#line 1 "/user/cvsspst/ees1cg/RAVL/RAVL-0.7/Core/Container/DList/DLIter.hh" // This file is part of RAVL, Recognition And Vision Library // Copyright (C) 2001, University of Surrey // This code may be redistributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser // General Public License (LGPL). See the lgpl.licence file for details or // see http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html // file-header-ends-here #ifndef RAVL_DLITER_HEADER #define RAVL_DLITER_HEADER 1 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //! rcsid="$Id: DLIter.hh,v 1.11 2002/07/29 14:27:08 craftit Exp $" //! docentry="Ravl.Core.Lists" //! file="Ravl/Core/Container/DList/DLIter.hh" //! lib=RavlCore //! userlevel=Normal //! author="Radek Marik, Charles Galambos" //! example=exDList.cc // DLIterC is based on code written by Radek Marik. #include "Ravl/DList.hh" namespace RavlN { //! userlevel=Normal //: Double linked list iterator. // Note: This iterator holds a reference to the list it is iterating. // (Unlike some other iterators.) template class DLIterC { public: DLIterC() { place = &lst.Head(); } //: Default constructor. // Creates an invalid iterator. bool IsValid() const { return lst.IsValid(); } //: Is a valid iterator ? void First() { place = &lst.Head().Next(); } //: Goto first item in list. void Last() { place = &lst.Head().Prev(); } //: Goto last item in list. DLIterC(const DListC &nlst) : lst(nlst) { First(); } //: Construct an iterator from a list. // The iterator is placed at the first // element in the list. If there is any. const DListC &List() const { return lst; } //: Access list we're iterating. DListC Copy() const { return List().Copy(); } //: Make a copy of this list. operator bool() const { return place != &lst.Head(); } //: Is iterator at a valid position ? bool operator!() const { return place == &lst.Head(); } //: Is iterator at a invalid position ? void operator++(int) { place = &place->Next(); } //: Goto next element. void operator++() { place = &place->Next(); } //: Goto next element. void operator--(int) { place = &place->Prev(); } //: Goto previous element. void operator--() { place = &place->Prev(); } //: Goto previous element. void InsertBef(const DataT &dat) { place->LinkBef(*new DLinkDataC(dat)); } //: Insert data before current element. // if at the head of the list (i.e. operator bool() failes.) // then add at end. void InsertAft(const DataT &dat) { place->LinkAft(*new DLinkDataC(dat)); } //: Insert data after current element. // if at the head of the list (i.e. operator bool() failes.) // then add at begining. void MoveBef(DLIterC &it) { if(it.place != place) place->LinkBef(it.Extract()); } //: Move the list element indicated by 'it' to before //: the element in this list. void MoveAft(DLIterC &it) { if(it.place != place) place->LinkAft(it.Extract()); } //: Move the list element indicated by 'it' to before //: the element in this list. void Del() { RavlAssert(IsValid() && *this); DLinkC *next = &place->Prev(); DListBodyC::Delete(*place); place = next; } //: Remove current element from the list. // This moves the iterator to the previous element. // NB. The iterator must be pointing to a valid element.

// Because the moves the prevous element it makes it easy // to delete elements from a list in a for() loop. e.g. the // following will work correctly. //

    // for(DLIterC it(x);it;it++) 
    //   if(*it == 2)
    //     it.Del();
void DelMoveNext() { RavlAssert(IsValid() && *this); DLinkC *next = &place->Next(); DListBodyC::Delete(*place); place = next; } //: Remove current element from the list. // This moves the iterator to the previous element. // NB. The iterator must be pointing to a valid element. bool operator==(const DLIterC &oth) const { return place == oth.place; } //: Are these iterators equal ? // True if both iterators point to the same element // in the same list. False otherwise. bool operator!=(const DLIterC &oth) const { return place != oth.place; } //: Are these iterators unequal ? // True if the iterators point to different elements // in any lists. False otherwise. bool IsElm() const { return place != &lst.Head(); } //: Is iterator at a valid position ? // AMMA compatibility function, use cast to bool instead ie if(iter) {..} inline bool IsFirst() const { return &(lst.Head().Next()) == place; } //: Returns true if the current element is the first in the list. inline bool IsLast() const { return &(lst.Head().Prev()) == place; } //: Returns true if the current element is the last in the list. void Next() { (*this)++; } //: Goto next element. void Prev() { (*this)--; } //: Goto previous element. void NextCrc() { (*this)++; if(!IsElm()) (*this)++; } //: Goto next element. // If the next element is the head of the list, loop // back to the begining of the list. void PrevCrc() { (*this)--; if(!IsElm()) (*this)--; } //: Goto previous element. // If the next element is the head of the list, go // to the begining of the list. DLIterC &RelNth(IntT n) { if(n==0) return (*this); if (n > 0) while (n--) Next(); else while (n++) Prev(); return (*this); } //: Move to the n-th element from the current element. // The index 'n' can be positive, zero, or negative. // Particularly, the n = 0 means no move, // n = 1 means the move to the next element, // and n = -1 means the move to the previous element.

