Developer Documentation
RAVL, Recognition And Vision Library
Ravl - undocumented - anonymous

Unattributed classes

These classes do not have the author field set. To fix this add a line '//! author="(your name)"' to the beginning of the relevant header file or before the comments for a class.

Default classes:


Default functions:

 LUDecomposition(MatrixC &,RealT &) LU Decomposition with partial pivoting.
 LUDecompositionPD(MatrixC &,RealT &) LUDecomposition for positive definite matrices.
 LoadVectorLabel(const StringC &) Load a vector label dataset.
 gdk_gl_choose_visual(int *)
 gdk_gl_get_config(GdkVisual *,int)
 gdk_gl_context_new(GdkVisual *)
 gdk_gl_context_share_new(GdkVisual *,GdkGLContext *,gint)
 gdk_gl_context_attrlist_share_new(int *,GdkGLContext *,gint)
 gdk_gl_context_ref(GdkGLContext *)
 gdk_gl_context_unref(GdkGLContext *)
 gdk_gl_make_current(GdkDrawable *,GdkGLContext *)
 gdk_gl_swap_buffers(GdkDrawable *)
 gdk_gl_pixmap_new(GdkVisual *,GdkPixmap *)
 gdk_gl_pixmap_ref(GdkGLPixmap *)
 gdk_gl_pixmap_unref(GdkGLPixmap *)
 gdk_gl_pixmap_make_current(GdkGLPixmap *,GdkGLContext *)
 gdk_gl_use_gdk_font(GdkFont *,int,int,int)
 gtk_gl_area_new(int *)
 gtk_gl_area_share_new(int *,GtkGLArea *)
 gtk_gl_area_new_vargs(GtkGLArea *,...)
 gtk_gl_area_make_current(GtkGLArea *)
 gtk_gl_area_begingl(GtkGLArea *)
 gtk_gl_area_endgl(GtkGLArea *)
 gtk_gl_area_swapbuffers(GtkGLArea *)
 gtk_gl_area_swap_buffers(GtkGLArea *)
 gtk_gl_area_size(GtkGLArea *,gint,gint)
 fmatprt(FILE *,double *,int,int,char *)
 house(double *,double *,double *,int)
 housev(double *,double *,double *,int)
 qreval(double *,double *,int)
 qrevec(double *,double *,double *,int)
 qrbdi(double *,double *,int)
 qrbdv(double *,double *,double *,int,double *,int)
 qrbdu1(double *,double *,double *,int,double *,int)
 ldumat(double *,double *,int,int)
 ldvmat(double *,double *,int)
 atou1(double *,int,int)
 atovm(double *,int)
 cminv(Cpx *,int)
 csolv(Cpx *,Cpx *,int)
 heigvec(Cpx *,double *,int)
 heigval(Cpx *,double *,int)
 hevmax(Cpx *,Cpx *,int)
 cmmul(Cpx *,Cpx *,Cpx *,int)
 cmmult(Cpx *,Cpx *,Cpx *,int,int,int)
 cvmul(Cpx *,Cpx *,Cpx *,int)
 cvnrm(Cpx *,Cpx *,int)
 cmprt(Cpx *,int,int,char *)
 trncm(Cpx *,int)
 hconj(Cpx *,int)
 cmattr(Cpx *,Cpx *,int,int)
 utrncm(Cpx *,Cpx *,Cpx *,int)
 utrnhm(Cpx *,Cpx *,Cpx *,int)
 cmcpy(Cpx *,Cpx *,int)
 unitary(Cpx *,int)
 hmgen(Cpx *,double *,Cpx *,int)
 chouse(Cpx *,double *,double *,int)
 chousv(Cpx *,double *,double *,int)
 qrecvc(double *,Cpx *,double *,int)
 crossp(double *,double *,double *)
 dotp(double *,double *,int)
 metpr(double *,double *,double *,int)
 scalv(double *,double,int)
 trvec(double *,double *,double *,int)
 leng(double *,double *,int)
 rotax(double *,double,double,double,int)
 euler(double *,int,double,double,double)
 trgsas(double,double,double,double *)
 trgasa(double,double,double,double *)
 trgsss(double,double,double,double *)
 trgssa(double,double,double,double *)
 stgsas(double,double,double,double *)
 stgasa(double,double,double,double *)
 stgsss(double,double,double,double *)
 stgaaa(double,double,double,double *)
 htgsas(double,double,double,double *)
 htgasa(double,double,double,double *)
 htgsss(double,double,double,double *)
 htgaaa(double,double,double,double *)
 fintg(double,double,int,double,double (*func)() )
 chintg(double *,int,double (*func)() )
 fchb(double,double *,int)
 deqsy(double *,int,double,double,int,double,int (*fsys)() )
 optmiz(double *,int,double (*func)() ,double,double,int)
 optsch(double (*func)() ,double,double,double)
 plrt(double *,int,struct complex *,double,double)
 polyc(struct complex,double *,int)
 secrt(double (*func)() ,double,double,double)
 chcof(double *,int,double (*func)(double) )
 qrbdbv(double *,double *,double *,double *,int)
 seqlsq(double *,double *,int,double *,double *,int,double,double (*func)(double,double *) ,int)
 gnlsq(double *,double *,int,double *,double *,int,double,double (*func)(double,double *) )
