Line detection and extraction Normal classes: PixelMapC Binned hash table of pixels in an image. PixelMapSearchC Pixel map search base class. PCIndex2dC Pixel near parametric curve. PCPixelListC List of PCPixels. PCPixMapC Simple mapping between a curve and some pixels. PCPixMappingC Mappings from a curve to a set of pixels. PPHoughTransformC Progressive Probablistic Hough Transform. Normal functions: operator <<(ostream &,const PCPixMapC &) operator >>(istream &,PCPixMapC &) Mappings from a curve to a set of pixels. operator <<(ostream &,const PCPixMappingC &) operator >>(istream &,PCPixMappingC &) Develop classes: PixelMapSearchBaseC Pixel map search base class. PPHoughTransformBodyC Line segment extraction engine.