
qrecvc(double *,Cpx *,double *,int) | |
crossp(double *,double *,double *) | |
dotp(double *,double *,int) | |
metpr(double *,double *,double *,int) | |
scalv(double *,double,int) | |
trvec(double *,double *,double *,int) | |
leng(double *,double *,int) | |
rotax(double *,double,double,double,int) | |
euler(double *,int,double,double,double) | |
trgsas(double,double,double,double *) | |
trgasa(double,double,double,double *) | |
trgarea(double,double,double) | |
trgsss(double,double,double,double *) | |
trgssa(double,double,double,double *) | |
stgsas(double,double,double,double *) | |
stgasa(double,double,double,double *) | |
stgsss(double,double,double,double *) | |
stgaaa(double,double,double,double *) | |
stgarea(double,double,double) | |
htgsas(double,double,double,double *) | |
htgasa(double,double,double,double *) | |
htgsss(double,double,double,double *) | |
htgaaa(double,double,double,double *) | |
htgarea(double,double,double) | |
fintg(double,double,int,double,double (*func)() ) | |
chintg(double *,int,double (*func)() ) | |
fchb(double,double *,int) | |
deqsy(double *,int,double,double,int,double,int (*fsys)() ) | |
optmiz(double *,int,double (*func)() ,double,double,int) | |
optsch(double (*func)() ,double,double,double) | |
plrt(double *,int,struct complex *,double,double) | |
polyc(struct complex,double *,int) | |
secrt(double (*func)() ,double,double,double) | |
chcof(double *,int,double (*func)(double) ) | |
qrbdbv(double *,double *,double *,double *,int) | |
seqlsq(double *,double *,int,double *,double *,int,double,double (*func)(double,double *) ,int) | |
gnlsq(double *,double *,int,double *,double *,int,double,double (*func)(double,double *) ) | |
fitval(double,double *,double *,double (*fun)(double,double *) ,double *,int) | |
fft2(struct complex *,int,int) | |
fft2_d(struct complex *,int,int,int) | |
fftgc(struct complex **,struct complex *,int,int *,int) | |
fftgr(double *,struct complex *,int,int *,int) | |
ftuns(struct complex **,int) | |
pfac(int,int *,int) | |
pshuf(Cpx **,Cpx **,int *,int) | |
pwspec(double *,int,int) | |
smoo(double *,int,int) | |
autcor(double *,int,int) | |
hist(double *,int,double,double,int,double *) | |
lran1(void) | |
setlran1(unsigned int) | |
lrand(void) | |
setlrand(unsigned int) | |
bran(int) | |
setbran(unsigned int) | |
bran2(int) | |
setbran2(unsigned int) | |
unfl(void) | |
setunfl(unsigned int) | |
unfl2(void) | |
setunfl2(unsigned int) | |
nrml(void) | |
setnrml(unsigned int) | |
norm(double *) | |
setnorm(unsigned int) | |
norm2(double *) | |
setnorm2(unsigned int) | |
sampl(void **,int,void **,int) | |
shuffl(void **,int) | |
lrana(unsigned int) | |
lranb(unsigned int) | |
batdel(char *,struct tnode *) | |
batins(char *,struct tnode *) | |
btsearch(char *,struct tnode *) | |
btsort(struct tnode *,struct tnode **) | |
prbtree(struct tnode *,int) | |
btdel(char *,struct tnode *) | |
btins(char *,struct tnode *) | |
tsearch(char *,struct tnode *) | |
tsort(struct tnode *,struct tnode **) | |
prtree(struct tnode *,int) | |
hashdel(char *,struct tabl *,int) | |
hashins(char *,struct tabl *,int) | |
hfind(char *,struct tabl *,int) | |
hval(char *,int) | |
msort(struct llst *,int,int (*comp)() ) | |
qsrt(void *,int,int,int (*comp)() ) | |
hsort(void *,int,int (*comp)() ) | |
ssort(void *,int,int (*comp)() ) | |
dubcmp(double *,double *) | |
intcmp(int *,int *) | |
unicmp(unsigned *,unsigned *) | |
qnorm(double) | |
pctn(double) | |
qgama(double,double) | |
pctg(double,double) | |
qbeta(double,double,double) | |
pctb(double,double,double) | |
