SUBTOPICS NetPort Networking and processing comununication Normal classes: SocketC Socket connection handle. NetOStreamC Output stream to memory. NetIStreamC Input stream from memory. NetPacketC Packet of stream encoded data. NetEndPointC An end point for a network packet base protocol. Normal functions: operator <<(BinOStreamC &,const NetPacketC &) operator >>(BinIStreamC &,NetPacketC &) Advanced classes: ExceptionNetC Networking exception. NetMsgRegisterC Net message handle. NetMsgCall0C Net message Signal0 NetMsgCall1C Net message Signal1 NetMsgCall2C NetMsgCall2 NetMsgCall3C NetMsgCall3 Develop classes: SocketBodyC Socket connection body class. NetMsgRegisterBodyC Net message body. NetEndPointBodyC An end point for a network packet base protocol. NetMsgCall0BodyC Net message Signal0 NetMsgCall1BodyC Net message Signal1 NetMsgCall2BodyC NetMsgCall2 NetMsgCall3BodyC NetMsgCall3