// Returns a reference to this iterator. DLIterC &Nth(IntT n) { if(n >= 0) { First(); } else { n += 1; Last(); } return RelNth(n); } //: Sets to the n-th element of the list. // The index 'n' can be negative. The first element of the list // has the index 0, the last element has the index -1. It does // not skip the head of the list.

// Returns a reference to this iterator. DataT &Data() { RAVL_PARANOID(RavlAssertMsg(IsElm() && IsValid(),"Attempt to access data from invalid iterator.")); return DLinkData().Data(); } //: Access data const DataT &Data() const { RAVL_PARANOID(RavlAssertMsg(IsElm() && IsValid(),"Attempt to access data from invalid iterator.")); return DLinkData().Data(); } //: Constant access to data. DataT &operator*() { return Data(); } //: Access data. const DataT &operator*() const { return Data(); } //: Constant access to data. DataT *operator->() { return &Data(); } //: Access member function of data.. const DataT *operator->() const { return &Data(); } //: Constant access to member function of data.. DataT &NextData() { RavlAssert(!IsLast()); return static_cast &>(place->Next()).Data(); } //: Access data following this element. // The iterator must not be on the last element of the list. const DataT &NextData() const { RavlAssert(!IsLast()); return static_cast &>(place->Next()).Data(); } //: Access data following this element. // The iterator must not be on the last element of the list. DataT &PrevData() { RavlAssert(!IsFirst()); return static_cast &>(place->Prev()).Data(); } //: Access data before this element. // The iterator must not be on the first element in the list. const DataT &PrevData() const { RavlAssert(!IsFirst()); return static_cast &>(place->Prev()).Data(); } //: Access data before this element. // The iterator must not be on the first element in the list. DListC Tail() { DListC ret; ret.Body().Head().CutPaste(place->Next(),lst.Body().LastLink()); return ret; } //: Clip out the tail of the list. // Return all of the elements after this element in the list. DListC Head() { DListC ret; ret.Body().Head().CutPaste(lst.Body().FirstLink(),*place); return ret; } //: Clip out the head of the list. // Return all of the elements before this element in the list. DListC InclusiveTail() { DListC ret; DLinkC *nv = &place->Prev(); ret.Body().Head().CutPaste(*place,lst.Body().LastLink()); place = nv; return ret; } //: Clip out the tail of the list including this element. // Returns this element and the following elements // from the list. The interator is left point to // the last element in the remaining list. DListC InclusiveHead() { DListC ret; DLinkC *nv = &place->Next(); ret.Body().Head().CutPaste(lst.Body().FirstLink(),*nv); place = nv; return ret; } //: Clip out the head of the list including this element. // Returns this element and the following elements // from the list. The interator is left point to // the last element in the remaining list. DListC Clip(const DLIterC &end) { DListC ret; RavlAssertMsg(&end.List().Body() == &lst.Body(),"Iterators must be from the same list."); DLinkC *nv = &place->Prev(); ret.Body().Head().CutPaste(*place,*end.place); place = nv; return ret; } //: Clip out section of the list // Returns the elements starting from this one to the element before // the end. This iterator is moved the previous element.

// NB. It is the user's responsibility to ensure 'end' is an // element following this element in the same list. protected: DLIterC(const DListBodyC &nlst) : lst(const_cast &>(nlst)) // A bit evil, but it make life alot easier. { First(); } //: Construct from a list body. DLinkDataC &DLinkData() { return static_cast &>(*place); } //: Access as data element. const DLinkDataC &DLinkData() const { return static_cast &>(*place); } //: Access as data element. DLinkDataC &Extract() { RavlAssert(*this); // Have to be at a valid element. DLinkDataC &cur = DLinkData(); place->Unlink(); place = &cur.Prev(); return cur; } //: Extract the current element, move the iterator back 1. DLinkDataC &ExtractNext() { RavlAssert(*this); // Have to be at a valid element. DLinkDataC &cur = DLinkData(); place->Unlink(); place = &cur.Next(); return cur; } //: Extract the current element, move the iterator to the next element in the list. DListC lst; DLinkC *place; friend class DListBodyC; #if RAVL_NEW_ANSI_CXX_DRAFT friend ostream &operator<< (ostream &strm,const DListBodyC &lst); friend BinOStreamC &operator<< (BinOStreamC &strm,const DListBodyC &lst); #else friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &strm,const DListBodyC &lst); friend BinOStreamC &operator<<(BinOStreamC &strm,const DListBodyC &lst); #endif }; } #endif