operator >>(istream &,FuncLinearC &) | Load from a stream. |
operator <<(ostream &,const FuncLinearC &) | Save to a stream. |
operator >>(BinIStreamC &,FuncLinearC &) | Load from a binary stream. |
operator <<(BinOStreamC &,const FuncLinearC &) | Save to a stream. |
operator >>(istream &,FuncQuadraticC &) | Load from a stream. |
operator <<(ostream &,const FuncQuadraticC &) | Save to a stream. |
operator >>(BinIStreamC &,FuncQuadraticC &) | Load from a binary stream. |
operator <<(BinOStreamC &,const FuncQuadraticC &) | Save to a stream. |
operator >>(istream &,FuncOrthPolynomialC &) | Load from a stream. |
operator <<(ostream &,const FuncOrthPolynomialC &) | Save to a stream. |
operator >>(BinIStreamC &,FuncOrthPolynomialC &) | Load from a binary stream. |
operator <<(BinOStreamC &,const FuncOrthPolynomialC &) | Save to a stream. |
operator >>(istream &,DesignFuncLSQC &) | Load from a stream. |
operator <<(ostream &,const DesignFuncLSQC &) | Save to a stream. |
operator >>(BinIStreamC &,DesignFuncLSQC &) | Load from a binary stream. |
operator <<(BinOStreamC &,const DesignFuncLSQC &) | Save to a stream. |
operator >>(istream &,FuncPDFC &) | Load from a stream. |
operator <<(ostream &,const FuncPDFC &) | Save to a stream. |
operator >>(BinIStreamC &,FuncPDFC &) | Load from a binary stream. |
operator <<(BinOStreamC &,const FuncPDFC &) | Save to a stream. |
operator >>(istream &,FuncPDFNormalC &) | Load from a stream. |
operator <<(ostream &,const FuncPDFNormalC &) | Save to a stream. |
operator >>(BinIStreamC &,FuncPDFNormalC &) | Load from a binary stream. |
operator <<(BinOStreamC &,const FuncPDFNormalC &) | Save to a stream. |