User Documentation
RAVL, Recognition And Vision Library
Ravl - Math - Linear Algebra

Matrices, vectors and operations on them

Normal classes:

 VectorC Vector of real values.
 VectorMatrixC A vector and a matrix together for n-D space
 MatrixC Matrix of real values.
 MatrixRUTC Right Upper Triangular matrix.
 MatrixRSC Positive Symetric matrix

Normal functions:

 SolveIP(MatrixC &,VectorC &) Solve a general linear system A*x = b
 Solve(const MatrixC &,const VectorC &) Solve a general linear system A*x = b
 SVD(const MatrixC &) Singular value decomposition, eg. M = U * D * V.T().
 SVD_IP(MatrixC &) Singular value decomposition, eg. M = U * D * V.T().
 SVD(const MatrixC &,MatrixC &,MatrixC &) Singular value decomposition, eg. M = U * D * V.T().
 SVD_IP(MatrixC &,MatrixC &,MatrixC &) Singular value decomposition, eg. M = U * D * V.T().
 EigenValues(const MatrixC &) Calculate the eigen values of this matrix, for real symmetric matrices
 EigenValuesIP(MatrixC &) Calculate the eigen values of this matrix, for real symmetric matrices
 EigenVectors(const MatrixC &,MatrixC &) Calculate the eigen values and vectors of this matrix, for real symmetric matrices
 EigenVectors(const MatrixC &) Calculate the eigen values and vectors of this matrix, for real symmetric matrices
 EigenVectorsIP(MatrixC &) Calculate the eigen values and vectors of this matrix, for real symmetric matrices
 MaxEigenValue(const MatrixC &,VectorC &) Get the maximum eigen value and its vector, for real symmetric matrices
 RandomMatrix(int,int,RealT) Create a random matrix of values between -scale and scale with the given size.
 RandomSymmetricMatrix(int,RealT) Create a random symmetric matrix of values between -scale and scale with the given size.
 RandomPositiveDefiniteMatrix(int) Create a random positive definite matrix.
 OuterProductRUT(const VectorC &) Return outer product of 'vec' as a right upper triangular matrix.
 OuterProductRUT(const VectorC &,RealT) Return outer product of 'vec' as a right upper triangular matrix multiplied by a.
 SolveIP(MatrixRUTC &,VectorC &) Solve a general linear system A*x = b
 Solve(const MatrixRUTC &,const VectorC &) Solve a general linear system A*x = b
 SolveIP(MatrixRSC &,VectorC &) Solve a general linear system A*x = b
 Solve(const MatrixRSC &,const VectorC &) Solve a general linear system A*x = b
 LeastSquaresQR(const MatrixC &,const VectorC &) Find a least squares solution to A*x = b
 operator <<(ostream &,const VectorMatrixC &) Writes the object 'vm' into the output stream.
 operator >>(istream &,VectorMatrixC &) Sets the object 'vm' according to the object saved in the input stream.

Advanced classes:

 TMatrixC Templated matrix's.
 TVectorC Templated vectors.

Advanced functions:

 operator <<(ostream &,const TVectorC &)
 OuterProduct(const Slice1dC &,const Slice1dC &) Outer product of two slices.
 OuterProduct(const Slice1dC &) Outer product of a slice with itself.
 MulAdd(const TVectorC &,const TMatrixC &,const TVectorC &,TVectorC &) Compute result = vec * mat + add;
 Mul(const TVectorC &,const TMatrixC &,TVectorC &) Compute result = vec * mat;
Documentation by CxxDoc: Tue Aug 13 10:00:52 2002