XML Streams
These classes are intended to provide basic XML stream
handing. This allows RAVL programs to read and write XML files
without including 3rd party libraries. If you want to do any
operations involving DTD's it is suggested you look at one of the
many existing libraries that can be found on the web. If there is
demand for this functionality a RAVL wrapper class for one of
these libraries may well be added to the RAVL Contrib code base.
Normal classes:
Normal functions:
operator <<(XMLOStreamC &,const XMLElementC &) | Output a element, well start to. |
operator <<(ostream &,const XMLTagOpsT &) | Catch silly mistakes. |
operator <<(XMLOStreamC &,const XMLTagOpsT &) | Do an output stream op. |
operator >>(XMLIStreamC &,const XMLTagOpsT &) | Do an input stream op. |
operator <<(XMLOStreamC &,const XMLAttributeC &) | Write out an attribute. |
operator >>(XMLIStreamC &,const XMLAttributeC &) | Write out an attribute. |
XMLAttribute(const StringC &,const DataT &) | Setup an XML attribute. |
XMLStartTag(const StringC &) | Start writing a XML start tag. |
operator <<(XMLOStreamC &,const SArray1dC &) | |
operator >>(XMLIStreamC &,SArray1dC &) | |
operator <<(XMLOStreamC &,const HashC &) | Write out a hash table. |
operator >>(XMLIStreamC &,HashC &) | Read in a hash table. |
Advanced classes:
Develop classes: