User Documentation
RAVL, Recognition And Vision Library
Ravl - Math - Geometry - 2D - Matrix2dC

Matrix2dC::Matrix2dC(const TFMatrixC &)
Matrix2dC::Det(void) const
FMatrixC::IsReal(void) const
FMatrixC::Inverse(void) const
TFMatrixC::Size1(void) const
TFMatrixC::Size2(void) const
TFMatrixC::Contains(const Index2dC &) const
TFMatrixC::operator [](const Index2dC &)
TFMatrixC::operator [](const Index2dC &) const
TFMatrixC::operator [](UIntT)
TFMatrixC::operator [](UIntT) const
TFMatrixC::Fill(const DataT &)
TFMatrixC::operator ==(const TFMatrixC &) const
TFMatrixC::operator !=(const TFMatrixC &) const
TFMatrixC::operator +(const TFMatrixC &) const
TFMatrixC::operator -(const TFMatrixC &) const
TFMatrixC::operator *(const DataT &) const
TFMatrixC::operator /(const DataT &) const
TFMatrixC::operator +=(const TFMatrixC &)
TFMatrixC::operator -=(const TFMatrixC &)
TFMatrixC::operator *=(const DataT &)
TFMatrixC::operator /=(const DataT &)
TFMatrixC::operator *(const TFVectorC &) const
TFMatrixC::operator *(const TFMatrixC &) const
TFMatrixC::TMul(const TFMatrixC &) const
TFMatrixC::MulT(const TFMatrixC &) const
TFMatrixC::TMul(const TFVectorC &) const
TFMatrixC::T(void) const
TFMatrixC::SumOfAbs(void) const
TFMatrixC::SumSqr(void) const
TFMatrixC::Limit(const DataT &,const DataT &)
TFMatrixC::SetDiagonal(const TFVectorC &)
TFMatrixC::AddDiagonal(const TFVectorC &)

2 by 2 matrix of real values.
include "Ravl/Matrix2d.hh"
User Level:Normal
In Scope:RavlN

Parent Classes: Methods:
Default constructor.

Matrix2dC(const TFMatrixC<RealT,2,2> & base)

Matrix2dC(RealT v00,RealT v01,RealT v10,RealT v11)

RealT Det() const
Returns the value of the determinant of this matrix.

#include "Ravl/FMatrix.hh"
bool IsReal() const
Test if matrix only contains real values.
This will return false if either nan's (Not an number) or infinite values are found.

FMatrixC<2,2> Inverse() const
Calculate the inverse of this matrix.
NB. This will only work for square matrixes.

bool InverseIP()
Calculate the inverse of this matrix in place.
Returns true if matrix was non-singular (i.e. successful inversion). NB. This will only work for square matrixes.

#include "Ravl/TFMatrix.hh"
SizeT Size1() const
Get size of matrix in the first dimention

SizeT Size2() const
Get size of matrix in the second dimention

bool Contains(const Index2dC & i) const
Test if array contains index i·

RealT & operator [](const Index2dC & ind)
Access item.

const RealT & operator [](const Index2dC & ind) const
Access item.

SizeBufferAccessC<RealT> operator [](UIntT ind)
Access item.

const SizeBufferAccessC<RealT> operator [](UIntT ind) const
Access item.

void Fill(const RealT & dat)
Fill array with value 'dat'.

bool operator ==(const TFMatrixC<RealT,2,2> & oth) const
Is exactly equal ?

bool operator !=(const TFMatrixC<RealT,2,2> & oth) const
Is not exactly equal ?

TFMatrixC<RealT,2,2> operator +(const TFMatrixC<RealT,2,2> & mat) const
Sum 2 matrixes.

TFMatrixC<RealT,2,2> operator -(const TFMatrixC<RealT,2,2> & mat) const
Subtract 2 matrixes.

TFMatrixC<RealT,2,2> operator *(const RealT & val) const
Multiply all elements of the matrix by a scaler 'val'.
put results in a new matrix

TFMatrixC<RealT,2,2> operator /(const RealT & val) const
Divide all elements of the matrix by a scaler 'val'.
put results in a new matrix

const TFMatrixC<RealT,2,2> & operator +=(const TFMatrixC<RealT,2,2> & mat)
Add another matrix to this one.

const TFMatrixC<RealT,2,2> & operator -=(const TFMatrixC<RealT,2,2> & mat)
Subtract another matrix from this one.

const TFMatrixC<RealT,2,2> & operator *=(const RealT & val)
Multiply all elements of this matrix by a scaler 'val'.

const TFMatrixC<RealT,2,2> & operator /=(const RealT & val)
Divide all elements of this matrix by a scaler 'val'.

TFVectorC<RealT,2> operator *(const TFVectorC<RealT,2> & mat) const
Multiply vector by the matrix.

TFMatrixC<RealT,2,MT> operator *(const TFMatrixC<RealT,2,MT> & mat) const
Mutiply two matrixes.

TFMatrixC<RealT,2,MT> TMul(const TFMatrixC<RealT,2,MT> & mat) const
Transpose this matrix and Multiply by 'mat'

TFMatrixC<RealT,2,NT> MulT(const TFMatrixC<RealT,NT,2> & mat) const
Mutiply this matrix by transpose of 'mat'

TFVectorC<RealT,2> TMul(const TFVectorC<RealT,2> & vec) const
Transpose this matrix and multiply by 'vec'

TFMatrixC<RealT,2,2> T() const
Matrix transpose.

RealT SumOfAbs() const
Return the sum of the absolute values of the matrix.

RealT SumSqr() const
Calculate the sum of the squares of all the elements in the matrix

bool Limit(const RealT & min,const RealT & max)
Limit all values in this matrix to between min and max.
Returns true if all values in the matrix are between the limits.

static TFMatrixC<RealT,2,2> I()
Create an identity matrix.

const TFMatrixC<RealT,2,2> & SetDiagonal(const TFVectorC<RealT,2> & d)
Set the diagonal of this matrix.

const TFMatrixC<RealT,2,2> & AddDiagonal(const TFVectorC<RealT,2> & d)
Add a vector to the diagonal of this matrix.

Maintainer:Charles Galambos, Created: 24/01/2001, Documentation by CxxDoc: Tue Aug 13 09:59:02 2002