Normal classes: HistogramC Histogram with discrete bins. RealHistogram1dC Create a histogram of real values. RealHistogram2dC Create a histogram of real values. Normal functions: operator <<(ostream &,const RealHistogram1dC &) Write to stream. operator >>(istream &,RealHistogram1dC &) Read from stream. operator <<(BinOStreamC &,const RealHistogram1dC &) Binary stream IO. operator <<(BinIStreamC &,RealHistogram1dC &) Binary stream IO. operator <<(ostream &,const RealHistogram2dC &) Write to stream. operator >>(istream &,RealHistogram2dC &) Read from stream. operator <<(BinOStreamC &,const RealHistogram2dC &) Binary stream IO. operator <<(BinIStreamC &,RealHistogram2dC &) Binary stream IO.