qgnc(double,double,double) | |
pctgn(double,double,double) | |
qbnc(double,double,double,double) | |
pctbn(double,double,double,double) | |
nome(double,double *,double *) | |
amelp(double,double) | |
theta(double,int) | |
stheta(double) | |
felp(double,double,double *,double *,double *) | |
gelp(double,double,double,double,double,double *,double *,double *) | |
g2elp(double,double,double,double,double,double) | |
jbes(double,double) | |
ibes(double,double) | |
kbes(double,double) | |
nbes(double,double) | |
drbes(double,double,int,double *) | |
rcbes(void) | |
setrcb(double,double,int,int,double *,double *) | |
jspbes(int,double) | |
kspbes(int,double) | |
yspbes(int,double) | |
drspbes(double,int,int,double *) | |
rcspbs(void) | |
setrcsb(int,double,int,int,double *,double *) | |
airy(double,int) | |
biry(double,int) | |
gaml(double) | |
psi(int) | |
psih(double) | |
gsng(double *,double *,double *,double,double) | |
gsng2(double *,double *,double *,double,double,double) | |
cmul(struct complex,struct complex) | |
cdiv(struct complex,struct complex) | |
cadd(struct complex,struct complex) | |
csub(struct complex,struct complex) | |
crmu(double,struct complex) | |
cimu(double,struct complex) | |
ccng(struct complex) | |
cdef(double,double) | |
cabs(struct complex) | |
cnrm(struct complex) | |
cexp(struct complex) | |
clog(struct complex) | |
csinh(struct complex) | |
ccosh(struct complex) | |
ctanh(struct complex) | |
casinh(struct complex) | |
cacosh(struct complex) | |
catanh(struct complex) | |
casin(struct complex) | |
cacos(struct complex) | |
catan(struct complex) | |
csqrt(struct complex) | |
csin(struct complex) | |
ccos(struct complex) | |
ctan(struct complex) | |
sarma(double) | |
setsim(int) | |
parma(double *,double *) | |
evfmod(struct fmod) | |
setevf(int) | |
drfmod(struct fmod,double *) | |
setdrf(int) | |
seqtsf(struct fmod *,int,double *,int) | |
fixtsf(struct fmod *,int,double *,double *) | |
evmod(double) | |
setev(int) | |
drmod(double,double *) | |
setdr(int) | |
seqts(double *,int,double *,int) | |
fixts(double *,int,double *,double *) | |
resid(double *,int,int,double **,int,double,double,int **,int *) | |
sany(double *,int,double *,double *,double *,int,int,int) | |
sdiff(double,int,int) | |
sintg(double,int,int) | |
xmean(double *,int) | |
xadd(struct xpr,struct xpr,int) | |
xmul(struct xpr,struct xpr) | |
xdiv(struct xpr,struct xpr) | |
xtodub(struct xpr) | |
dubtox(double) | |
inttox(int) | |
xprcmp(struct xpr *,struct xpr *) | |
xneg(struct xpr) | |
xabs(struct xpr) | |
xex(struct xpr *) | |
neg(struct xpr *) | |
xfrex(struct xpr,int *) | |
xfmod(struct xpr,struct xpr,int *) | |
xsqrt(struct xpr) | |
xexp(struct xpr) | |
xlog(struct xpr) | |
xpwr(struct xpr,int) | |
xpr2(struct xpr,int) | |
xtan(struct xpr) | |
xcos(struct xpr) | |
xsin(struct xpr) | |
xatan(struct xpr) | |
xasin(struct xpr) | |
xacos(struct xpr) | |
xtanh(struct xpr) | |
xsinh(struct xpr) | |
xcosh(struct xpr) | |
atox(char *) | |
prxpr(struct xpr,int) | |
xprint(struct xpr) | |
xchcof(struct xpr *,int,struct xpr (*xfunc)() ) | |
xevtch(struct xpr,struct xpr *,int) | |
sfmod(struct xpr,int *) | |
lshift(int,unsigned short *,int) | |
rshift(int,unsigned short *,int) | |
bset(unsigned short,unsigned short) | |
bget(unsigned short,unsigned short) | |
bcnt(unsigned short) | |
lbset(unsigned int,int) | |
lbget(unsigned int,int) | |
lbcnt(unsigned int) | |
bitpc(unsigned char) | |
bitps(unsigned short) | |
bitpl(unsigned int) | |
bitpf(float) | |
bitpd(double) | |
bpatx(struct xpr) | |
pwr(double,int) | |