 fitval(double,double *,double *,double (*fun)(double,double *) ,double *,int)
 fft2(struct complex *,int,int)
 fft2_d(struct complex *,int,int,int)
 fftgc(struct complex **,struct complex *,int,int *,int)
 fftgr(double *,struct complex *,int,int *,int)
 ftuns(struct complex **,int)
 pfac(int,int *,int)
 pshuf(Cpx **,Cpx **,int *,int)
 pwspec(double *,int,int)
 smoo(double *,int,int)
 autcor(double *,int,int)
 hist(double *,int,double,double,int,double *)
 setlran1(unsigned int)
 setlrand(unsigned int)
 setbran(unsigned int)
 setbran2(unsigned int)
 setunfl(unsigned int)
 setunfl2(unsigned int)
 setnrml(unsigned int)
 norm(double *)
 setnorm(unsigned int)
 norm2(double *)
 setnorm2(unsigned int)
 sampl(void **,int,void **,int)
 shuffl(void **,int)
 lrana(unsigned int)
 lranb(unsigned int)
 batdel(char *,struct tnode *)
 batins(char *,struct tnode *)
 btsearch(char *,struct tnode *)
 btsort(struct tnode *,struct tnode **)
 prbtree(struct tnode *,int)
 btdel(char *,struct tnode *)
 btins(char *,struct tnode *)
 tsearch(char *,struct tnode *)
 tsort(struct tnode *,struct tnode **)
 prtree(struct tnode *,int)
 hashdel(char *,struct tabl *,int)
 hashins(char *,struct tabl *,int)
 hfind(char *,struct tabl *,int)
 hval(char *,int)
 msort(struct llst *,int,int (*comp)() )
 qsrt(void *,int,int,int (*comp)() )
 hsort(void *,int,int (*comp)() )
 ssort(void *,int,int (*comp)() )
 dubcmp(double *,double *)
 intcmp(int *,int *)
 unicmp(unsigned *,unsigned *)
 nome(double,double *,double *)
 felp(double,double,double *,double *,double *)
 gelp(double,double,double,double,double,double *,double *,double *)
 drbes(double,double,int,double *)
 setrcb(double,double,int,int,double *,double *)
 drspbes(double,int,int,double *)
 setrcsb(int,double,int,int,double *,double *)
 gsng(double *,double *,double *,double,double)
 gsng2(double *,double *,double *,double,double,double)
 cmul(struct complex,struct complex)
 cdiv(struct complex,struct complex)
 cadd(struct complex,struct complex)
 csub(struct complex,struct complex)
 crmu(double,struct complex)
 cimu(double,struct complex)
 ccng(struct complex)
 cabs(struct complex)
 cnrm(struct complex)
 cexp(struct complex)
 clog(struct complex)
 csinh(struct complex)
 ccosh(struct complex)
 ctanh(struct complex)
 casinh(struct complex)
 cacosh(struct complex)
 catanh(struct complex)
 casin(struct complex)
 cacos(struct complex)
 catan(struct complex)
 csqrt(struct complex)
 csin(struct complex)
 ccos(struct complex)
 ctan(struct complex)
 parma(double *,double *)
 evfmod(struct fmod)
 drfmod(struct fmod,double *)
 seqtsf(struct fmod *,int,double *,int)
 fixtsf(struct fmod *,int,double *,double *)
 drmod(double,double *)
 seqts(double *,int,double *,int)
 fixts(double *,int,double *,double *)
 resid(double *,int,int,double **,int,double,double,int **,int *)
 sany(double *,int,double *,double *,double *,int,int,int)
 xmean(double *,int)
 xadd(struct xpr,struct xpr,int)
 xmul(struct xpr,struct xpr)
 xdiv(struct xpr,struct xpr)
 xtodub(struct xpr)
 xprcmp(struct xpr *,struct xpr *)
 xneg(struct xpr)
 xabs(struct xpr)
 xex(struct xpr *)
 neg(struct xpr *)
 xfrex(struct xpr,int *)
 xfmod(struct xpr,struct xpr,int *)
 xsqrt(struct xpr)
 xexp(struct xpr)
 xlog(struct xpr)
 xpwr(struct xpr,int)
 xpr2(struct xpr,int)
 xtan(struct xpr)
 xcos(struct xpr)
 xsin(struct xpr)
 xatan(struct xpr)
 xasin(struct xpr)
 xacos(struct xpr)
 xtanh(struct xpr)
 xsinh(struct xpr)
 xcosh(struct xpr)
 atox(char *)
 prxpr(struct xpr,int)
 xprint(struct xpr)
 xchcof(struct xpr *,int,struct xpr (*xfunc)() )
 xevtch(struct xpr,struct xpr *,int)
 sfmod(struct xpr,int *)
 lshift(int,unsigned short *,int)
 rshift(int,unsigned short *,int)
 bset(unsigned short,unsigned short)
 bget(unsigned short,unsigned short)
 bcnt(unsigned short)
 lbset(unsigned int,int)
 lbget(unsigned int,int)
 lbcnt(unsigned int)
 bitpc(unsigned char)
 bitps(unsigned short)
 bitpl(unsigned int)
 bpatx(struct xpr)
Documentation by CxxDoc: Tue Aug 13 10:00:48 2002