User Documentation
RAVL, Recognition And Vision Library
Ravl - Pattern Recognition - Functions

Normal classes:

 Function1C Map a vector to a single real value.
 DesignerC Designer base class.
 DesignFunctionSupervisedC Supervised function designer.
 DesignFunctionUnsupervisedC Unsupervised function designer.

Normal functions:

 operator >>(istream &,Function1C &) Load from a stream.
 operator <<(ostream &,const Function1C &) Save to a stream.
 operator >>(BinIStreamC &,Function1C &) Load from a binary stream.
 operator <<(BinOStreamC &,const Function1C &) Save to a stream.
 operator >>(istream &,DesignerC &) Load from a stream.
 operator <<(ostream &,const DesignerC &) Save to a stream.
 operator >>(BinIStreamC &,DesignerC &) Load from a binary stream.
 operator <<(BinOStreamC &,const DesignerC &) Save to a stream.
 operator >>(istream &,DesignFunctionSupervisedC &) Load from a stream.
 operator <<(ostream &,const DesignFunctionSupervisedC &) Save to a stream.
 operator >>(BinIStreamC &,DesignFunctionSupervisedC &) Load from a binary stream.
 operator <<(BinOStreamC &,const DesignFunctionSupervisedC &) Save to a stream.
 operator >>(istream &,DesignFunctionUnsupervisedC &) Load from a stream.
 operator <<(ostream &,const DesignFunctionUnsupervisedC &) Save to a stream.
 operator >>(BinIStreamC &,DesignFunctionUnsupervisedC &) Load from a binary stream.
 operator <<(BinOStreamC &,const DesignFunctionUnsupervisedC &) Save to a stream.
Documentation by CxxDoc: Tue Aug 13 10:00:52 2002