Developer Documentation
RAVL, Recognition And Vision Library
Ravl - Math - Statistics


Statistical modeling

Normal classes:

 MeanCovariance3dC Mean covariance in 3 dimentions.
 MeanVarianceC Mean and variance of a single variable.
 MeanCovarianceC Mean and covariance together in N-D space
 MeanNdC Mean in N-D space
 MeanC Mean a single variable.
 FMeanC Mean in N-D space
 FMeanCovarianceC Mean and covariance together in N-D space
 MeanCovariance2dC Mean covariance in 2 dimentions.
 NormalC Model a normal (or gauss) multi-dimensional distribution.

Normal functions:

 operator <<(ostream &,const MeanVarianceC &)
 operator >>(istream &,MeanVarianceC &)
 operator <<(ostream &,const MeanNdC &)
 operator >>(istream &,MeanNdC &)
 operator <<(ostream &,const MeanCovarianceC &)
 operator >>(istream &,MeanCovarianceC &)
 StatNormalQ(RealT) Integral from x to infinity of the standard normal distribution.
 StatNormalPercentage(RealT) Compute percentage points of the standard normal distribution.
 StatGamaQ(RealT,RealT) Evaluate the cumulative gamma distribution function.
 StatGamaPercentage(RealT,RealT) Evaluate the percentage points of the gamma distribution.
 StatBetaQ(RealT,RealT,RealT) Compute the cumulative beta, F, or Student-t distribution.
 StatBetaPercentage(RealT,RealT,RealT) Evaluate the percentage points of the beta distribution.
 StatNonCentralGamaQ(RealT,RealT,RealT) Compute the non-central gamma cumulative distribution function.
 StatNonCentralGamaPercentage(RealT,RealT,RealT) Evaluate percentage points of the noncentral gamma distribution.
 StatNonCentralBetaQ(RealT,RealT,RealT,RealT) Compute the cumulative non-central beta distribution function.
 StatNonCentralBetaPercentage(RealT,RealT,RealT,RealT) Evaluate percentage points of the noncentral beta distribution.
 operator <<(ostream &,const MeanC &)
 operator >>(istream &,MeanC &)
 operator >>(istream &,FMeanC &) Mean in N-D space
 operator <<(ostream &,const FMeanC &)
 operator <<(ostream &,const FMeanCovarianceC &)
 operator >>(istream &,FMeanCovarianceC &) Compute the mean and covariance of an array of vectors.
 operator >>(BinIStreamC &,NormalC &) Model a normal (or gauss) multi-dimensional distribution.

Default functions:

 operator <<(ostream &,const NormalC &)
 operator >>(istream &,NormalC &)
 operator <<(BinOStreamC &,const NormalC &)
Documentation by CxxDoc: Tue Aug 13 10:00:48 2002