Developer Documentation
RAVL, Recognition And Vision Library
Ravl - GUI - 3D

OpenGL 3D Rendering

OpenGL widgets and tools to render into them.

Normal classes:

 Canvas3DC 3D Canvas Widget.
 DObject3DC Handle to basic object in a 3d world.
 DOpenGLC OpenGL code invokation class.
 DObjectSet3DC Handle to basic object in a 3d world.
 DLight3DC Draw some lines.
 DViewPoint3DC Setup a view point in the 3D world.
 DCube3DC Handle to basic object in a 3d world.
 DTransform3DC Transform objects
 DTriMesh3DC Draw a TriMesh

Normal functions:

 operator <<(ostream &,const DObject3DC &)
 operator <<(ostream &,const DOpenGLC &) Write an DOpenGLC to a stream.
 operator <<(ostream &,const DObjectSet3DC &) Write an object set to a stream.
 operator >>(istream &,DObjectSet3DC &) Read an object set to a stream.
 operator <<(ostream &,const DTriMesh3DC &)
 operator >>(istream &,DTriMesh3DC &)

Develop classes:

 DObject3DBodyC Body of a basic display object in a 3d world.
 DOpenGLBodyC Body for OpenGL code invokation class.
 DObjectSet3DBodyC Body of a object set in a 3d world.
 DLight3DBodyC Draw some lines.
 Canvas3DBodyC 3D Canvas body.
 DViewPoint3DBodyC Setup a view point in the 3D world.
 DCube3DBodyC Body of a object set in a 3d world.
 DTransform3DBodyC Rotate objects
 DTriMesh3DBodyC Draw a TriMesh

Develop functions:

 operator >>(istream &,DObject3DC &) Body for OpenGL code invokation class.
 operator >>(istream &,DOpenGLC &) Body of a object set in a 3d world.

Default classes:

Documentation by CxxDoc: Tue Aug 13 10:00:48 2002