Developer Documentation
RAVL, Recognition And Vision Library
Ravl - Core - Reference Counting

Memory management system.

These classes provide a thread safe reference counting mechanism used in most of the classes in RAVL. Note: to keep the implementation simple and efficient we don't do any kind of garbage collection, so if you create a loop of references the objects in question will NOT be destroyed automatically. The two common ways of getting around this problem are to either use a container class like GraphC which can cope with loops of references or to make a parent class for the structure which manages the destruction of the object ensuring all the loops are broken when they are no longer needed.

For an example of how to write a simple reference counted class see If you want to create a class hierarchy with inheritance, shows how.

For more information on how to use reference counted classes see Ravl.Introduction.Reference Counting

Normal classes:

 RCHandleC Base class for handles to reference counter objects
 RCBodyC Base class for all reference counted objects
 RCAbstractC Abstract handle class for any object derived from RCBodyVC.
 RCHandleVC Handle from objects derived from RCBodyVC.
 RCBodyVC Base class for all reference counted objects, where derivation is expected.

Normal functions:

 operator <<(ostream &,const RCHandleC &)
 operator >>(istream &,RCHandleC &) Base class for all reference counted objects
 operator >>(istream &,RCBodyC &) Input body.
 operator <<(ostream &,const RCBodyC &) Output body.
 operator >>(istream &,RCHandleVC &)
 operator >>(BinIStreamC &,RCHandleVC &) Base class for all reference counted objects, where derivation is expected.
 operator >>(istream &,RCBodyVC &) Input virtual body.
 VCLoad(istream &) Load object from a stream via a virtual constructor
 VCLoad(BinIStreamC &) Load object from a binary stream via a virtual constructor
 VCLoad(istream &,BodyT *)
 VCLoad(BinIStreamC &,BodyT *)
 operator <<(ostream &,const RCHandleVC &) Write a handle to a stream.
 operator <<(BinOStreamC &,const RCHandleVC &) Write binary handle to a stream.

Advanced classes:

 SmartPtrC Smart pointer.
 HandleRefCounterC Handle based reference counter.
 HandleRefCounterBodyC Handle based reference counter.
 RCWrapAbstractC Abstract wrapped object handle.
 RCWrapC RCWrapper handle.

Advanced functions:

 operator <<(ostream &,const RCWrapC &) ostream operator.
 operator >>(istream &,RCWrapC &) istream operator.

Develop classes:

 RCWrapBaseBodyC RCWrapped object base class.
 RCWrapBodyC RCWrapper body.
Maintainer:Charles Galambos, Documentation by CxxDoc: Tue Aug 13 10:00:48 2002